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Sardo Numspar

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Posts posted by Sardo Numspar

  1. 14 hours ago, gino2paulus2 said:

    Got a couple books back from the Slaboratory and I am VERY pleased. I know the new slabs have been out for a bit but these books look so nice in them. Was very happy with the grades as well (i wrote down my guesses prior to and was within .5 on all of them which I guess isn’t hard with low grade books but still haha!! I had the BR at a 4.0/4.5 and it came back 4.5!!) I consider myself a very amateur grader with lots to learn but always fun to see yourself get close to what you expected. My only disappointed was the resto on the Prize and especially the PQ. I thought if any of these books came back even SB it would have been the Shield Wizard. I was able to flip through the Prize without issue. What gives I am not sure. Oh well it’s a rare purple cover with now a purple label so it’s color coordinated hehe!! Very happy with this small stack of funny books!!....



    Gino, awesome selection of books.  Every one of these is a rarity and gem.  Congrats on the wonderful editions to your outstanding collection.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Zolnerowich said:


    Thanks Josh! No worries -- I expected there to be a bit of a frenzy in the closing seconds. It's nice to know I had good company at the finish line.

    It is a beautifully presenting copy. I had a 2.5 that didn’t present as nice. The page quality is insanely excellent. It’s the perfect copy to own in my opinion.  Enjoy it!

  3. 59 minutes ago, JiveTurkeyMoFo said:

    So, the young, ever hopeful farm boy, the one who believed that the most vile and feared man in the Universe was not beyond redemption, (you know, the same one responsible for slaughtering younglings in the Jedi temple and for untold countless other deaths: Vader, in case you can't figure it out), decides the way to combat the "growing darkness" in his own nephew was to assassinate him in his sleep before  that evil could manifest?  The young Jedi who was willing to be killed by the Emperor instead of slaying his father out of hatred, out of anger, was willing to coldly murder his only remaining male relative, his own flesh and blood, because of what he could become, and then instead of fighting for his nephew's soul even after the incident at the temple, retreats to this forgotten planet to die in sullen disgrace?  (BTW, has anyone figured out why Luke left a map with R2 to this planet, if he didn't want to be found?)

    He never thought to confront Snoke himself to try and save Ben Solo?  He just...gave up and left?  The Luke Skywalker I grew up with would've rather died trying to save his nephew....the only thing this one knew how to do spectacularly was Quit. 

    Let's re-imagine the start of ROTJ with the same mindset.... Luke: "Jabba has Han in his stronghold as a wall decoration?  We have to infiltrate that place to try and get him back?  Meh...that sounds difficult...I won't bother.  I'm going to go pout about the fact my dad's a bad dude who wasn't there for me growing up.  Sniff"

    This might've been an acceptable Luke for the coddled, give-up-before-you-try, don't threaten my "safe space" Millennial generation, but not for me brother.   

    It's really no different then how Michael Bay transformed the life-loving, self-sacrifical Optimus Prime of my youth into a mindless executioner of other sentient beings in the films.  No, I take that back...it's worse.   At least the Optimus Prime of the Transformer's movies knows who his enemies are and confronts them in order to serve a greater good.  He doesn't retreat from the fight and gives a big finger to the galaxy in the process.

    So go ahead and excuse away this movie and what it did to one of the most beloved heroes of the 20th century...I don't think you are going to find many buyers for what you are trying to peddle on this Board.

    Exactly!! Haha, you’re the best George.

  4. My thoughts on this. (1) RP1 was an amazing and fun book. Lots of nostalgia. Not conceptually groundbreaking, but a great addition to slightly futuristic VR storytelling. Ernie Cline was born in ‘72, and this book clearly was a tribute to his childhood and that of most of us who grew up in the 80’s. (2) Armada was terrible. Complete ripoff of The Last Starfighter and Enders Game. (3) I worry for this movie. While Spielberg is Spielberg, there is just no way this movie can capture the scope of references and source material which made the book so special. Spielberg has already come out and said he is not going to canabolize his own IP with this. It cannot be made in one film.  It should have been made as an animated trilogy with more money spent securing IP rights.  I hope I’m wrong.

  5. On 10/3/2017 at 9:46 AM, combiner1 said:

    I noticed that too.... I didn't think they can do a site-to-site transport without going through the transporters...... BUT then again, I believe due to the nature of Discovery's mission, she would be fitted with advance and "questionable" technologies. Does this mean Discovery is a "black-opps" ship??


    I think Star Trek Discovery should be in the "movie timeline" (Kelvin Timeline) just how everything fits and bridge and ship design... it's a lot more edgier than the original timeline......

    I think you're guess is exactly right.  I believe Discovery is a Section 31 black ops ship.  Note the black Starfleet uniform emblems, the fact that the registry of the ship is "NCC 1031", the use of site-to-site transport at the cost of a suffering creature, and Lorca's ability to commission a convicted mutineer to become part of his crew.


    I loved the Easter Eggs in Episode 4.  When the computer was asked to list the most decorated Star Trek captains, the listed four captains on the screen were all captains of the Enterprise except for Georgia Phillipa (Captaion of the Shenzou). Robert April was established as the first Captain of the Enterprise in TOS, Jonathan Archer was Captain of the NX-01 (Enterprise series), and Christopher Pike was Captain of the Enterprise in the original pilot episode of TOS. 

  6. 11 hours ago, Robot Man said:

    Man! That's an incredible group. Every one of those are just impossible to find. I got my copy of that 4 Favorites from Terry as well. I never see those titles at cons any more. Congrats!

    Thanks man!  I got lucky for sure.   The 4 Faves was actually bought from Terry for me by a friend in Chicago, and I picked it up in Baltimore.  I don't think he was set up in Baltimore.  There were definitely hidden gems dispersed throughout the show.