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Everything posted by comicnoir

  1. Ppl were posting their copies of TR13 and I'll repost mine. I always thought the cover was striking when I first saw the Crippen copy on Ha. I bid aggressively and won. the stylization of design was unique to the previous issues. Her thought balloons seem to form a heart.
  2. I know... I remember. Heh Heh Heh! I think I got onto Baker waaaay too late to have much hope of completing my collection. Just relax and enjoy the ones you have.
  3. My first Teen-age Romances. Bought it for $5.00 @ my LCS.
  4. Whoa, you don't see that everyday, in that condition.
  5. I remember owning a real purty copy and deciding I didn't need it. Took me forever to sell and it went cheap. Now looking at yours makes me want it back.
  6. This ended last night. Even RM's are commanding $$$. Went to my CC bids and saw a cgc 6.0 went for $36.00 a few years back. Those were the days. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=310886764215&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBUAA:CA:3160
  7. My Diary Secrets 24 arrived this weekend
  8. MM is an icon (overused word, I know) whose movies and presence past the test of time. Everybody knows who she is, regardless of age. I remember seeing my first MM movie as a kid knowing she was dead going, "what a waste".
  9. Holy rat cakes!!! Somebody really wanted that one! (Of course, TAR 12 is practically as scarce as issue 9, which routinely sells for a lot more than that... ) I know, it's a tough one. That's why I was so happy to find a copy in a dealer's bin for $50.00 several years ago.
  10. Did anyone see this? I know at least one of you did. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=111288401975&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBUAA:CA:3160 Happy to already own one.
  11. Still looking for that elusive -- and expensive! -- WTR 3. Mine is detached from the spine and I somehow think this will be the copy I keep as I'm quite sure to upgrade could set me back multiple hundreds. Don't mean to rub it in, but here's my copy again.
  12. Thanks. The checklist in the Art of Glamour book doesn't attribute the cover to Baker. The main panel is in an unusual style. The two smaller panels -- particularly the bottom one -- seem more clearly Baker to me. The main drawing was done on textured board, which Baker did one other time. My copy would be high grade if not for a small splash of paint on the cover. DS 12? 13? You're right it's both 12&13. I have a 12, but I need a 13.
  13. Thanks. The checklist in the Art of Glamour book doesn't attribute the cover to Baker. The main panel is in an unusual style. The two smaller panels -- particularly the bottom one -- seem more clearly Baker to me. The main drawing was done on textured board, which Baker did one other time. My copy would be high grade if not for a small splash of paint on the cover.
  14. Joanna makes a guest appearance in her own thread. How about the TR 9? Lot of talk about that lately. Tough? How long did it take to get yours?
  15. I didn't notice it either. Is there a way easily to distinguish the original from the reprint? for one thing the originals are always in krappy condition and the reprints are perfect, (except for mine that got water on it).
  16. Do we know for a fact that's what happened? If so, how? I thought someone pointed out the 6.0 was never on the cgc census do to a misspelling on the label. It is in the census, but under the misspelling. The 7.5 is a different book. You're correct. Okay, that's interesting. Was the 6.0 the highest graded when it sold? Or was the 7.5 already on the census? Anyway, we might find both copies of TR #9 pressed, cleaned and resubbed in a race to see who owns the biggest D*ck. 6.0 was the highest when it sold.
  17. Do we know for a fact that's what happened? If so, how? I thought someone pointed out the 6.0 was never on the cgc census due to a misspelling on the label. It is in the census, but under the misspelling. The 7.5 is a different book.
  18. Does anyone remember superninjamaster? I think he was auctioning off Bakers and other stuff in 07/08. I got my TPL 11 from him, plus a few others, but not much, since bidding was always fierce. That's where I first encountered Joanna, since we were bidding on the same books. Then Steve (eccomic) pointed out a Baker romance thread on the boards. I mentioned this to Joanna, she said "that's me, I'm JvR11" and here I am.
  19. Here's my 7.5 No rust, just a lot of love.
  20. No, because I haven't seen many. I own one and any others have been rags. I'm in Canada so I don't get to a lot of American shows.
  21. You want rare Baker? Try this on for size. http://comics.ha.com/c/item.zx?saleNo=121410&lotIdNo=48003