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Everything posted by 500Club

  1. Yes. Currently, Hawkeye is an example. A year or two ago, Uncanny X-Force prices ran up, especially number four.
  2. but not from JL because from what I hear his raws are amazing I heard cats pee on them. Could be worse, though. Some eBay books, cats would be justified in trying to bury.
  3. Thanks for putting out a great series, and kudos to Image for a fantastic 2012!
  4. WD 101 Ghost cover was cool and unique. The problem with doing a Saga Ghost is that it's very tough to top FS's fabulous covers, IMHO (and no disrespect to Mr Pope) I am not a fan of the cover either. My comment was short, but my point was sort of like this: Saga's print run continues to climb, after the rrp, saga 7 ghost is the lowest print run on the book. For collectors who want to own the whole run, I could see this being a tough book long term. Right now its easy to get, just wondering other peoples take on availability. (value is sort of a secondary consequence of that). I agree with you on that, although it may be a couple of years going forward before we see it.
  5. WD 101 Ghost cover was cool and unique. The problem with doing a Saga Ghost is that it's very tough to top FS's fabulous covers, IMHO (and no disrespect to Mr Pope)
  6. In that case, I might have needed to call Nico to represent my case, as I believe he is a lawyer (surprised?). Probably wouldn't win any verdicts, but the courtroom drama would be worth it. Seth Yeah, might not want to get Nico involved here ... http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=gsidiropolis&ftab=AllFeedback Wow, this is sad. I hope the dude is ok, health-wise and all... This. Seriously. We all have a collective dislike for him, but this just isn't "normal". You don't just have someone all of a sudden not send any of his last ~10 items or so on eBay, plus his health was at risk if I recall correctly. As much as I enjoyed partaking in calling out his general stupidity, I really hope he's ok. +1 Nico was a bit off in some ways, but he was still a member of the collecting fraternity. Hope things turn around for him.
  7. We all kept buying hoping to see some resolution of the cool subplots that had been introduced.
  8. For me, things got really patchy after Mutant Massacre. The non-sensical storylines and sheer volume of unresolved plot threads began to increase. I think the back to back three part Brood and Genosha stories in the 230s was the end.
  9. +1 This book will sink or swim on its intrinsic merit.
  10. Phantom knocked me off my game for it. Phantom = Louisville.
  11. ^^ ^^ ^^ I disagree. Some of the series that I buy on a monthly basis were books that I didn't start getting into until the buzz started. It's similar to a show that has a small following and takes awhile to build an audience. Not only that, but the series can be discovered both digitally and in tpb form. And, if the book is good, and selling, then retailers should be adjusting orders. Yes, but we're obsessive about comics. We'll find a way if we want to read something bad enough. For the industry to grow, beyond just us obsessive dorks trying to keep it propped up, the average Joe needs to be able to walk into a LCS and find that comic he's been hearing about. By issue 3 or 4, there is no tpb, and digital comics are something that are still a niche for people who already regularly collect. If a regular BOOK gets a write up in the USA Today, you can go into your local bookstore and find a copy or go on Amazon and find a copy and pay a normal, usually discounted price to buy it and read it. If a comic gets a write up in USA Today, that thing will be nowhere to be found, or expensive to purchase. That doesn't bring in new readers. And that's what this hobby needs. I'll counter this with three points: first, unless the book is issue six or less, there WILL be a tpb for the new reader. Second, books are being reprinted - Saga 1 was in print until the tpb arrived. Third, the average Joe HAS been walking in and finding the books. WD tpb's have been a boon to LCSs. New readers are evident at every show I set up at.
  12. agreed. Image #1's were the things to pick up last year, not this year. There are no SAGAH's being released this year. I disagree! It's a little premature to state that somehow Image is done releasing quality books/stories. Saga IS a GREAT book but it's not the ONLY good book out by Image at this moment nor does it mark the end of great books for the coming year. At least there is a company out there that not only cares about the quality of the stories but also what they choose to print the material upon. Agree. Three weeks into 2013, it's a bit early to say we won't see any great books from Image. whoa whoa whoa. lets not confuse "great books" with "valuable books" they arent always one in the same OK. Three weeks into 2013, it's a bit early to say we won't see any valuable books from Image.
  13. agreed. Image #1's were the things to pick up last year, not this year. There are no SAGAH's being released this year. I disagree! It's a little premature to state that somehow Image is done releasing quality books/stories. Saga IS a GREAT book but it's not the ONLY good book out by Image at this moment nor does it mark the end of great books for the coming year. At least there is a company out there that not only cares about the quality of the stories but also what they choose to print the material upon. Agree. Three weeks into 2013, it's a bit early to say we won't see any great books from Image.
  14. ^^ ^^ ^^ I disagree. Some of the series that I buy on a monthly basis were books that I didn't start getting into until the buzz started. It's similar to a show that has a small following and takes awhile to build an audience. Not only that, but the series can be discovered both digitally and in tpb form. And, if the book is good, and selling, then retailers should be adjusting orders.
  15. Tough to say. Two have closed this month. One went out at $46 on the 15th or so, and another was bought as BIN for $85 a couple of days ago. Looks like interest is rising, but two sales is a pretty small sample.
  16. That 2nd print of #1 is a really tough book.
  17. I like the artist on Epic Kill. It doesn't look like he has equivalent writing chops, though.
  18. +1 Even a great mini like Severed has been left behind.
  19. I think we can talk about Saga AND about your fears of a bubble, Joe. Saga has heated up based on merit. Is it a bit frothy? Yes. Is the price escalation being fed somewhat by buyers of multiples? Yes. But, at the end of the day, I find some reassurance that there has been a reasonable degree of correlation between quality and price increases in the current market.
  20. You just keep grinding out reading, modern Marvel reader. It's noble work you're doing there. (thumbs u
  21. I alerted the mods to some posts I thought might violate the Board rules against advertising, trolling and personal attacks. Prepare to get shanked in the mess hall.
  22. Was it you who bought my 9.4? you had a 9.4?
  23. I don't know. If I were a LCS that is marketing a "connecting" comic with my Logo, why would I want to print more of one then the other? Don't I run the risk of irritating some collectors that will never "complete" the image? Sorry but I just don't see it happening... I'd tell you why, but I don't want to be the one responsible for eroding your 'Catcher in the Rye' worldview.