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Everything posted by kimik

  1. WWBN #32 has always sold for me since I started doing shows in 1998. The book is harder to find in HG than some of the other Marvel BA keys since it was late run in a weak 70s title. It has followed the pattern of every other better Marvel BA key (GSX 1, ASM 129, MSpot 5) price-wise - they run up after Hulk 181 jumps. Now, it will get a boost from the TV hype, but it has been a higher value BA Marvel key for a long while now and a show cancellation will not change that.
  2. The magic of Disney at work means drek turns into cold hard cash.
  3. No worries. I was just confused as to your rationale for your comment since you are on top of the market. While I agree it had really nothing going for it for a long time, WWBN 32 has always sold for me since I started doing shows in 1998 or so. I think the two 80s series helped raise enough of of a profile that the character has a stronger fan base than expected. I will say this - it has always been harder to find in HG for me than other BA Marvel keys since WWBN was a dead title when it came out and the blue cover is similar to purple in showing any bends/creases. The time to buy it was before the end of last year, though, just like every other BA key not named IH 181 (except for ASM 129 - that play has been a dog so far).
  4. So......if the rumors re: Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie are true, which character does he get?
  5. I am not sure where you are going with this. WWBN 32 has been running up along with all of the BA keys (Marvel and DC) since the late 90s. WWBN has been following the same pattern as any other SA or BA key - steady growth after the gap ups, and a spike when the movie/tv appearance is confirmed. As we have seen the past 10 - 15 years, being able to carry a book does not matter when TV/movies are involved.
  6. Likely a pop this week and then a pull back price wise. TOD #10 hit $4K for a 9.4 the day or three after the Blade announcement. The last two GPA reported sales have been in the $2700 - $2800 range.
  7. As long as it was the palette that had the CGC 9.8 AF 15s in it all would be forgiven.
  8. Excellent. I have a CGC 9.2 WWBN #32 White pages undercopy in the Clink August Featured Auction.
  9. I thought they were going to get more reputable witnesses for the show this year..... I am just kidding. Thanks for doing this again, Marc. In case anyone does not know them, Marc and the Saddle City team are good to deal with.
  10. +1 Sony has the rights and it is their gamble to take. If Disney floated the idea of buying the rights back/buying Sony studios, then this is the correct way to play the game. Since Venom was a commercial success (the movie was weak otherwise), Sony has some leverage re: not needing Feige to generate $$$. They did the joint Spidey deal with the franchise was at a low point. Now that it has been revived a bit, and the Venomverse may have legs, Sony is in a better position to negotiate even on Spidey in the MCU. FWIW, I think this is great since it gives Marvel the opportunity to bring Reed Richards in as the Tony Stark linchpin for Phase 5. They can slow play the lead in to the FF all through Phase 4. Here is a comment I posted in a DM discussion with some other boardies that I would love to see: They would be better off introducing Reed Richards as a scientist/entrepreneur, building towards a cosmic radiation incident at the end of Phase 4 to launch the FF. In that final movie, I would also tease two young men named Erik and Charles talking to a young Jean Grey or Scott Summers and asking if they know what a mutant is in the end credits scene to launch the X-Franchise. Adding those two, plus a return of the Avengers in Phase 5, would likely break the box office bank.
  11. This is coming from a GenXer, not an old and out of tune boomer. How long ago did you suggest that? Way back in 2017 you could have loaded up on FF #48s for less than/the same price as FF #52. Which one is worth more now? As we discussed in the other thread, FF #52 had a nice jump and will plateau/gain in value very slowly going forward. FF #48 is just starting to hit the sizzle stage and is the better investment. While BP is a more popular character with the general public now than he has ever been, the market is saying otherwise when it comes to value of the two books. The time to load up on on Miles Morales was 4 or 5 years ago when the book had not taken its big jump. Even then, you would be looking at what, a $100 - $150 gain for 9.8s since 2016 average prices? While I agree that UF #4 will jump with a live action film, it has not been able to sustain the $500 average sales price level in CGC 9.8 yet. There were/currently are much better modern plays than that from a profit potential perspective.
  12. Damn. That would have been cool to see. I hope the show is rescued by the AT&T/WB/DCU streaming service.
  13. FF 48 hands down. Galactus will be a player in the MCU for the long haul, and then you have the SS first appearance to add to it. The Puppet Master is not quite at the same level......
  14. Not as much as FF #48 right now.......... The stupid thing on my part is at the time I did not have any copies of FF #48 in hand. I was about to say deal but then I tried to squeeze him for cash. Since I had already had a great show I was being greedy in trying to tilt things way in my favor and lost out on a great opportunity. Pigs get slaughtered was definitely true in that case.
  15. The cover for Batman #11 is out there someplace, right?
  16. I thought that WW 98 was one of the more desireable ones not that long ago?
  17. Buying it in January for a then GPA high was one of my better moves this year. Passing on a trade of my CGC 7.0 Hawkman #4 and CGC 8.5 ASM #129 for a CGC 8.0 or CGC 8.5 FF #48 last April at the Calgary Expo was not.
  18. I hope that you are right, and that at this time next year it is $20K+ instead.....
  19. So......are any out of Edmonton boardies coming to the show this year?
  20. I would take GL #87 cover over #85 from a significance perspective. 1st John Stewart is more significant than Junky Speedy.