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Everything posted by kimik

  1. But GL #1 has a better cover so it is a moot point.
  2. Well that's what happens when everyone & their mother wants a piece of the pie. And there's not enough pie... Don't go against a freight train...join the wild ride and you shall have some pie. I like pie.
  3. Wow - $1395 for a 3.0? I can remember when 5.0s were going for not much more than that way back in summer 2009.
  4. Looks like it has decent page quality, though........
  5. Gator, what do you think of the selection of books in the November Heritage auction? How high will the sweet Tec #27 7.0 go?
  6. My name is Ryan, and I am a GL addict.............. I blame it all on John/piper for selling me back some GLs at the end of August including a SC #22. Recent purchase #1 (kryptospidey) Recent purchase #2 (BrianHoward) Recent purchase #3 (piper) Recent purchase #4 (piper)
  7. Congrats on the nice looking 5.0. (thumbs u
  8. Good plan - you should be able to snag a nice copy after the movie hype dies down, but it might cost a bit more than last year. My guess is that prices will not pull back too much from the current levels if they have another good run up early next spring. FWIW, if you want to speculate on the movie hype you might want to look at a mid grade copy of GL #1 instead. It has not had the big run up that SC #22 had, but it should get dragged up with the movie hype as well. Finding a copy in 6.0 or better is not as easy now as a year ago, but there are a few available every now and then.
  9. Not sure. In lower grades I don't think it has as big a price impact as in higher grades, but I could be wrong.
  10. The buzz I have been hearing is this movie is going to good as in blockbuster good! Should be interesting in another six months if that will have any or no effect. Are you one of the boardies who is connected to the movie industry? If yes, any other tidbits you can share about it with us peons?
  11. Interesting recent 2.0 sale. I guess prices are still holding fairly well at the low end?
  12. I say a good far scan will get you a F/VF. It will be a fuzzy pic from my camera............no supersize pics available either.
  13. This one looked a bit better than a CR/OW I have in a side by side comparison of the edges so . If it does come back lower than that, I am going to take advantage of the low listing fees and list it as an "eBay VF to NM copy".
  14. That is the idea. It will be off to Sarasota for hopefully an upgrade and PQ bump.
  15. Just got one in again. It will be here for a good time, but likely not a long time! It was essentially a loaner copy that I bought, sold to another boardie, and have recently repatriated.
  16. Looks like it might be a good time to pick up a copy or two of SC #22 for the movie run up next year.............
  17. Sweet books, and a fellow Canuck as well.
  18. Hopefully he posts a response here later today. The response is that the owner was willing to sell the B&B 28 but was not willing to sell the Adventure 247. Knowing who the owner was, probably a wise move timing wise. (thumbs u
  19. Hopefully he posts a response here later today.
  20. The problem with SC #4, unfortunately/fortunately depending on where you sit, is that the prices are already starting from a high base. There is not as much room to run up with that book as there is with Flash #105 (judging by your name, you probably have that taken care of (thumbs u ). In addition, I think that the early SA Flash books have already had their big run up (Tim, please correct me if I am wrong here). And, we have already seen the sell off of HG Flash runs from some of the big DC SA collectors over the past couple of years so the prices might have a hard time going up a lot from here. There have also been more HG copies of early SA Flash issues added to the census as well. Mind you, the same thing has happened with a lot of other SA DC titles as well as the number of copies has increased but the number of deep pocket collectors does not appear to have kept pace.
  21. I don't think it would have but you never know. For sure SC22 is more valuable thatn Flash 105 now and it still is ranked lower in the OSPG. It depends. That sale was last summer, right? If yes, that would have put it smack dab in the middle of the first SC #22 run up. Hard to say. In the same way that the laws of physics don`t work the same at the sub-atomic level, the laws of comic book pricing don`t always work the same at the six-figure level. When the Law of Multiples Extrapolation runs into the Law of Big Numbers, the Law of Big Numbers tends to win out, which helps to explain in part why the 9.6 Showcase 4 went for so cheap. I agree, but it seems like SC #4 is in a downswing while SC #22 is on the rise. I figured that the #4 would top $200K due to its significance, but it did not. Due to the GL movie, there may be more people willing to chase SC #22 rather than SC #4. In the case of #4, if it were to come to market again now (we know that it likely will not resurface for a while), I think it would have a hard time reaching the price Mark paid for it last year. Maybe a Flash movie would change that, but right now all of the momentum is on the side of SC #22. If that were to happen, it would be the equivalent of the time Detective 27 surpassed Action 1 for one brief shining moment in the late 1980s, thanks to the unexpected mega-success of the first Batman movie. I have no doubt that people in the long run would come to their senses and put Showcase 4 back up where it belongs. Also, I think the 9.6 Showcase 4 sale was an aberration, so I wouldn`t read too much into it. The 9.4 copy sold for around $150K, if I remember correctly, which was about where several seasoned collectors predicted. I think the correct price for the 9.6 would be somewhere around $200K or higher, and the winning bidder might very well have been willing to go higher, but for some reason no other competing bidder emerged. Also, SC 22`s price has been driven by speculation and the realization that it`s genuinely hard to find in any kind of decent grade--much harder than #4. If copies also existed in 9.2, 9.4 and 9.6 like #4, I don`t think the 9.0 copy would have gone for nearly as much. Would the 9.4 SC #4 hit that price now? I doubt it with the 9.6 out there. I would say that the price paid for the 9.6 was more a sign of the current interest level in the book rather than an aberration. The Flash is not a truly top tier DC property any longer. I look at it as the DC equivalent of FF #1 for Marvel. Start of the DC superhero SA, considered the first SA key by fanboys in the 60s and 70s (silly boomers ), but now the Flash and FF are much less important/popular characters. However, FF #1 benefits from being the 1st SA Marvel which means a much larger fan base considers it important relative to SC #4 so its high end prices likely have more staying power.
  22. I don't think it would have but you never know. For sure SC22 is more valuable thatn Flash 105 now and it still is ranked lower in the OSPG. It depends. That sale was last summer, right? If yes, that would have put it smack dab in the middle of the first SC #22 run up. Hard to say. In the same way that the laws of physics don`t work the same at the sub-atomic level, the laws of comic book pricing don`t always work the same at the six-figure level. When the Law of Multiples Extrapolation runs into the Law of Big Numbers, the Law of Big Numbers tends to win out, which helps to explain in part why the 9.6 Showcase 4 went for so cheap. I agree, but it seems like SC #4 is in a downswing while SC #22 is on the rise. I figured that the #4 would top $200K due to its significance, but it did not. Due to the GL movie, there may be more people willing to chase SC #22 rather than SC #4. In the case of #4, if it were to come to market again now (we know that it likely will not resurface for a while), I think it would have a hard time reaching the price Mark paid for it last year. Maybe a Flash movie would change that, but right now all of the momentum is on the side of SC #22.
  23. I don't think it would have but you never know. For sure SC22 is more valuable thatn Flash 105 now and it still is ranked lower in the OSPG. It depends. That sale was last summer, right? If yes, that would have put it smack dab in the middle of the first SC #22 run up.