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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. See, that's exactly what I love about Clink, and hate about Heritage. I realize I may be in the minority, but I don't like HA's system at all. There's an auction...then there's the auction after the auction? And that can just go on...indefinitely? No sir, I don't like it!
  2. That's cool, that's all I need! I'd been searching "Justice League Flash Figure" but that is kinda like a needle in a haystack to find the right one, hadn't come up with a match yet. Oddly, I have the accessories, but no Flash figure. Same with the Hawkgirl Silver Storm figure, complete set of stuff, but no figure. Oh well!
  3. Definitely doesn't hurt to ask, lots of folks are ending up with these. Definitely don't pay money for one, no one else is ha
  4. Oh man, I have a long list of books I sold way too soon. But, my wife likes to remind me, "You were happy with the money you got at the time!" I guess that helps? ha
  5. Those were times. I had a stack of those ASM 4 variants that I got from those packs. Made great money on them, wish I'd held onto a couple though. Who knew?
  6. This makes a lot of sense to me. I know that my wife and I have been working from home since March, and have saved a ton on gas (we both used to fill up at least once a week. Now it's more like once a month, and gas was also much cheaper for the first couple of months), as well as money we used to spend eating lunch at work, ordering out, etc. We're spending more on groceries for our at home meals, BUT that food/money goes a lot farther. The home reno stuff is also true, at least out here. A couple of weeks ago, each of the three houses next to ours was having work done the same week. I came out one morning and saw contractors and constructions guys in each of those driveways putting in bathrooms, kitchens and pools on the same days. Meanwhile, I hung some new blinds on my own, and walked around the house feeling like Bob F'n Vila. Personally, I expected it to be a good time to buy, but instead, everything I'm interested in has exploded, particularly vintage toys. GI Joes, for instance, have gone nuclear in the last two or three months.
  7. Well, I could probably do that, but I didn't really "collect" them. They just pop up and accumulate, like weeds. Sure, you can spray for Fish Police, but if you don't pull them out by the root, they're just going to pop up again next year. Had a bad infestation of Sun Devils and Sonic Disruptors, once upon a time. Had to burn the house to the ground and start over.
  8. Suffice to say I agree, but again, not wanting to get the thread locked down. It’s all extremely shady.
  9. If I ship something and it doesn’t show up, I’m on the hook for it, regardless of how I shipped it, which service is used, etc. eBay and the buyer don’t care if USPS lost it, I have to take care of it if it doesn’t show up. I realize CGC isn’t a “seller” in this instance, so the circumstances aren’t directly comparable. Just wasn’t sure if CGC was liable since they were the ones who sent the books out, unless I’m misunderstanding. I’m certainly not saying they SHOULD be held accountable, I was just curious if they WOULD be, hence the question. Crummy situation for all involved, for sure, and I certainly hope it is resolved in favor of the owner of the books.
  10. So, if the worst happens and USPS won’t play ball, will CGC make him whole? Since they shipped it, are they on the hook?
  11. I misread “AF 15” as “Alf 15” and was racking my brain trying to remember if there was another cover where Alf assaulted a different marine mammal.
  12. I don't stockpile any valuable comics. If I have a dupe of something that is worth $$$, I'll sell it to get something I don't already have. However, I do stockpile cheap drek from my youth. I pick up every Excalbur Special 1 that I find for a buck or less, as it's one of my all time faves. It's also fun to track down the multiple printings on that book. I also buy every X-Men 1 I find for 50 cents or less, every Meltdown and Gen 13 1 I find for a buck, etc. Again, its nostalgia and they are fun to keep in my comic racks. I had to stop buying Ghost a Rider 15's. I had so many that I papered part of wall with them. But I may need more now to make up for the ones I used!
  13. Priority is moving ok, first and media are crawling, both sending and receiving. Particularly on packages I am receiving that are sent UPS, who then "hand off"' to USPS. These packages are arriving at USPS and then sit a week or more before being "accepted". Can't go into much of a discussion of why this is happening without getting the thread flagged for politics, but the slowdown is real, and it's also real dumb.
  14. I was gone for three days, thanks to all for keeping this rolling so I could enjoy it tonight. Beats the heck outta Sunday school!
  15. Confirmed, he sold his set for $255. He’d listed as an auction starting at $325 and it didn’t sell, as two more were listed around the same time. Relisted at $255 and it sold a day later. So I guess someone out there likes it, but it’s not for me!
  16. Also, following up on my previous JLU post, if anyone can identify these parts, I'd be much obliged!
  17. Also, I picked this thing up this weekend. On the Joe FB groups I'd seen several guys post that they'd just walked out of the store with these displays. I'm not quite that bold. This weekend we were passing through a nearby town on the way to the lake, and we stopped at the Walmart to pick up some supplies. Sure enough, they had this Classified display with a lone Duke figure. I wasn't going to just grab it, but there were employees restocking shelves in the toy aisle so I asked them, if I bought the last figure, would it be ok if I took the display? They said sure, that it was the last figure, and it would just be thrown away otherwise. They said that if they got more figures to sell, they'd arrive in the same cardboard shipper at the store, so they wouldn't need two. I also verified with the cashier that it was ok to take it. So here it is! I wasn't planning on collecting this line, but now that I have the shipper I must admit it'd look pretty nice all filled up!
  18. Yeah, definitely not worth it to me, and no one bit on the set either, so I'm not sure what demand there is for the set regardless of the "market value." He sold nearly everything else he brought, the rest went on eBay. I'll have to follow up and see if those sold.
  19. My buddy had one of those Morphing Zartan sets for sale at the show. Lots of folks asked if they could just buy the Hawk to put in their Tiger Force display, but he didn’t want to break up the set. I think he was asking $250.
  20. I’ve got it! Now I just have to convince the wife to play it with me since we can’t have friends over. I’m patiently awaiting the day!
  21. As a kid I always loved the idea of D&D, but never had the patience to actually play it. I read the books, bought the manuals to read, the trading cards, played the C64 games (loved Pools of Radiance) and all of that. But could never get into the game, I never saw the point ha Now, I'm 43, and when quarantine started, my friends started playing via Zoom. We do it every Sunday night, and it's a blast! We use DNDBeyond to track our character sheets, roll dice, etc. What fun. It has me nostalgic and looking into picking up some of this old stuff again. Great score!
  22. There are a few of us for sure! Yeah, I think the Trouble Bubble and the Mirage are just too heavy for the bubbles they used, especially 20+ years after the fact.