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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. I'd love to enter, but due to an inner ear condition, I'm not good at standing at all, I'm afraid. What's that? Oh, I see. Never mind.
  2. So tonight I was moving some stuff around in the laundry room, and found a box of "overstock" I'd forgotten about (stuff that isn't in my personal collection, but which I also don't currently have up for sale either.) I got a jolt of excitement, as I couldn't remember what was in there. What treasures waited inside??? Well, here's the highlight, read em and weep, boys! One day my ship will come in, and I'll be laughing all the way to the bank! The money bank!
  3. It’s pretty nuts. Prices had been slowly creeping up over the last couple of years, but have really gone crazy in recent months. A good example is the original BAT. Used to be a $35-50 figure. Now they’re $80-100. Joe was dormant for some time, but with the new Classified line out, a retro line coming in the fall, and a Snake Eyes movie in production, the property is the most visible it’s been in 5 years or more. This plus people staying at home and spending money on FB/eBay has lead to some craziness. Not sure how long it will last. Good time to be a seller, not a great time to be buying.
  4. And the computer doesn't stop you? That's what I ran into before, but if not, that's great!
  5. Some of my Targets haven't put them out, and others have them on the shelves, but when you try to check out, they won't sell them due to street date. I've never understood why they put them on the shelves if they won't sell them, seems like it'd be a hassle to keep taking them back to the shelves all of the time. Seems like they'd clear the shelves an put them back in the back at that point. I know a lot of folks are having luck with breaking street date, but mine won't. Same story with the McFarlane DC figs back in January, and I've had the same thing happen with Transformers and Marvel Legends before. So I guess I'll try my luck on 8/14.
  6. Wow, sweet haul! You must be exhausted, but it's still a great feeling to get all of that treasure back home and go through it. Congrats!
  7. Wow, that story gave me the cold sweats as I was reading it, and a knot in the stomach, all these years later. I'm so glad it worked out. I wish we had a regular USPS person. When we first moved into the neighborhood nearly 8 years ago, we had a regular guy, John. Lasted about two years. Since then we can't seem to keep the same person more than a couple of weeks, and sometimes it changes day to day. I have no idea why. But I send a lot of packages out, so I have a lot of issues with the packages not getting picked up even when I schedule the pickup online. They just forget to get them sometimes. And believe me, I understand, it's not an easy job, there's a lot going on, so I don't get mad about it. I just wish we could get some continuity. With the situation I mentioned before with the package getting lost, it was never scanned as "picked up" from my house. There were several packages that never got scanned in, but all of the rest of them showed up. They DID end up firing that guy, for that reason and for several others, apparently. I don't want to cost anyone their job, but they didn't ask me my opinion.
  8. Bragging? That's not like Stan! He's so modest!
  9. Close! It's a pretty epic collection. Hope @Hudson will share again. Screw the haters.
  10. Oh, you're in for a treat, that is a TERRIFIC run! I bought them in Premiere HC's as they came out, then got the omnis, then sold the omnis (you may notice a pattern here with me.) But I will buy them again, it's a run well worth hanging onto.
  11. Man, I was one of the insufficiently_thoughtful_persons that fell for this one. Not only did I buy both editions of the book, I also bought the trading card! Because, see, in my head, I thought "Hey, people love comics, but even more people love football! This is a can't miss!" Hey, I was 14, and I never claimed to be a smart child.
  12. The thing that always gets me about this pic is that I'm sure Stan was saying "Oh, it's just for fun, you know?" But somewhere deep inside he was thinking "I am a stone cold hunk."
  13. Thank you! I couldn't find this thread for the life of me last night. I knew we'd beaten the subject to death, but couldn't find this specific thread. I will sleep easier tonight!
  14. Fair enough. I'd tend to agree with @Real Elijah Snow that the few extra shekels HA manages to squeeze out of prolonged auctions is likely offset by the difference in fees. But to each their own.
  15. I can never sit through these videos, so I ran over to the masterworks forum to read the scoop. Super psyched about Inferno finally getting a reprint! I couldn't turn down the money back when it went OOP, but my bookshelf has been sad without it, as it really is my favorite X-Men era (this is influenced heavily by my nostalgia, obviously.) So glad I didn't give in and shell out $300 to get another copy. Hopefully we'll get Fall of the Mutants back at some point as well. At that point I think all I'd need is Phalanx Covenant. I bought that one when it came out, sold it when it went OOP and prices went up. Happened upon a copy for $60 last year at a 2nd and Charles, briefly considered keeping it just for the sake of the collection, but sold that one too because I couldn't pass up $250 for some of the ugliest X-comics ever made. I promise if they reprint it again, I'll hang onto it! Looks like Captain America by Kirby (so that's the Madbomb era, right?) and GA Cap vol 1 coming back as well. Very cool. Has there been any news of a reprint of the Brubaker books? That's a set I'd happily buy again. In other news, my Surfer omni finally landed last week. Here's hoping my Absolute Fourth World finally escapes from the hub in Cincinnati sometime this week.
  16. I will say, the two claims I've filed were both paid by USPS. But they were small potatoes. One was a $50 lot of action figures that just got lost in the system, never showed up. I had to refund the buyer myself, but then USPS reimbursed me. The other was a Sideshow Statue that I sold for about $700 IIRC. USPS just absolutely shattered the thing. Same situation, I had to refund the buyer, but USPS did eventually pay me for the whole thing, after a week or so of going round and round with the local branch. I had to print off records of the sale from eBay and that sort of stuff, no major hassle. Wasn't a pain free process, but it did ultimately work out. Again, it's all very inconvenient. I hope that it all works out.
  17. I do like this thread, have to admit the books do look purty all lined up together like that!
  18. No, I decided what I wanted to pay, placed my bids, and then didn't check until the auctions were over. If it went for more than I paid, then I didn't want it. Getting caught up in last minute/second bidding wars doesn't appeal to me. It leads to overpaying.
  19. Agreed on all counts. I've enjoyed buying and selling with CLink. The only downside with CLInk is waiting for a long time to get the check, but I just roll with it.
  20. I find that I win what I want to win, because I bid what I think the piece is worth, and then walk away. I have no interest in getting into a match with anyone just to win an auction.
  21. I'm fine with that. I can't help it if you're all wrong!