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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Meanwhile, I have to double-check myself to make sure I spelled it correctly, during which time I could have just typed out Red Dead Redemption 2.
  2. Oh man, Timecrimes is so good. Makes a good triple feature with Triangle and Primer, if one is looking for low-budget, low-frills time travel flicks. Primer really tied my head in knots, and there's nothing more complex than a cardboard box used in the whole time travel process.
  3. Thanks for the info! I guess I’ll always be a disc guy (unsurprising, on a forum for stapled paper pamphlets!) I DO have Devastation on disc, luckily. That one was kind of dumb, but pretty to look at
  4. I haven't played much of anything for a while, except slowly working on RDR2. I picked that up around Black Friday, along with a bunch of other cheap games, including The Avengers, which I got or $15. I know that people seemed to really hate the game when it came out, I think largely due to so much paid content. I put it in my stack, and hadn't even thought about it again until last week. Finally fired it up, and while I'm not sure it's a great game, I'd say I'm definitely getting my $15 worth! not much to it so far, but it's pretty fun to fling my shield as Cap, hurl Mjolnir as Thor, etc. Plenty of good button mashing fun. Could definitely be better, but again, for the price, I'm very pleased. Once I finish it I'll likely go ahead and try the Guardians of the Galaxy game that I picked up at the same time. I've heard good things about that one.
  5. I fondly remember these games. At the time I was surprised by how good they were, because games hadn't exactly been kind to the TF franchise. I sold my 360 version some time ago, is the version you mentioned for the XB-one digital only, I assume? I'd consider playing these again.
  6. Curious about seeing L&T a second time, this time in a controlled environment. I saw it in the theater with friends, and the sound mix was a little off, and the projection not great. My wife didn't get to see it, so I know she's looking forward to it. We'll see how it holds up. I certainly didn't hate it as much as a lot of folks seemed to, but it didn't make much of an impression either. We'll see if the parts I found amusing the first time hold up for the second.
  7. I love Bruce's whole shtick, and I think the scene where he beats himself silly with his own hand, culminating in a full somersault, is one of the best pieces of physical comedy ever filmed. It's really next level great.
  8. I have to have seen it a couple dozen times by now, and I still never get tired of it. I love the way the camera just takes off, VOOM, like it has a life of its own. It's a very smartly made, very stupid movie.
  9. And speaking of tearjerkers, I'm a softie (I'll tear up over a stupid commercial), but a couple that will have me ugly crying are Ikiru and How Green Was My Valley.
  10. "Perfect" is hard to nail down. To me, perfect means an expertly executed vision. So, a perfect horror movie would have different merits than a perfect drama, etc. It can be about craftsmanship, it can be about storytelling. Ideally, it's a combo of both. In my mind, a list of "perfect" movies would have to include: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Godfather I & II, Alien, Aliens, Lawrence of Arabia, Jaws, Tokyo Story, Ikiru, John Carpenter's The Thing, Citizen Kane, 8 1/2, Halloween, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Rear Window, Dawn of the Dead, Apocalypse Now (the final cut), Blade Runner (final cut, though I have a soft spot in my heart for the original VO version, due to watching it on tape so many times as a kid), Seven Samurai, Evil Dead 2, Singin in the Rain, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Drunken Master 2...you know, I have to stop, I could do this all day. Probably the most recent movie I'd add to the list is Mad Max Fury Road. Almost certainly the best pure movie of the last 10-15 years, it would go on that list as well. City of God would probably be there too.
  11. Excited about this. A George Miller movie is a thing to be celebrated. Tilda and Idris are just the cherry on top.
  12. I am here with you, and I am willing to die on this hill.
  13. We watched the show Friday night. Although I'm a lifelong comics fan, I don't know that I've ever actually read a She-Hulk comic. The character never appealed to me, but then again, I'm not a huge fan of the regular Hulk either. Just a corner of the Marvel Universe that never spoke to me much. So, I have no attachment to the character to color my impressions. As for my wife, she has never read a comic at all, as far as I know, and knows nothing about the character. She is a fan of the MCU, and has seen all of the various movies and shows. Her review: "I liked it! It was cute!" So, there you go. She's looking forward to more. Her only concern? You guessed it: "Why does her hair get longer when she changes???" That really bothered her for some reason ha My answer? "It's comics." My review: "Eh." it was fine. Then again, I think most of the MCU stuff is fine. I think any strong objection I had to this show would be in regard to the format. It felt very "sitcom" to me, and I'm not a fan of sitcoms, at least not many from the last 20 years+. The format just doesn't work for me, and I don't find them funny. So, that was a strike against. I do like Tatiana Maslany, I think she's obviously hugely talented, and an appealing presence. So, there's reason to be hopeful, and I'm sure we'll be watching the whole thing. Otherwise, one ep in, I don't find it any more or less enjoyable that Ms Marvel, or Loki, or any of the rest of these shows which I barely remember already. But I definitely didn't find it objectionably bad, anymore than I found it grippingly excellent. It just felt like what it is: more Disney content from the Disney Content Mill.
  14. Another week, another deadbeat. It's par for the course these days, unfortunately. Two more no pays, no communication at all. Can't even be bothered to spin some elaborate story! vincicru-0 rcarreras84
  15. Looks like a great time! If you keep doing them, I’ll definitely get back down there again. Hope everyone did great!
  16. While the decision to put the letter cols in the back of the book is indeed a head-scratcher, I’m otherwise thrilled to finally have this book. The tpbs have been OOP for some time, and it has been a long wait! I’m hopeful that the fact that this was the #1-2 seller on IST for a few weeks (plus selling out twice) is an indicator to DC of strong enough sales to warrant a volume 2. DC’s collected editions are a total crapshoot these days, but I’d say chances are good.
  17. Whoo boy, what a ride! So, I was basically offline from around 8/5 until this past Tuesday, and blissfully unaware of all of the goings on. Four days later, I am now, as of 2:47PM est on Friday August 19th, the year of our lord 2022, caught up on this 188 page thread. Good gravy. First of all, excellent work, boardies. This thread has had it all. I've laughed, I've cried, I've cheered, I've booed. Riveting stuff. Second of all, none of this is surprising, but all of it is disappointing. I think we've all seen the direction CGC has been heading in for some time now. If the people that made the books, and the people that graded the books, and the people that flogged the books, and the people who originally published the books used in the frankensteining, all agree that nothing is wrong, then the rest of us don't have a prayer of seeing any kind of meaningful response. As I've said in the past, it really seems like an overwhelming majority of the people who make their money selling the adventures of do-gooders, never actually read the stories, or learned anything from them. This is settled, as far as everyone involved is concerned. This thread will eventually dry up (seems to be heading that way anyway), and the cries on social media will die down, and it will all be over. And CGC will continue their descent into the realm of QVC hucksters. Just another circle jerk.
  18. For sure, do a deal with Az, he'll take care of you! Sorry we're going to miss it. The wife is still testing positive, and while I'm up and running, I'm wearing out quickly, so we're just going to relax at home this weekend. Hope it's a great show this weekend!
  19. Picked these up on the bay this week, got a good deal on the three sets together. I did pick up the original Super 7/Reaction Alien stuff when it was released, but ended up selling most of it a couple of years ago when I sold my modern stuff to finance a couple of big vintage Alien pieces. Since then, I've been slowly picking up the stuff I'd sold off, and some others. I missed these sets when they came out, but am glad I found a deal on them. These really are the toys I wanted so desperately when I was a kid. I admire NECA's realistic sculpts and accessories, but when the kid inside of me thinks of "toys", he's thinking of these Kenner-style pieces. I really love the packaging, but I need to pick up a few of these to play around with as well.
  20. Yeah, that actually WAS a new one for me ha
  21. I always appreciate it when the deadbeats give me a detailed lie, as opposed to just straight up ghosting me. This one has the "my kid bid on this" AND sick parents thrown into the mix. Good stuff! Won the auction, next day received this response. Block away, if you're so inclined. serrano1536 "Good Afternoon, my son bid on this and I was not aware of it. I have sick parents and I’m not paying attention to things lately. But he came up to me and told he won, I ask what you win and he said the shark and now I’m confused and I said what shark and he showed me…sorry I just took ebay off the house computer . He doesn’t need toy shark…sorry for the inconvenience."
  22. CLink pickups from the last round. Continuing to indulge my 80's and 90's nostalgia, as prices soften. I'd been saying that I'd actually buy a Spawn 9 if they dropped below $100, so I had to actually go through with it. They'd been up around $140-$150. I'll now publicly state that I'll buy a Spawn 1 9.8 if they ever get back down to $100. I just can't make myself pay more than that. I don't even know why i want it. What is wrong with me? Otherwise, prices were ok this round, so I've been very slowly picking away at nostalgic registry sets. Nothing here to set the world on fire, but lots of teenage feelings for sure. (Just don't feel teenagers. That will land you in the hoosegow.)
  23. Getting caught up, ran out of likes, but suffice to say, beautiful library of goodies, @Flex Mentallo Really enjoyed all of the shelf pics. As for me, haven't acquired much lately. I have some stuff coming from IST, meanwhile these showed up a couple of weeks ago, as I was slowly picking away at their sale priced MMW's.
  24. Getting caught up after being gone for a couple of weeks, so I've already used up all of my likes! Between this thread and the 180+ pages of pure gold that is the C2E2 fiasco thread, there's been a lot to like! Great books, gang. I haven't been able to get out of the house for a bit, so I've not accumulated much lately. Mostly eBay randomness. Been looking for this Alien Isolation book for a minute, as well as the Blevins sketchbook. He draws the cutest.gals. Also had an interest in compiling the earlier Don Simpson stuff, and the Bizarre Heroes are turning out to be less common that I'd expected. He draws some pretty amusing stuff, but I think he's underrated as another purveyor of curvy babes. LCS has put a couple of things aside for me, hopefully I can get out there in the next week or so. Happy hunting!