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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Was very confused by this thread until I realized that I was misreading "chars" as "chairs".
  2. Thanks man! I am trying to consolidate all of the comics stuff into my office, which is in the back of my "man cave" (not a fan of the term, but I guess that's what it is.) The books used to be spread out around the place. Now I'm trying to get the comics stuff all in that room, and move the toys and books that used to be there out into the main space. Having to do some juggling. The larger Joe pieces are still there until I can find a better spot for 'em out in the bigger room. Yup, there's a carded SW Wolvie, Hobgoblin and Iceman. They'll move eventually too, when the time is right! Didn't mean to highjack the thread, hopefully Capra is getting some ideas!
  3. Still working on the reorganization, but here’s one corner. The aforementioned oddly sized shelf gap turned out to be a perfect spot for Jack Kirby New Gods figures!
  4. I reorganized my shelves last night, and man, it's a hassle. I was working on two decent five tiered bookshelves with adjustable shelves, but the Absolutes throw everything out of whack. In order to get the Absolutes to fit, I had to raise the shelves which made the other shelves uneven. The middle tier is fixed, so you can't move it, which made for an awkward space. I finally got those two all done, and am mostly happy with the results, but I still feel like they're kinda crammed in. ANYWAY, my personal advice would be to put the heaviest stuff near the bottom, even if you are anchoring the shelves. Omnis are heavy, but I'd put the Absolutes on the bottom as that will be your tallest/heaviest shelf. From there it's a matter of personal preference.
  5. I think some of the gimmick covers back in the day are pretty fun (glow in the dark, metallic ink, chromium) but that prismatic foil stuff just seems so cheap, because I vividly remember seeing notebooks, folders, etc covered with the stuff when I was in school.
  6. Yeah, they're great! Like I said, it kinda drives me nuts that they changed the trade dress with HoS Vol 2, but at least they're giving us the material. I was finally able to retire my black and white showcase trades.
  7. Yeah, things have been very spotty since the COVID shut-downs. Some books come and go in minutes, some hang around for weeks. Some sell out immediately and then reappear in spurts. Uncanny X-Force and Astonishing X-Men reprints sold out super fast. I've since then seen Astonishing pop back up on IST, though UXF has yet to reappear. I'd have to imagine that this is a supply train issue, and that in time we will hopefully see more of these books released. The one that burns me is the X-Men Children of the Atom Box Set. I was stoked for that. Disappeared instantly, now it's $500-$600, which I refuse to pay. I have to imagine that there are more coming, because none of the other boxes they've published have sold out that quickly (and most are still available at a discount) and surely they'd account for the popularity of the X-Men in their print run. So I'm assuming we'll get more somewhere down the line.
  8. You know I never really used to worry about it, but I opened two in the same day that had issues, so now I'm going to be checking them as they arrive. One omnibus had two pages that were miscut (the corners extended past the trim size) and folded into the book. The other had a big tear on a single page in the middle. And these were all brand new books bought from IST, so I know they didn't repackage defective volumes. So, yeah, I'm an opener now!
  9. Check out the Moderation Policy Discussion thread in the Moderation Action forum. It confirms that there are Admins and also Mods who can/are sometimes Boardies. There's also some pretty amusing bickering to enjoy as well. Trust no one! Even your best friend, your scout leader, or your pastor could indeed be a secret mod!
  10. You're welcome. Now, would it kill you to keep the hair cleaned out of the shower? Geez.
  11. In the past I have always left them sealed until I was ready to read them, because in many cases they went out of print before I got around to it, and it was difficult to turn down the $$$. However, two of the omnis I opened last week had defects/damage, and it was months after I'd purchased so I couldn't return. So I guess from now on I'm opening them when they get here so I can inspect them thoroughly.
  12. Well, I guess it makes sense. We'll spend a lot more time looking at the spines than we will reading them ha
  13. I certainly get that, and there are times when I'm breaking my wrists trying to read them and wonder if I should have kept the smaller volumes. But one thing I DO like about them is the larger trim size, it's easier to read and the art looks nice. And I like the way those big chunky books look on the shelf. My favorite format is the oversized hard cover. They're usually a third or less the size of the omnibus, but keep the larger trim. Much easier to read and handle. But unfortunately this format is usually reserved for shorter storylines.
  14. I used to collect MMW, but ended up selling them in favor of the omnis for the volumes that I cared about. Of course, MMW are a whole 'nother problem with me. I LIKE the marble/etc variant trade dress, but the fact that they're numbered in release order gives my brain a fit since I want to keep the numbers in the correct order, but I like to keep titles together. So I want 1, 2, 3, 4 to be in order, but I also want to keep all of the FF together, all of the X-Men together, etc. I'm a mess! I did briefly collect the standard covers, as they displayed nicely together and solved that brain problem, but in the end gave 'em all up, and frankly they weren't as pretty as they variant covers. Wish I'd held onto some of them, a lot of them are much pricier now than they were when I let them go! I may get sucked back in. I nearly picked up the Dazzler variant MMW when it went on sale as I thought the cover color was really snazzy. Slept on it too long (which these days is a few days to a week) and then it sold out and has doubled in price. It's nuts trying to keep up with this stuff nowadays. It's cool to have so much material available, but financially it can be a lot to stay on top of. It used to be that you could wait weeks, or months, or longer, to pick up these collections. But print runs must be miniscule now, because even titles I'd consider popular are sold out in days/weeks. Fear Of Missing Out is alive and well!
  15. That drove me nuts! Sold all of my archives except for Plastic Man when they started collecting most of that stuff in Omnis. I assume Plas will have his day at some point as well. Of course, the Omnis have their own issues. At some point they abandoned the uniform gold/silver/bronze trade dresses in favor of unique art for each volume, which means House of Secrets Volume 1 & 2 don't look they're in the same series at all, as well as several others. I think they did the same thing when they reprinted the SA volumes of Justice League, Flash, etc. Drives me bananas!
  16. Yeah, apparently the announcement hit last week. I was out of town without internet service, and when I got home my buddy sent a message saying "So, Marvel has Aliens and Predator now?" And I was like "Nah, Dark Horse just released a new hardcover!" And he said "No, I'm not asking, I'm telling you." ha And sent me some links. Here's one article, that features Finch artwork of Aliens and Predator. https://www.comicsbeat.com/alien-predator-marvel-comics/ Maybe Marvel will surprise me and do something interesting, but...I'm not optimistic. I'm expecting Aliens vs Venom or some such carp to be their first order of business.
  17. Oh geez, I feel ya there, brother! This place can definitely inspire some spending. I find my bank account is much healthier when I spend some time away from the internet, so I don't keep finding cool stuff that I think I need to buy!
  18. More than a comic collector, I'm an Alien collector, and have enjoyed my many years of fishing copious amounts of DH Aliens books out of the 50 cent bins. Everyone just needs to shut up about Aliens and leave them for me!
  19. Also, belated congrats on that pick up! I missed them when they were listed and am still kicking myself!
  20. I wonder what effect the news of Marvel's acquisition of the Aliens and Predator properties will have on the value of the DH stuff, if any? Personally, I'm bummed. DH has done great things with the property over the years. Alien is an adult oriented, R-Rated franchise, and the DH books have reflected that. I'm concerned that Marvel's version will be watered down, like the old Kenner toys and their ilk. I'm also sad because DH has been doing a beautiful job with their "library" sized HC's, which are all gorgeous volumes. I was hoping we'd eventually get the entire series collected in that format. The A v P hc just popped last week, guess you'd better grab it while you can!
  21. Great set! God I love those books. I need to get mine graded at some point. No big rush, as I won't be selling them.