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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Good point. I’m still in on some cheap junk at CLink, so I should stop running my mouth.
  2. Totally. A lot of these have “rare in census” or something similar in the title/description, as if that matters. A lot of books are “rare” in the census because NO ONE WANTS A SLABBED COPY.
  3. To be fair, there junk food collecting is a hobby in and of itself, particularly branded stuff like that. I'm a longtime fan of Matt over at Dinosaur Dracula (formerly X-Entertainment) and he has a large collection of sealed foods dating back 30+ years. So, you're definitely not alone!
  4. The rare superhero movie that I'm actually excited about. Got our tickets for the Sunday of opening weekend. Looking forward to later Sunday afternoon when I'll be saying something along the lines of "gah, their speakers are busted, and they underproject the image. What a let down, can't wait to watch this at home!"
  5. I'm not familiar with this character, as I haven't kept up with modern Marvel stuff for many years, so I came into the show a blank slate. I've read some things about how they've apparently changed the powers or something, but that doesn't really mean anything to me. I will say that I don't love the show, and it is definitely my least favorite of the Marvel Disney shows to date. It feels like it is geared at a younger audience, and I think that's great, but it's not really appealing to me personally. The humor doesn't work, and the teens are annoying, much like real life teens are annoying. I'd rather not spend time with high schoolers in real life, so spending time with them in entertainment, eh, it's not for me. I have similar feelings about the Spider-man movies, which I didn't much care for either. The parts I enjoy the most are the scenes at home, the family stuff, and learning more about their culture and lives. I like those bits. But the teenage humor and daydreaming and actual superhero stuff, doesn't do much for me. Feels very teen Disney, which makes sense, as that is what Disney does. I think it's great that Marvel is looking to expand its reach and target demographics other than my own (typical middle aged white dude) but the show doesn't land for me. And that is OK! It's not all about me! Of all of the Disney+ shows, the only ones I really loved were Hawkeye, and Captain America and the Winter Soldier (and Moon Knight, to a certain extent), and the rest have been varying degrees of "fine". I'm really a dumb action movie guy at heart, so I tend to enjoy the shows that are more in that vein. However, my wife is loving Ms Marvel, and laughs at the jokes and is getting a kick out of it, so what do I know? I'll finish watching it, and maybe it'll click for me at some point. I hope it does, it's much more fun to watch something that you're invested in.
  6. Moderation could probably move them for you, but it's probably not necessary. Just be prepared for folks wanting to know how you found this cool little stack. We live for those stories! Please, we need some entertainment!
  7. Cool books! However, if you're going to start a dedicated thread just to talk about 11 comic books you picked up, you shouldn't be surprised if people are looking for more of a story. Otherwise you could have just put them in the "This Week in Your Collection" thread.
  8. I cling to the fantasy that one day I'm going to find that book in an antique mall or yard sale. I run into beaten up western titles all of the time, but that book is never there. One day!
  9. I have my eye on a few things wrapping up at CLink shortly, and I keep thinking "Come on, market collapse! Let's go!" So far...I'm not seeing it. Then again, I'm looking for weird random things, which will always find their own way.
  10. My last CLink order took about three weeks, and I paid by card. Seemed a little slower than usual, but nothing crazy.
  11. Beautiful stuff, @Jeffreykli! Love it, thanks for sharing. That Back issues really is a treasure.
  12. The last of my books from the Target sale arrived today. I still have a stack of vinyl heading my way, but the books shipped quickly. I love Brereton’s art, but haven’t read the Nocturnals stuff since it was first published, so I’m looking forward to these. I also caved and picked up the Penguin Classics Marvel books. I was hesitant at first as I already have this material in numerous formats. These are definitely aimed at the casual bookstore reader, as most of the hardcore comic folks already have these in floppies, Masterworks, Omnis, Epics, etc I was ultimately swayed by the presentation. These are just really well made books. Oversized, gold gilded pages, sewn binding, scholarly introductory writing as you’d expect from any Penguin Classics release, and paper on par with or better than the Masterworks. Handsome books. The MSRP is $50, but with the sale I managed to get all three for $95, which was a few bucks less than what they would have run me at Amazon. They’re also available in paperback, with the immortal Penguin Classics Library trade dress. Looks like X-Men, FF and Avengers are up next, so I’ll probably continue the line as long as the quality remains the same.
  13. Can’t wait to see it, that is too cool! I only have a few Dave sigs, two prints I bought from him that he signed for me, and another print that was Pre-signed. Really wish I’d gotten more signed when I had the chance, but who knew he’d be gone so soon. Glad I at least got to meet him and tell him what his stuff meant to me. RIP to the best.
  14. Titan picked up the Conan license. I think this is good news, they do pretty solid work. I’m partial to their line of Alien novels and art/history books https://www.ign.com/articles/conan-the-barbarian-comics-titan-marvel This will begin May 2023. Hopefully they’ll bring the entire line back into print. Guess I’ll hold off on tracking down the OOP Marvel volumes.
  15. Great thread, thanks for sharing. Looks like you all had a good time!
  16. Horror collectors are a different breed. They/we will pay big time for things that other collectors would likely pass over. So, a Dark Horse tie-in to a beloved John Carpenter classic is a recipe for success. (And yes, although the title is taken from the Hawks "Thing From Another World", itself an adaptation of the John Campbell story "Who Goes There", the DH comics definitely take their cue from the JC flick.) I'm always on the lookout for comics related to horror films, for myself, and for resale. In addition to the Thing books, I'm always on the lookout for Jason vs Leatherface from Topps, Leatherface from North Star, the various Halloween series from Chaos, Army of Darkness from DH, Nightmare on Elm Street from Innovation, etc. You can't go wrong with any of that stuff if you find it cheap enough. As for Lost in Space, it's an interesting book, there are a couple of great bondage covers in there for sure. That's one I'm always looking for in the dollar bins.
  17. For sure! I’d think that would be enough incentive for someone to put their copy up, but I wonder just how many copies are out there to begin with?
  18. It was a nice one too! I thought that may have caught your eye.
  19. My order from the big Hasbro sale arrived today, and now I think I’m all caught up on the 86 movie figures that I needed! (Barring the remaining Dinobots.) I’ve got the Cyclonus repaint ordered, which I’ll be using as his “Armada”, and if the Sweeps warming shelves locally ever hit clearance, I’d like to have three more. Two will suffice for now.
  20. Great pick ups! That Scrooge book really is a work of art. I got one for XMas, it’s a beauty. I own those stories in at least four different formats, but I had to have that book. Here’s my meager haul from the Target sale this week. Most of my money went to vinyl this go round, since they don’t always include it in the sale. I am now only four volumes away from completing the Transformers IDW run in HC, including Phase 1, 2, 3, and the reboot. Also, the Madman Library edition is predictably great. Dark Horse does such a nice job on their Library Editions.
  21. The GRR’s have broken many a heart. I remember just a couple of years ago a local toy mall had a big run of Thors, and my heart just about jumped out of my chest when I saw a JIM 83 for $250. Virtually had my wallet in my hand before I finally noticed it was a GRR. They’re still cool books. One day I may have to pick up a set since the real things have largely passed me by. Stick em in a Mylar and top loader, and they’ll still look pretty cool on the shelf!