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Everything posted by AJD

  1. It's generally accepted that Feldstein could be extremely verbose and, at his worst, force the artist to cram their work into very small panels. Yes, I'm a big EC fan, but there's no denying that. That's why my favourite EC stories are Kurtzman's war stories, where the art leads.
  2. We need to put two panels from this thread in the right order: One thing led to another..
  3. While we're on the topic of overrated covers... Daredevil Battles Hitler. OK, it's got Hitler on it, but otherwise it looks like a collage done by a high school student. opinion>
  4. I mostly agree with that, but I think Valor, Piracy and Aces High are good reading. Impact is spotty, with some good stories and bunch of ones. Even #1 is uneven, though Master Race is worth the price of admission. Incredible Science Fiction is really good value too (though I'm not sure it's strictly a New Direction title.) I'm not sure it was poor quality that did the New Direction titles in. My understanding is that Gaines simply got sick of dealing with the code, and took Mad off to magazine land so he didn't have to.
  5. Very nice indeed Ed. I agree that Extra is one of the least exciting EC titles, but that one is a beauty. I only have one, and I didn't enjoy the read at all, but I do like the cover.
  6. Well, now the commercial break is over ... let's get back to sharing ducks. Here's my latest. The tortoise keeps inching along, though it's slow going these days. I have my eye on another one finishing this weekend. We'll see...
  7. I just got a "red cross parcel" in from Heritage. It's a bit of a mixed bunch! Let's start off with the final issue of volume 1 of WDC&S: So much fun reading in these issues. Next up are a couple of GGA books. I've always liked this Rangers cover, and there's some cool artwork inside this one: And my first Fox book. I'm hoping this doesn't start something - I really don't want to find myself selling my car and dog to finish up my Weird Comics run. Finally, I could see myself collecting the Four Color series if I lived in the States. But the thought of finding and then paying the postage for 1,300 comics makes that a non starter. So I'll satisfy myself with a few subsets: ducks, possums ... and the Twilight Zone for now. This is the first issue, with some nice work by George Evans and Reed Crandall. Looking for a #1288 now
  8. That's a new one on me Cory. The art is charming, and I like the silhouette in the last panel. Unfortunately the story reads like it was phoned in...
  9. I was just going through a box I haven't looked in for a while and found some late run Dell WDC&S issues. I noticed the cover date on this one. Happy 56th birthday to WDC&S #238!
  10. You're right. You don't hear that much. It's a claim that's not without merit though.
  11. How has this thread managed to not include the EC war titles yet? I think Kurtzman's work never looked better than on these: And this Jack Davis cover was voted #1 war cover in a poll on these boards:
  12. This was intended to be a non-judgemental thread. But that was before I knew how wrong you were going to be. Pretty sure that's entrapment.
  13. Great idea for a thread! Ok, here goes. 1) Fletcher Hanks. His facial drawings remind me of the Larson cartoon about the many moods of your Irish Setter. Except that Larson can draw. 2) Basil Wolverton. His work looks like underground comics from 30 years later - and not in a good way. (Hey, Jon, wanna start a thread about unpopular opinions about underground comix?) Especially Mad #11 - only the completist in me allowed me to buy such an unattractive comic. 3) I'm with .5 on the 1940s Kirby. In fact, I love Kirby's work from 1961 to 1970, but can't warm to much before or after that. (Notable exception is the cover of Foxhole #1 from 1954) 4) EC horror comics (for the most part). I love ECs and have about 150 of them now, but only have a couple of the horror comics because they tend to go for the gross out factor at the expense of decent story telling. Thanks for the opportunity to vent.
  14. Hi everyone. I'm back with a small group of Australian Fiction House reprints I just picked up. Some interesting comics here. Let's start with Fight #8, which has the cover from Fight #62, though the stories are from other issues of Fight. All of these issues are the ' big Australian size' - they're about 3/4" taller than the US editions and about 1/4" wider. That doesn't sound like a lot, but they are noticeably bigger, which is kind of cool. Note that the Aus Fight #8 has 28 pages, compared to the US editions of 52. That seems like a bad deal, except that the cover price was sixpence (6d), equivalent to a nickle, so it all works out. But that meant that the Australian publishers could use one American issue to produce two local ones (allowing for an ad page or two). The only problem was that they needed extra covers. I think Australian artists were used to draw them, and perhaps in some cases (I think) trace them from images from inside FH books. The Australian Fight #5 is one of those, and I think the cover is great. The female figure is drawn in a very 20s/30s style, which I like. This Firehair #3 also has a cover that doesn't appear on the US editions. It's pretty well done as well: Interestingly, while looking over the US Fights on the GCD, I noticed this one - which might be the inspiration for the cover above (?): Also a big edition. My Firehair 14 (see earlier in this thread) is much smaller - about 1/4" smaller than American comics all around. Finally, I also got this Sheena. Another local artist creation (I think) but not as successful. While nothing is particularly well drafted, the lion has gone seriously awry... Loving these Australian books. But they suck and you should not buy them. (Unless I already have them - those ones are OK).
  15. Does it still have the poster? I see those in garage sales a bit, but they almost never have the poster.
  16. Chopped liver reporting for duty... As well as the cover proof, I also have a complete copy of #33
  17. I also have this early flag cover. I must scan it now it has been liberated back into the wild. Sqeggs: yes, I have a list of bonds covers. I'll bump the bonds thread and post the list later today.
  18. I have this early one in my war bonds collection. And I have the cover proofs for #33:
  19. Let's be clear - the covers are often wonderful. There aren't too many FH stories where I think 'wow, that was pretty good writing'.
  20. I only have two Rangers, a #26 and this one.
  21. I love those Dell New Year covers! Nice one Marty.