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Everything posted by deathlok

  1. another pedigree bump. This was a fairly cheap BIN on Ebay.
  2. deathlok


    Well done, xo! You got a thick skin and a good sense of humor: things that will make a you major target here!
  3. deathlok


    OMG I re-read this thread again from the beginning. MY sides hurt from laughing so much. This thread is by far one of the funniest in a long time.
  4. deathlok


    Sorry Red, maybe like this.
  5. deathlok


    Okay, excuse my crude drawing as I instruct you in this. 1. Fold side "A" inside box, ensure that it fits securely. 2. Fold sides "B" and "D" flat against side "C" 3. Fold sides "B", "C", and "D" up. This forms the bottom of the carton. 4. Place carton on flat surface. 5. Position side "B" up against the opposite carton wall. 6. Position side "D" up against the opposite carton wall. 7. Push side "A" downward against the bottom of the carton.
  6. deathlok


    , possibly one of the funniest posts I have seen on here in awhile.
  7. He's been on a real tear lately. Yeah, but he's a DC guy.
  8. Yeah, Rocketeer outbid me on the AT25.
  9. Egads, this thread was ousted to the 3rd page. Here to bumping it up to the front. Recent Ebay win:
  10. Obviously MK you feel the need to hide behind shills. You wouldn't be able to decipher one of my posts if you spent years reading it. Just from your post I can tell you know nothing about me. Keep going sherlock. BTW why don't you bring back ClarkKhaos.
  11. You will be looking for a long time if you want to find one of those gems. They are very rare....I heard the print run was super low. I'm pretty sure BassGMan was kidding there! It's a little bit of April in December! Actually I wasn't. Didn't look closely enough at the number. Looks kinda' funny. I've just never seen this cover before. What is it actually? for the slow people in the audience.
  12. Welcome to the Boards! It's alot of re-hash. Get over it.
  13. See you I have no problem with Banner, so it would seem odd that you would align yourself with such trash. The only thing I can do is present what happened and you can judge for yourself. I guess Hammer paved the way for others to swindle the board as they please. You don't have to present anything to me, I was there waiting for the books, I was interested, I emailed him, Sterling changed the method by which he chose to sell the books, we were disappointed he didn't list them here first, I bid on a couple on ebay but didn't win any as the prices were too high for me personally, and that's the end of story. How did you get so bitter about it? It's just not that big a deal...I suggest you let it go. See Banner, that was a reasonable response. I can appreciate your level-headedness in this matter.
  14. See you I have no problem with Banner, so it would seem odd that you would align yourself with such trash. The only thing I can do is present what happened and you can judge for yourself. I guess Hammer paved the way for others to swindle the board as they please.
  15. Who can truly understand what goes on in the mind of a shyster. My problem with sterling is that he told the board he was going to sell them here. Then he changed his mind and said he was going to sell them on his website. All the while he won't say what books he will be selling nor what condition they are. He just says he is scanning them in. So the process he went through to sell the books took several weeks, even though it was an emergency. So now sterling claims he had additional resources for the money, and the auctions were not needed as much. He just claims one lie after another. Isn't he allowed to change his mind? Maybe he hadn't thought through exactly what he wanted to do. I don't necessarily read dark motives in his actions. But then I didn't see all that transpired. Maybe the situation changed while he was in the process of selling them. He knows what he did, as do several other people who caught onto what he did. He is allowed to change his mind, but he did this twice and led the board to believe he would allow them first dibs. He finally chose not to do this but instead just listed them on Ebay with reserves higher than market value. Taken as a whole it is shady and should have been brought to light before this.
  16. Who can truly understand what goes on in the mind of a shyster. My problem with sterling is that he told the board he was going to sell them here. Then he changed his mind and said he was going to sell them on his website. All the while he won't say what books he will be selling nor what condition they are. He just says he is scanning them in. So the process he went through to sell the books took several weeks, even though it was an emergency. So now sterling claims he had additional resources for the money, and the auctions were not needed as much. He just claims one lie after another.
  17. I'm not dishonest. I think your attacks shouldn't be tolerated on this board either. You're not dishonest? Did you not say that would be your last post on the subject? So apparently you lied about that also. How can you be trusted about anything? Next you will storm off the boards in a grand drama queen exit, only to appear days later. Sound familiar to anyone?