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Everything posted by 500Club

  1. Or Doc Ock since he's still trapped in Peter Parker's butler robot That's a good guess, too. The solicitation for ASM 18 involves the resolution of the Ock storyline. Interestingly, there's no ASM solicited for October (Marvel Now).
  2. I'd still characterize most of the XMen run into the early/mid 200s as above average. It's just that the sheer brilliance of the last two Byrne/Claremont years makes for a very harsh measuring stick. I did love Paul Smith's stuff. Makes me cry that he only lasted 11 issues.
  3. Byrne left, and Claremont's ADD had the run of the place. I do not think that most people realize the amount of influence to the story that Byrne actually contributed. Byrne was instrumental in shaping and directing the story lines. He took that excellence over to FF. After that, Claremont continued to come up with fantastic concepts and stories, but they became more and more disorganized, with plot threads and subplots left to dangle.
  4. Read Doug Sulipa's market reports in Overstreet. I can't recall exactly, but Marvel was around 2/82-6/86 and DC was 2/82 to 9/88 or so.
  5. Byrne left, and Claremont's ADD had the run of the place.
  6. This book is going to have a monster print run. Hope you're dead wrong about spec though... Character is created for Chinese market. If it catches on: BOOM! I bought in. I hope I am wrong too, but seeing Star Wars #1 like quantities, maybe just some smart stores, we shall see Hilarious. No. Not a good comparison. You just lost your credibility with that one.... No, he didn't. He's just offering an opinion, based on what he's seeing in the stores around him.
  7. Star Wars was Loot Crate and store exclusive skewed. I'm thinking like you; that 250K would be heavy numbers for this book.
  8. I remember realizing the run was going to be something different when I found myself reading a story where Bullseye (suffering from a brain tumor), sees every single person in the street as Daredevil, and goes on a killing spree. If I recall that was pretty early in the run, so it sort of set the stage for the darkness to come. Issue 169; Miller was finding his voice after being freed from co-plotting with Roger McKenzie.
  9. Thirty some years later, these pages are still burned into my brain. +1 This was the first Miller DD I'd bought. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before.
  10. Yes. But not you? Yes, I've read this series. That is why I'm questioning why there is more than a $4-5 value associated with these specific issues. There is nothing overly significant. It's a great series, but today that rarely equates to monetary value. Occasionally. American Alien saw a spike due to readership demand. Once it happens, though, the spec machine starts rolling, and the LCS bushes are beaten relentlessly for copies to free up on eBay. This usually quells some of the demand.
  11. New 52 got off to a roaring start, and then faded quickly.
  12. The more I read that the more I think its might be the classic 80s story from DC. I used to think the Darkness Saga was better, but the knife in the back from this story is just better. My brother and I were dying for the next issue when it was out. We were both X-men fans, but man Wolfman and Perez could tell a story. I just about fell out my chair reading the epilogue in NTT 34.
  13. Is Hastings still getting new books in? Is it still business as usual?
  14. Not an argument I'm too invested in, so we'll leave it there. My only key point is that once the hype machine rolls for a given book, usually that's the book. Maybe cameo/full IS a dead issue.
  15. I'm not sure the bolded is completely true, though some sports card mentality has begun to permeate the hobby. What I do agree with is the comment a couple of pages back, that stated that once the hype train has left the station for a certain book, it's pretty tough to go backwards. Right now, that certain book is 7. Then give a modern example of a non-first appearance that outsells the first appearance where the two books do not have a significant gap in print runs. The Walking Dead 132 and 138. Alpha is seen inside the book on #132 and on the cover of #138. It has been an seesaw battle as to which book is "the" book depending on the day. BigClutch stated that #132 was the issue. There isn't someone who would be a bigger authority on the subject short of Kirkman. Still, the books bring about the same $, day in, day out. There's a few gray areas. Kamala Khan. Superboy will be a fun one. Godspeed may as well.
  16. I'm not sure the bolded is completely true, though some sports card mentality has begun to permeate the hobby. What I do agree with is the comment a couple of pages back, that stated that once the hype train has left the station for a certain book, it's pretty tough to go backwards. Right now, that certain book is 7.
  17. It's a point worth considering. The Superman stable of characters has not been market significant for a long time. We'll see how this goes after a year of 'the next hot idea' chasing. I think this is one of the main reasons behind 'Rebirth'....inject some life into some dying DC properties. I think Super Sons will do very well. I'm quite interested. Could be a really good read. I'm always careful not to extrapolate what I think to the overall market, though. My personal views have landed me some unneeded stacks of books in the past.
  18. It's a point worth considering. The Superman stable of characters has not been market significant for a long time. We'll see how this goes after a year of 'the next hot idea' chasing.
  19. People like to collect things. To different levels, it seems like most people have an inherent psychological drive to accumulate.
  20. I am just driving home from that Jays game and have a few new grey hairs. Nailbiter is a cool comic; but not sure what 'jays game is or Orioles', something from black mask? Jays and Orioles both show up 162 times a year; that's about a century worth of production from Black Mask.
  21. nothing is guaranteed with pressing Apparently, nothing is guaranteed with sarcasm detection, either. On a different note, if you could press your 9.8 to a 9.9, I guarantee I'll give you $100.
  22. Whatever happened with this? How many Benjamins were you on the hook for?
  23. 1st app. Black Flash....... Copies have been snatched up all year. Gotta be fast. strong first appearance Cameo Hulk 180. Let the arguing commence.