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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Aw man, look, I realize Steranko's Hulk is goofy, but there's just something about it that I love. I don't know what it is. How enormous he is, his weirdass long legs, that bizarre look on his face...something about it makes me smile every time I see it.
  2. As long as an auction has a set ending time that everyone is aware of, I don't see the issue. Bid what you're willing to spend. If someone else is willing to spend more, then they get it. When the bids end shouldn't matter.
  3. There are two pieces of art I want above all others. One is a cover, one is a fairly normal panel page, The market value of either shouldn't be particularly significant, but they're both sitting in collections on CAF, marked "NFS", and the owners haven't shown any interest in selling since I first asked 10 years or so ago. I mean, I guess I can take some solace in knowing where they are and that they still exist, but...bah.
  4. So cool. Can't wait to see one. In fact, there isn't an unboxing video on youtube for this sucker yet, so @bronze_rules I'm afraid it's up to you to create one! Just pack it all back up and then unpack it again, we won't snitch.
  5. So sorry for your loss, I know it well and have had to go through it a few times. Whether it's a sudden shock, or a slow decline, it is never easy. And it's insane how much treatment can cost, and with zero guarantee that it will improve quality of life. Such tough decisions to make. But the love that the little buggers bring into our lives makes it all worthwhile.
  6. I see what you're saying. Me personally, I wouldn't involve the mods or overseers at all in any situation, for good or ill, because my personal druthers would be for a mod-less, law-less forum. I've never understood the need for adults to be moderated one way or the other. But I realize this isn't a popular opinion on this, or indeed most, message boards.
  7. @jsilverjanet being serious now, I do sincerely see both sides of the argument. You and Jeffro make sense, Hepcat and Co also make sense. I get it on both sides. It's just, to me, I don't see much point in fretting about it one way or the other. (In D&D terms, does this make me "Chaotic Neutral"? I was never a D&D guy, never had the patience.)
  8. Oh, I want to boop Linus gently on the snoot! What a cutie.
  9. Why does anyone care where anyone posts anything ever? Post 'em all and let Galactus sort 'em out, I always say.
  10. Less squabbling, more pics of people's pets and comix! Here's my reading buddy Angel, starting a new volume of Barks Duck stories. She had a hard time with the Jack Kirby Fourth World Saga (she thought the Jimmy Olsen issues were a bit of a slog) so I'm hoping she'll find this to be a nice diversion.
  11. Few things have made me feel older than this discussion in which some boardies couldn't immediately identify Heckle and Jeckle. I mean...come on! I'm only 42 but we still had Heckle and Jeckle cartoon repeats when I was a kid!
  12. I definitely don't know anything one way or the other, but my recollection of multi-packs in the 80's and 90's was that they could have pretty much anything in them, they usually weren't "significant" books. That was just my best guess about some of the second prints that i couldn't find any further info on (or examples of.) I will let the experts chime in.
  13. Awesome! The more pics I see, the more I really hope Santa leaves this behemoth under the tree.
  14. Yeah, I mean there is a question of just how low it can go, but even with the popularity of the show(s) waning and the comic ending, this is still arguably THE key book of the modern age, and there still aren't enough of them out there to meet the demand, so I don't think it's ever going to be "cheap". This isn't The Sixth Gun or some other overhyped flash in the pan. No matter where it ends up, it will always have been a legit cultural phenomenon. It will always be a relevant book. I'm not in any hurry, eventually the price will settle and I'll pick one up. I sold my 9.8 for about $900 back when that seemed like crazy good money for the book, and I've regretted it ever since. I don't think it'll ever hit $900 again, but eventually it will settle at a price I'm willing to pay, and I may pick up a couple if they ever get to that point, because I still think it's a terrific book to have. People are dumping right now. It'll creep up again at some point.
  15. They should! I was firmly in the "it will drop quite a bit" camp, and I'm still waiting for it to come down a bit more before I buy, because I think it has a little bit further to go. I was watching a copy on eBay today, $1700 and 0 bids at the 30 second mark. I see now that it did receive a bid at the very end and sold at $1700. Personally, I'm waiting for them to go below $1500. That's the price I'd feel comfortable at, and I think I'll get there in time. I don't study GPA all day long, and am certainly no market expert, but anecdotally I can say that WD collections are showing up en masse at local comic shops (and even Half Price Books!) I haven't seen any #1's, but I have seen 19's and other "key" issues, and for the most part they are already gathering dust. The time to buy is coming soon. But I'm greedy and patient enough to wait a little bit longer.
  16. That list seems to be ALL second printings, not just the metallic variants. I'm wondering if some of those "unremarkable" books were printed for comic multi-packs, or JC Penney reprints, etc?
  17. I love the early Bowen stuff. I used to have the Lovecraft and Cthulu busts, wish I'd held onto them.
  18. I think you should definitely get the old thread opened up, but also keep this one open and just post pics of Hammer Horror babes.
  19. Still my all time favorite insane/stupid idea to hit the boards. I never get tired of it.
  20. Funny, I ran across them a few months myself. Not really my thing (and their newer stuff seems even less in my wheelhouse) but I was impressed, they really can shred when they want to!
  21. Bought a Black Canary pin-up from Darwyn Cooke at DragonCon. When we bought our house, I sold a bunch of stuff to raise funds for some stuff I wanted to properly set up the new place (home theater, etc). I don't miss the vinyl records or the (most) of the toys, but I do really regret letting some of the art go, especially this piece. It was just a little marker sketch, I think I paid him $250 for it, and I think that's about what I got out of it when I sold it. At the time I thought, "Well, I can always pick up something else from him at the next show." Of course, had no idea that Darwyn would be gone so soon, and there would be no "next show" where I'd get to see him. I was a big dummy.
  22. Same, had no idea about the rarity, but it makes sense. I look at a lot of toys, and I can't remember the last time I've run into any Dino Riders stuff, if ever. Must be pretty scarce.
  23. I haven't opened the box yet, but last week I got one of these, plus two of the Halloween II Michael figs, and the Gremlins Christmas set, all from Target. Target has (had? haven't checked this week) all of the NECA stuff on sale, plus for me 5% off with RedCard and free shipping. Couldn't pass 'em up! I'll post up pics whenever I get around to opening the boxes.
  24. Aw man, I just (practically) gave away one of those GoT Wall playsets, if I'd known you wanted one you could have had the thing! Love the figs, as always.