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Everything posted by kimik

  1. Looks like Shang-Chi 1 Ruan cover variant has some legs to it from this week's new releases.
  2. Good. There is still time to send in copies of Magnificent Ms. Marvel #13 before the show hype then.
  3. I really hope they get this adaptation right.
  4. Why not? You are leaving $tens of thousands on the table annually with that approach. As an example, I just sent in a modern straight submission from my spec plays. All hit 9.8. That took my Strange Academy 1 play from a $1000-$1500 profit play to a $5000-$6000 profit (or more when they finally announce a TV show or movie). Why leave that $$$ for someone else?
  5. Congrats on the sale, John! I guess you are paying for lunch tomorrow now.
  6. Look at the prices they are selling for on eBay. My guess is that you will be wasting your $$$ even if they are 9.8 as the profit margin will be the same as selling them raw.
  7. And neither do the vast majority of collectors..............
  8. I have not clicked on the books, but if the ones that are stated as 9.8 would come back as such that is a lot of money left on the table. Personally, if I owned them I would submit them myself to capture the max return.
  9. One does not simply submit to CGC and get service like that......................unless they are Greggy.
  10. How much does Marvel actually see from the tickets sold via the theatre? Eventually, their streaming service will end up being more valuable since the $$$$ go straight to them without the theatres taking a clip. And, more importantly, releasing via the streaming service will increase the number of subscribers who pay a theatre ticket price monthly that goes directly to them, not every 3 - 4 months. Remember, Disney does not foot the majority of production costs. That is covered by investors, government funds, and product placement. They are more responsible for the marketing costs, which are not that high relative to production costs. If they can go direct to consumers with a product that is financed by others through their own distribution channel AND make just as much or more $$$, why waste time with theatres? The way we consume media is definitely changing towards in home via streaming. That trend is not changing.
  11. GoCollect is like the OSPG. Use those prices when buying, and price at GPA or most recent eBay sales when selling.
  12. All of the content developers will be moving this way in the future. Why let the theatre chains take a piece of the action when you can get people to subscribe to your streaming channel and/or purchase the movie to stream instead? What Disney, AT&T and others should do is lower the price on ordering the movie early. Instead of $30, price it at $7.99 or $9.99. At that price point, significantly more subscribers will bite the bullet to see the movie upon release, and it will provide more incentive for investors to finance films. The point of a streaming service is recurring revenue. As long as investors can generate an acceptable rate of return then Disney/AT&T/etc. will be laughing - get others to finance the content that drives more consumers to subscribe to your platform while enabling you to keep a larger % of the PVOD take since there are no middle companies (i.e. theatre chains) in between. Heck, the investors may prefer this as well as they could end up negotiating a higher % of the return.
  13. This has so much potential. Awesome move by Amazon. Disney needs to do the same with Strange Academy.
  14. I have one or two I can sell to you at a discount.
  15. To a certain degree. In the end, if you take the time to carefully assess a book it is easy to spot 9.8s.
  16. Since so many boardies have been complaining about the Modern Grading, I decided to straight sub (no pressing/dry cleaning/etc.) a group of 23 books to check it out for myself. Received: 8/20/2020 Finalized/shipped: 9/23/20 Results: 23 9.8s out of 23 books submitted. If you take your time selecting books, you can still nail Modern 9.8s just as consistently now as we did when CGC started up 19 or 20 years ago. It was interesting to see that only 18 of my 50 Strange Academy 1s were worth subbing as potential 9.8s. There are a ton of minor production flaws in current Modern books that weren't as common even a few years back.
  17. The last GPA sale was $4800 so this is a nice step up for the Clink seller.
  18. Wow. Nice price on this GSX 1 in the current Clink auction: https://comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FSEARCH.ASP%3FFocusedOnly%3D1%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3Dx-men%26GO%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB%23Item_1424090&id=1424090&itemType=0
  19. The main value of the OSPG is in buying collections. I learned that lesson a decade ago when the owner got miffed I had brought a year old guide with me and he had a current one. There was no difference in the price we finally ended up at, but it was a lesson learned for me........ I have not opened my 50th edition yet, but the McFarlane cover is the reason I went for the HC edition.
  20. A TV show would be awesome. I am surprised Amazon has not scooped it up yet. This would fit with LOTR.
  21. I think a sequel will do better at the box office as the first one sets the stage decently for it. I was pleasantly surprised at how strong the cast was for the first movie. Hopefully they can bring most of them back for the next go round.
  22. I did not mind the first one. It was a decent fantasy film. A sequel could be fun.
  23. Take a closer look. The VF/NM to NM books looked closer to 7.0 than 8.0, and stuff in the boxes was worse than that.