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Everything posted by kimik

  1. I had been told a decade or so ago that someone who had moved from New York to California (police officer, if I recall correctly) owned most of the Adams DC covers. Is that still the story?
  2. +1 The only other Adams Bat/Tec cover that would likely sell for higher would be #227 IMHO. While Batman #232 is the more significant comic story-wise, #227 and #251 are more popular now due to the covers. This is good timing to bring the piece to market as well with the Joker movie coming out later this year. There has been a relative flood of Joker cover comics on the market as well.
  3. Oops. My mistake re: Zot. There was a $0.95 version of Funny Animals #1 or Zoo #1 if I recall correctly. I was scooping up Canadian Newsstand copies of anything in high grade 15 - 20 years ago and clearly remember that one. I sold most of them 3 - 5 years ago, but still remember that cover since it was one of the few funny animal books I came across. I will take a look in my remaining longs of CDNs to see if I still have it.
  4. Good luck with the grading. What are you hoping for? I will be down to just two copies of GSX #1 and no copies of X-Men #94 left after the current Clink August auction.
  5. I don't know if I still have them, but I used to have a funny animal Charlton and I think Zot #1 that were Canadian variants. They were $0.95, if I recall correctly.
  6. I agree it is worth $2 to read it, but buying them to resell later when you are retired at a higher price is not something I would bank on. Those books are even in the $1 and $2 at LCSs since they are so common in low grade. For every one or two that a dealer will move at $4-$6, it is not worth the storage cost. I see dealers all the time that have the same stock at shows year after year, some of it coming from my $2 boxes and 50% off GA/SA/BA boxes. They may just barely or may not cover costs, which is not worthwhile IMHO. FWIW, if you are a collector the 50% off GA/SA/BA stock that we (ClobberinTime Comics) have at the local shows is better than the good stock most other dealers have.
  7. Don't count on it. My guess is that those VG+ cheap SA DCs and Marvels will still be $1-$2 if you want to sell them. I have been selling at shows since 1999, and the price on low grade low demand SA and Bronze Marvel and DC titles has remained constant over the past 20 years. As the market moves more towards key/1st app/hot cover collecting only the demand for run books is dwindling. I put the common issues of pretty much every title into my 50% off boxes in sub 9.0 grades. If it is not worth slabbing, then it takes time to move.
  8. Agreed re: a lot of books not being worthwhile. My experience is that you are better off focusing on keys/1st appearances/classic covers than trying to sell a $2 bin book for $5. Blow out the cheap run filler stuff at shows and keep the better stuff from collections for the long haul. It is much less work, and the high demand books appreciate faster than the other stuff does. Besides, one long box of better books takes up way less space than 20 - 40 longs of drek.
  9. Wow. That sucks. I thought Season 2 was better than Season 1. Hopefully this lands on the AT&T/Warner streaming service instead. I actually think that SyFy is one of the channels that may disappear (or be acquired for pennies on the dollar) once the other networks do their streaming services. There is no need to send content their way once you have your own streaming play.
  10. It sounds like there is an alternate location, but my guess is this one is the easiest to access. FWIW, I would rather see them take the $1B and put it towards a telescope on the ISS or a sattelite. Or, why not just expand/replace an existing site with the larger telescope?
  11. Maybe, but it is usually much easier for a $3000 SA or BA book to increase $300 than it is for a $300 SA or BA book to double. FWIW, I am dumping all of my #180s now that they have had a nice jump. Luckily, I sold my nicely centred CGC 9.4 W earlier in the year when prices were still in the $2400 - $2500 range. Now it is selling in the $2100 range according to GPA. Buying whatever grade Hulk #181 I could have nabbed at the same price (looks like a CGC 7.0 at that point in 2018) that I bought the Hulk #180 last year would have netted me a larger profit (especially if I had sold in Sept 2018 like I did with the 7.0 Hulk #181 I had from 2017).
  12. Where did you nab these from? I had nice stacks of the same Wonder Woman and Batman issue in a collection I picked up a couple of years ago. I wonder if they came from the same source? Send me a PM if you would like to compare notes.
  13. The catalogs are a waste IMHO. I get them (as a comic auction bidder/buyer), and they go straight into recycle. It is much easier to just look at everything online.
  14. I am not so certain re: Hulk #180 being a better investment than Hulk #181. In 9.0+ grades, Hulk #180 is trending down now after a peak in prices early this year, while Hulk #181 keeps chugging along.
  15. I can see it now.......Disney presents the ultimate PC mutant team, Marvel's X-Genderless.......
  16. Don't believe the hype re: Greggy's mystery boxes. They were all drek.
  17. I have a slight correction above on your suggested books. While I understand and agree with your argument, your examples are a bit off. Since EOSV #2 in CGC 9.4 - 9.8 only jumped around $100 from 2018 to 2019 in each grade, you would have had to spend more time chasing 10+ copies to generate a respectable profit. Eternals #1 from 2018 to 2019 is a similar story in sub 9.8 grades, and if you bought MSH #13 last year to sell this year you sold for a huge loss - the CGC 9.4 $10,000 average from 2018 is now a $4,775 average in 2019. The time to buy these books was 2016 and 2017, which is when the rumors first started. Last year was a better time to load up on other BA keys after Hulk #181 topped $10K in 9.4 (although buying IH 181s in Jan - Mar 2018 would have netted you 100% by the end of the year). And FF #4 and #48 as well as early X-Men (due to Fox/Disney deal). Those were all books that a number of us speculated on in 2018 to sell in 2019 based on 1) movie/tv rumors and 2) the doubling of Hulk #181 floating multiple other BA key boats. That being said, buying a Batman #11 in the right grades could have netted a few $1000s as well. It takes a lot of $100 profits to add up to that.
  18. The JSC Mystery Boxes tend to be worth it.......
  19. I have found that LCS owners and dealers that complain about CGC have one thing in common - they overgrade their back issues. CGC has forced them to make a choice - complain about certified grading to continue their practices, or adapt and grade more accurately. Most stores here in Edmonton have adapted, with a couple buying presses to press their own books for the bins as well as CGC submissions (including one of the two LCSs that have been around since the 1980s - the owner said he took a pressing course). WRT internet sales, most of the stores sell online through a website or eBay, as well as send better graded stuff to the auction houses. Multiple streams of income help make ends meet.
  20. No worries. We will respectfully agree to disagree.
  21. ASM #300 and NM #98 are not exactly running up any further, and Hulk #181 is different case since it is the AF #15 of the BA.
  22. The problem is, BP is not considered a big key buy enough collector to run the price up. It is also readily available, unlike other keys. Even when the BP movie was coming/out, I had more requests for FF #48 at shows. The issue for the FF #52 is that it is readily available and most collectors willing to spend big $$$ chase FF #1, #5 (and now #4, I guess), #12, and #48 instead. Iron Man will drop back to a secondary character now that RDJ is likely done. Don't underestimate his impact on the popularity of the character. Replace him with a less suitable actor for the role and you have Captain America or Thor box office results. Marvel struck rhodium (most valuable precious metal currently) with that casting decision and it paved the way for the success of the entire Phase 1.
  23. You are totally dismissing the younger male collectors, Gene, and focusing only on my female collector comment. While Alberta may be an outlier, there is a large cohort of collectors younger than I am (born in 1975) that is driving the local market. Locally, the old farts (Gen X and boomers) are divesting keys/collections rather than buying them for the most part. I have posted on this numerous times over the past 15 or so years we have been debating this topic on the boards, but the new generation of collectors focuses on keys, not filling runs. We have repeat buyers that started as young as 13 snapping up keys and classic horror books to collect and for the crack/press/resub game. And, I need Karl to repost his "Girls Don't Buy Comics" meme, but there are a number of female collectors that do buy keys locally. Notice that I am not commenting on the OA market, which I have viewed as overvalued since I sold off most of mine a few years back. The OA game may be outpricing the market, but other than the top end GA keys, comics are way more affordable for collectors. A key SA art piece is worth several $10Ks, but outside of AF #15, you can still buy a decent low grade copy of any SA comic key for less than $10K (and BA keys for way less than that).
  24. FF #52 will rise much more slowly now that the big jump has happened, just like pretty much every other key that has had its initial movie run up. I can't see it overtaking any of the books you mentioned price/value wise, but definitely in sales volume. Despite what happens on the silver screen, BP is still a secondary property in the eyes of comic collectors who drive the prices.