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Everything posted by spreads

  1. Perhaps CGC should not answer phone calls directly and instead just play Tom Petty's waiting song on a perpetual loop...
  2. You should have punched these guys in the face, or come to me and I would have. FYI, FC had some amazing prices - no further discount required, it doesn't matter if you were buying a stack or not, re-selling or not. How often do you go to a show and see a comic book with a 'free' sticker?
  3. Why are you assuming this service isn't better or that this individual isn't garnering more business? You've made two assumptions here. There is a local facebook group, where there is at least one known name that everyone is promoting as doing excellent work. This is one example, I'm sure there's dozens out there. My point is CCS isn't going to expand their business with 'fast track' time periods of 8 weeks when there are qualified alternatives out there.
  4. That's brutal. They're missing out on a lot of business to local competitors offering much quicker turnaround times....
  5. I hear this more and more, people opting for private pressing/cleaning services because the wait lines are so bad at CGC...I have a small stack of books I want pressed and might have to look at fast tracking them just because I don't want to wait another 3-4 months after I pay them to get the books back.
  6. No one really knows....let me give anecdotal evidence. This past weekend I saw a good collection of comics, I was very very close to buying it but couldn't quite work out a dealer with the seller. He ended up meeting the books from a larger out of town dealer that met him a distance away. The point is, he tried to list this collection in 2012 and said no one (or very few) people were as interested in it compared to now. Locally I've noticed there is a lot more competition for collections, and the individual buyers more and more seem to be flippers. For these key books from the bronze/silver/copper era I don't think the market could be manipulated by any one individual or group of individuals....at least not in anything but the shortest of time periods.
  7. For the past four weeks I was basing my comments on turnaround times, because CGC told me they were received on Feb 8th when they were actually received just now from CCS. So I guess ignore all those posts!
  8. If that happens, then god help us all....I think that would be the moment in time when we can pinpoint the collapse of the comic back issue market!
  9. I'm not comparing projected demand, where did I say that? Currently we're talking about a book that's a third-tier Marvel superhero with limited publishing history, selling for comparable amounts to B level characters. What's next, this book will sell for what the first appearance of Ghost Rider is selling for?
  10. It has nothing to do with scheduled service times, this is about contacting CGC multiple times and being given different answers by different people (both by phone and electronically). They should have consistent messaging and if their customer service is unable to provide the answers, they should spend some time on training.
  11. What is going on with these guys? I just received an email for my Feb. 8th books that the books were received, dated March 25th? So I have two automated emails for the same invoice, about 6 weeks apart? What irks me is that I called them and emailed them, and both responses I received from CGC was that it takes about 4-6 weeks and they should be graded shortly when it looks like the books were sitting in limbo probably on the floor being stepped on.
  12. I had a copy that I haven't been able to sell locally for the longest time at $35, better change that sticker!
  13. I'm not saying this is an exploitation of Iron Fist, I'm comparing Iron Fist because it's the first appearance of another Marvel superhero around the same time period. I'm not going to compare this comic to Marvel Spotlight 5, WW32, ASM 129, etc. because all those comparisons would be a complete joke.
  14. Let's put this in a relative scope, the long term values of all comics are based on a variety of factors I asked if this book should be selling for more than MP #15 - First appearance of Iron Fist. And it currently is at those prices, is that sustainable? This is the best way to evaluate how 'big' this book can be, first appearances of Marvel's other bronze age superheroes. This isn't a title like Ghost Rider with a strong following and long publishing arm, this character has been pretty dead for awhile....
  15. I don't think these 9.8 prices are sustainable at all, this is just not a popular character. We all know speculators drive a lot of the market for books but at least with other characters, like Iron Fist, there's a bit more interest in the character. We'll see, maybe I'm wrong and in a 1-2 years the book in 9.8 and 9.6 will be selling for more than where it is now but I doubt it.
  16. Alright....I mean, what price do you guys expect this to go to? Good luck I guess.
  17. Since you have 10k posts, most of them subjective nonsense, you should think twice about commenting on someone's 'time'. Just post the damn facts, you're one post of credibility away from not having to change your username.
  18. I'm not talking about pressing, I'm talking about received/grading. I have a batch of books that have been at CGC's headquarters since Feb. 8th, still showing as 'received'. Even if the status hasn't changed, the books are at the top end now of the 4-6 week period....whereas your books were graded in less than the 4 week period.
  19. Biding your time when the last sale was $3500, are you crazy? What do you expect to get out of this....first appearance of Iron Fist GPA is less than $3500, do you think it's worth more than that? Man even at $2500 I'd be doing
  20. Agreed. Let's see some type of evidence Jaydog, this is your chance to improve on that 0% credibility you've worked so hard to achieve.
  21. Can you break down the dates for each service....I want to know how these books compare to mine. Here's an detailed description from CGC....don't ask me why this respondent replied to the same invoice twice with a slightly different response.... For invoice 2017332, we received this submission in CCS for quick press on 01/30/19, and this service is running an approximate 8-10 weeks, it transferred over to CGC for grading on 02/08/19 and the Modern tier is running an approximate 4-6 weeks. For invoice 2022196, this was received in CGC for Pre-screen Modern grading, and this tier of service is running an approximate 6-7 weeks For invoice 2017332, this was received in CCS for quick press on 01/30/19, and transferred over to CGC for grading on 02/08/19, and the Modern Tier is running an approximate 4-6 weeks. As of right now, the first invoice received on Feb 8th, has a status of 'received'. But we know they've been verified since I was charged on my CC a few weeks later which I guess is the true received date.
  22. Right, that's the question, why do some books get stuck at different steps in the process? I was hoping to have these back at the end of the month, even if they were verified on the 22nd, that's a full month that's passed where it's been 'scheduled for grading'.
  23. Nope I've emailed CGC again since the guy I spoke with on the phone could not give me clear details. They were received on Feb. 8th and I was charged on Feb. 22nd but the status still shows as 'received'. When were you charged for grading, was it around the received date or closer to the graded date?
  24. Was this a straight modern grade, no crossover services with CCS? I have a batch of slow moderns received on Feb. 8th, still showing as received which is now putting it close to the current 28 business day schedule.
  25. Hey, how did you get in here?! The parkdale market isn't that bad....we're both very familiar with the guy running it.