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Everything posted by kimik

  1. You can definitely have them all (thumbs u , but unless they revamp the FF franchise somehow the significance of FF #1 will continue to wane with collectors. Right now none of my collector friends under 40 collect the title. It is ASM, X-Men/Wolverine or Hulk for them. FWIW, I am also a collector that would pay more for a Captain America Comics #1 than a Marvel Comics #1 since it has the 1st appearance of a key character rather than being the start of "Marvel" but having no other significance.
  2. Agreed, but they are both hokey for anyone that started reading comics in the late 80s! FWIW, FF #1 has been a stagnating SA book for a while now, and I think that over time this trend will continue as the concept is no longer top tier fare like it was in the 60s. Back then it was innovative, but now it is a 2nd or 3rd tier Marvel title.
  3. Second Wednesday in March. Trying to make sure all the reprints are in store before #4 hits, so that anyone new to the book is set when that one comes out. -e.s. Eric Stephenson Publisher Image Comics, Inc. www.imagecomics.com Aargh. I am torn about this post, Eric. While I appreciate that approach from a publisher's perspective, as a fan who recognized the quality of the book from the beginning I really hate to have to wait for all of the late comers to catch up.
  4. Ouch, I practically grew up on FF. It's such an ICONIC cover....how can you not want a copy for that reason alone? Wen I started reading/collecting comics in 1987 as a kid and Marvel fanboy it was Uncanny X-men and ASM first, followed by GI Joe and Transformers. The FF was a. Third tier title by then......just like today........If I wanted a Marvel SA key outside of AF 15 now it would be a Hulk 1 or X-Men 1, not a lowly FF 1. Besides, why buy the knock off (FF 1) when you can get the original, BB 28, instead?
  5. I had the same view on Spidey as well. I have owned a couple of AF 15s, but those came in trades and I flipped them right away as the $$ meant more to me than the character. This the reason I have never owned a copy of FF 1 - as a youth of the late 80s I could never understand why the old fart collectors showed so much reverence for such a weak title.
  6. Great point, Larry, especially since NWM is a better read.
  7. I am going to keep my DCBS orders of the #1 (3rd) and #2 (2nd) - with the discount it makes it worthwhile to stick with it.
  8. Just think how happy your fans would be.........
  9. Yeah, there will be a third printing of #2 and a fourth printing of #1. We adventurously sent Diamond 4k of the third printing of #1 and it looks like post-FOC we spiked to well over that. -e.s. Eric Stephenson Publisher Image Comics, Inc. www.imagecomics.com Great news and congrats, Eric. Now if it were only possible to have this book as a bi-weekly..........
  10. Maybe it's just me but is it possible that the bidder thought the #1 2nd print was actually thought bubble variant? That's the only explanation I can think of for someone to pay that much. There are current BIN that are much less than $130. Smart theory. You may well be right. The auction even refers to it as a Nowhere Men #1 "Variant" rather than a 2nd print... there's a grain of truth there I guess, but it does seem like in this context that that wording could lead someone down the wrong path. Let's just say it won't be the first time someone bought the 2nd print as the Thought Bubble Variant based on eBay auctions when #1 2nd came out......... That being said, the three LCS owners I talked to last week said NWM was being added to a lot of files over the past week. In two of the stores they increased orders of #3 substantially and sold out before noon on the day of release (10:00 am openings). The other store is small and only orders 10 copies of each Image title, except for Walking Dead as he has a lot of files with it, and while there are Sagas and other titles on the shelf his NWM #3s were gone before I got there (he set one aside for me thankfully). It is a good read so far, and if they can keep up the momentum the prices could get even sillier.
  11. buy it now, and from a very inexperienced looking buyer. The best type, provided they are for real.
  12. All I can say is WOW! Nowhere Men #1, 2, 3 and 2 2nd print variant
  13. All I can say is WOW! Nowhere Men #1, 2, 3 and 2 2nd print variant
  14. I am sure that it beat it box office numbers wise, but from all accounts I have read hear and heard elsewhere the Amazing Spider-Man sucked verily much. That is what I am referring to. GL was a dud because of the way they did it. IF they had just followed the Emerald Dawn storyline more closely as an outline AND looked at it as the start of a multi-movie property it would have been fine. Instead, they tried to add in a bunch of other concepts to set up the Hal vs. Sinestro battle in movie 2 and failed. All they had to do was follow the character development from ED to start off with, introduce battle some "yellow" bad-azz that was tied to Parallax, Hal gets his ring like in ED (much cooler IMO), then have Hal engage baddie, go to Oa, and do a final battle there. Hector Hammond should have been introduced as a bit player in the first movie to set him up for the second or third one. I would have had Parallax mentioned at the end with the Guardians showing "fear" after recognizing a disturbance in the "force", err.... emotional spectrum, similar to how Thanos was hinted at but not shown until the end of the Avengers.
  15. Wouldn't the Spider-Man relaunch be considered the least successful post-IM Marvel flick? I disagree re: DC heroes being too hokey for the big screen - they just need to be handled properly. Even Superman can be successful if done the right way. They just need to look at them as a multi-movie story arc that builds the character along the way rather than one offs.
  16. It is interesting to see how little attention is paid to the New 52 Batman run in this thread currently considering the auction results for #1 and some of the other early issues that can still be found for cover at LCSs. Check out Batman #8 right now as an example........
  17. It is only nuts if you are buying. As a seller, I say bring it on!
  18. For cover price ?...Absolutely ! Yes. Looks like I will have to make another trip there shortly, unfortunately.......
  19. Here is a pic - sorry for the angle, but this site is not letting me load the horizontal image. They had some additional copies but I passed on anything with color breaking spine dings. Looking at eBay, I take it that I should go back for the nice copies of #1 (5th print) now as well.........
  20. Hit a LCS today and was pleased to find that they had put some more Saga overstock on the shelves. I snagged 5 more copies of #3 and #4 1st prints, and 4 more copies of #8. Interestingly, they only had 2nds of #2 and #5 (probably because I had previously snagged the 10 or so they put out ), but no copies of #6 1st or 2nd. They also had a small stack of #1 5th prints on the shelf - is it worth picking up as well?
  21. I just had five copies snapped up at the $39.99 BIN apiece on eBay tonight. (thumbs u
  22. Getting rid of my stash come issue #4 gonna keep the signed copy and frame that sucker. I think it has longer legs than that based on chats at three LCSs last week. At all of them the owners said they had a ton of requests to add it to files by customers. All stores bumped up their orders from #1 - #2 - #3, and #3 sold out within the first hour on release day..........
  23. Definitely. I thought #1 was interesting, and after I read #2 I placed an order for more copies of #1 with Midtown.
  24. Are Borderlands Origins #2 and #3 worth picking up for cover? One of the LCSs has a copy or two sitting on the shelf.
  25. I think that retailers can still re-order the #2 (2nds). Check with your LCS.