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Posts posted by Hibou

  1. On 6/17/2024 at 9:18 PM, lpsunburst said:

    Perhaps CGC is using the wrong terms or perhaps should introduce the classification of "Iconic". For example, one of these is, in my mind at least, a classic while the other is truly "Iconic".

    WT 1950.11.jpeg

    JMW WT Image A.webp


    This is actually a very good point... "Classic" vs "Iconic"   - Now that could be a fun poll to take on individual books both in comics and in pulps.

  2. On 6/7/2024 at 10:38 PM, Darwination said:

    So, I meant to pick out a few classic covers from The Shadow Magazine recently when the subject came up over in a previous discussion on the lines we're having here but was out of town and away from images/resources.  I don't think every hero pulp deserves any particular number of classics or even any classics just because, but I'm certain The Shadow warrants at least a few both as *the* iconic pulp hero and because of the caliber of the art.  I admit I have a checkered relation with the hero pulps as a reader, but I can at least appreciate the art.

    Shadow v06n 05 (1933-08-01.Street&Smith) cover George Rozen


    CLASSIC. Hmm, no red star - do I have some sort of reprint in my files? what the - Used here but originally used on the cover of The Living Shadow from 1931:


    The enormous nose, the haunted eyes, the sickly green, the bright red, and so much black.  Defining image of The Shadow. How is it even possible for this one not to be labelled classic?  Really, CGC :makepoint:

    The Shadow 1933-01-15 cover George Rozen. 


    The OA, believe a boardie owns this


    One more, let's just call this more of an argument than a sure thing


    also rans -








    I love all of those choices and The Creeping Death is beyond comparison.  I had to order a coffee mug of that issue from
    Adventure House because it's the only way I'm ever getting close to that one!

    Seriously though, I have a question...

    I've never been able to understand the Red Star Stamp.  Was it an N.R.A. thing?  I only ask because I have a few 'controversial' publications from that time period that have a Red Star stamped on the front along with the NRA logo.


    I love that you chose the October 1, 1936 issue... that one HAD to have an impact on (ahem) a couple of twenty something year olds prior to a certain May, 1939 comic book.  hm

    And finally, it was thanks to these boards that I was able to resolve the confusion of that 'Classic' August 1, 1933 cover with the Street & Smith HC reprint.  

    That one was tricky...






  3. On 5/30/2024 at 5:14 PM, Darwination said:

    Maybe overhangs only become much of an issue up above like 6.0?  Definitely very appealing when the right side overhang is intact.

    I couldn't even guess what 8.5 or 9.0 on one of these last two would fetch right now.  TA's guess seems high, but I have no idea hm These late and historically more common pulps seem like such a wildly speculative area right now, definitely seeing prices I wouldn't expect and maybe just maybe I'm understanding the phenom a bit better.



    This will certainly sound strange, but when I see issues like that... this is the first image that pops into my head for some reason.

    I may need counseling.




  4. On 5/30/2024 at 12:50 AM, asimovpulps said:

    Yup, highest out of 15 copies so far. Surprisingly the next highest is only a 6.5. I'm sure we'll see more high grade copies pop up over time, though the overhangs on these issues do get hammered pretty hard by CGC from what I've seen. 

    I also happen to have the highest January 1950 issue out of 18 graded so far 👀. Both of my issues came from an original owner collection and were stored in custom clamshell boxes for probably decades. I know there are two pedigree copies of January 1950 (Yakima and one on Heritage) which both came in at 8.0s, so this one is kinda cool to have.


    Just got super lucky finding these, I usually buy mid grade to make my money go further


    Interesting point on the overhang... that would explain the grader notation on one of mine. 

    Those are two beautiful copies of 1950, Startling Stories.  On a side note, what kind of market value (if any) would you place on the March 1950 issue?

  5. On 4/25/2024 at 1:35 PM, Robot Man said:

    Well my first eagle has landed. My first submission to CGC. I dropped this off at WonderCon on 3/29 and got it today. Quicker than I expected. Came back a little better than I expected. I had it at 7.0 so I guess my grading skills aren’t too bad. This slab is THICK! I will have to add on to the comic room if I keep doing this. Now, I wait for my two “value” submissions…



    Image 1.jpeg


    Stunning!  That's a great cover... gorgeous colors.



  6. Hopefully there are some "Shadow Experts" here that can help me understand this...

    It's my understanding that Street & Smith held a contest in their Detective Story Magazines in 1931 to come up with an image of The Shadow.  Based on the December 1931 issue of The Shadow Detective Monthly Magazine, that image came close to what we've all come to know and love and then in March of 1932, the common attributes of the Shadow came together at once on the cover of the Shadow Detective Monthly Magazine.

    The HC book from Street & Smith, The Living Shadow, which reprinted the April 1931 issue of the Shadow Detective Monthly, is from 1931 as well.

    Where did that image come from for the cover?!







  7. Sorry about this not being a comic but it was Street & Smith's cross marketing for their Shadow Detective Monthly Magazine that was found in their February 13th, 1932 issue of Love Story Magazine

    The image is that of James LaCurto who was the first to voice the narration of The Shadow on the Detective Story Hour radio show in 1930.





    (Sadly, not my copy...)





  8. On 4/5/2024 at 9:37 PM, Chip Cataldo said:

    It can even do both at once.

    This is such a sad thread from start to end. 

    I only knew of Ed through his name and attributes... I only heard of these accusations form here, on the CGC forum, sadly.

    I went back and listened to the videos both against Ed and in support of Ed on YouTube... seemingly our now, God All Mighty, AI resource for news.

    (Yes, a dash of sarcasm here.)

    To me, Ed sounded like all of us.


    I'm not sure what exactly happened here but from an outsider point of view, it seems like Judgement isn't any or our fortitude, nor should it be.

    Rest in Peace, Ed Piskor.



  9. Thank you - that makes sense. :)

    On 4/3/2024 at 9:06 AM, CGC Mike said:

    You can search the same way as he would for comics. For instance, search “Weird Tales” and choose the Popular publisher. The issues we have graded so far will pop up. It’s possible you are searching for titles that we have not graded yet, which will return no result.