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Everything posted by n2wdw

  1. Been thinking about this and I think I’m wrong about taxes. Selling will create a taxable event, you just won’t get taxed twice if you sell now and then transfer the money to your kids when you die. But this is a question for the accountant for sure.
  2. I'm not an expert, but everything under $5M (or so) passes without estate taxes, so there is an advantage to not sell before you die. So, if you sell before you die, you take the tax hit, whereas if you pass it as part of your estate after you die, there's no taxes (unless of course your estate will be over $5M -- and I think it's double that for you and your wife -- and if Trump has his way, estate taxes will go away completely). The other reason I don't want to sell before I die is I want to be able to enjoy my collection in my golden years. I get a lot of enjoyment and, frankly, comfort, out of my collection. My collection makes me feel good. So I will keep it until I die. After I die, my wife/kids can do anything they want. I've given some thought to this (and I need to discuss it with the wife and kids), but I keep my collection in ComicBase. So, they can easily run a search to identify all the comics worth more than, say, $500. For those, I'd suggest they hand them all over to one of the auction houses. For everything else, I'd suggest they contact a few of the big comic dealers listed in Overstreet and get some offers. I frankly think it will be pretty easy to sell the comics and original art. It will be harder to sell all my other stuff (toys, books and statues), but except for a few exceptions that stuff isn't worth much (they'd be lucky to get 50 cents on the dollar, and probably more like 20-30 cents). I'd suggest they sell the comics and OA first, and then offer everything else on Craig's list. The other reason I don't want to sell before I die is, what if my wife and I need the money in retirement? I hope to have a big enough nest egg to last until I die, but if I don't, my comics will be an asset I can cash in so I don't have to burden my kids.
  3. Dastardly (and Disturbing) GGA Bondage I won this on eBay tonight. Branding and whipping. Whew. Can't get much more dastardly than that. I'll be interested (and scared) to read the story that goes along with this cover.
  4. Yeah, I read what @Ricksneatstuff said in his post too. I'll believe it when I see it.
  5. Please stop ... I'm loving all these covers and I've already got too much on my want list
  6. GGA Grails - Ginger and Sherry! This weekend I picked up 2 GGA grails. The first is Ginger 4. The staples are rusted, there's a small stain to the left of Ginger's face, and the cover is detached, but I still love it! I think it'll look even better once I've got it protected in the CGC slab. The second is Sherry #6. This title is tough to collect. A couple years ago a boardie offered a few issues and I've always regretted not dropping a flag when I had a chance. I've still got a long way to go to complete my Sherry and Showgirls runs.
  7. via PM -- a classic GGA bondage cover!
  8. I've been searching for a nice copy of Rangers 38 for some time now. This is the classic hanging cover, and it's one of the reasons Rangers is my favorite Fiction House title. So I found this one. I bought it and thought I was done. Then, this one came up for sale. 2 nice copies going on the market in less than a week. The colors are really vibrant, so I decided to pull the trigger. So now I've gone from no copies to 2 copies all of a sudden. Maybe someday I'll have a sale.
  9. I was able to download it this time. This is really great. I have a long flight coming up and I'm looking forward to playing around with this. Thanks for doing this!
  10. I haven't posted pictures of the comic room in a while, so here are a few. In this post, I'll post pictures of the top shelf in Wall 1; here's the map of my room: I store action figures on this shelf, like DC Direct multi-sets. I made the shelf deep enough so I could store CGC books in front of the action figures: Here are pictures of the top shelf, with the comics in front of the action figures. I'm standing on a ladder as I'm taking these pictures.
  11. Fun GGA I've Gotten Lately Here are some golden humor GGA I've gotten lately, mostly from boardies but a few from eBay. Humor is a great way to get good, yet cheap, GGA
  12. October ComicLink Wins I won this comic in the C-Link auction, on Friday night of NYCC. I was checking the auction as I ate dinner at Quality Meats. It's a grail for me, and it made it easier for me not to go all in on comics at the con. I won this Baker too. It's low grade but presents well (IMHO). Closing prices of low and mid-grade Bakers were aggressive at this C-Link auction. The strong prices of the low-grade Bakers surprised me, as the market at that grade seemed to be softening. I got this 1.5 at a good price, but it makes me wonder if you have to be in the 1-2 point range now to get affordable Bakers, rather than the 3-4 point range.
  13. My older daughter is minoring in film and is a videographer. This is her video of NYCC. It is really good! I'm biased of course, but check it out. Make sure you have your volume up on your computer. If you like it, please like it on my daughters youtube page. If you really like it, then please leave a comment. If you want to see her other videos, she is KTL Films on youtube. Thanks.
  14. NY Comicon Report 13 - Bonus Post - Cosplay As I mentioned, 2 of my daughters went to NYCC with me. They are into cosplaying. My older daughter is minoring in film and is a videographer. This is her video of NYCC. It is really good! I'm biased of course, but check it out. Make sure you have your volume up on your computer. If you like it, please like it on my daughter's youtube page. If you really like it, then please leave a comment. If you want to see her other videos, she is KTL Films on youtube. Thanks.
  15. NY Comicon Report 12 - Final Thoughts The moment I walked into NYCC, I regretted being there. It was very crowded, stifling so at times. Also, the comic dealers were few and stuck all the way to the right of the big exhibit hall. I was like, "why am I here?" The con got better. The comic area (where the comic dealers were located) wasn't as crowded as the rest of the con (which tells you something about the future of comics at these pop media cons). I found a few comics for fair prices, maybe even better than I could get via the Internet. I found a stash of good magazines. At the end of the day, the best part of the con for me was artist alley. Meeting artists and getting sigs is something you can't do easily over the Internet. Also, it was fun being in NYC. The most fun was spending time with my 2 daughters, who went to the con with me. Will I go to NYCC again? Sure. As I mentioned before, a bad day at a comic con is still better than a good day at work. But NYCC again showed me how my comic buying habits have changed. The Internet is the best comic con ever created, and it's 24/7. Why shop at a con, where inventory is limited and prices are high? If I was just starting my collection, then a con makes sense as you can take advantage of the dollar boxes. But I've finished all my big runs, so I can't take advantage of the dollar boxes. Something I hated about NYCC -- despised -- was their crowd control getting into the con. Instead of going in the front door, they made you walk around the block to get in via side doors. They literally closed public sidewalks. At 55, I'm too old for that nonsense. It's a free country, and if I want to walk down a public walk, then what right do you have to stop me? But the NYCC bouncers were literally blocking the sidewalks, forcing you to go the way they wanted. I also found it annoying that you had to swipe your badge to get into the con, and to leave the con. It really backed the line up to get out, and at the end of the day you're always tired so it was extra annoying. I suppose they did this to prevent people from sharing badges, but knowing why didn't make it any less annoying. I'll finish this report with my meal from Quality Meats. For appetizer, I got the tomato salad with blue cheese, bacon and onion rights. And my entree was the rib eye. One of my daughters got the steak tartare, and the other got the Filet 3 Ways, which just proves they have excellent taste. Thanks for reading.
  16. NY Comicon Report 11 - Artist Alley and Commissions I spent the most time in artist alley. It was ungodly crowded there. The aisles weren't wide enough for the flow of traffic with people stopped in front of tables to talk to the creators (which is, y'know, the whole point of the place). But I got most of what I wanted done, so I'm happy with the con. I had a few priorities. The first was to see Terry Moore. He signed a stack of Strangers in Paradise comics for me. He also added head sketches of both David and Freddie to the back cover of my Strangers In Paradise Museum copy. Terry wasn't too busy, so I was tempted to ask for a sketch of Casey too. But I didn't want to come across as greedy. At some future con, I plan to ask Terry if he could ink the back cover as a paid commission (he did all the head sketches for free, spanning a number of years). My next priority was Joe Benitez. I have the #1 Lady Mechanika registry set, and I had him sign a few comics for submission to CGC. By far at this con, I spent more on CGC than any other vendor. It can add up quick at $30 a pop for modern comics. But it's fun and I only do it for artists where I'm working on a registry set. For a couple of the comics, Joe added a head sketch of Lady Mechanika. He charges $20 and it's worth it. Joe also did a sketch of Lady Mechanika on a Gen 13 cover. Yes, I know it's strange to get sketches on Gen 13 covers, but it's something I started many years ago so now it's a thing with me. I have a whole collection of sketches on Gen 13 covers. Another priority was to see Jen Broomall. IMHO, Jen is an underappreciated artist of GGA. Here are a couple from my collection: Jen signed a few comics for me (and then off to CGC they went). She also did a Gen 13 sketch cover of her Jessie character: I also got a Gwen Stacy commission from Jae Lee. I really like his style. Here are some examples from my collection: Here's the Gwen that Jae did for me: I wasn't able to see everyone. I missed out on Simonson (I was hoping to get Thor on a Gen 13 cover) and Joe Eisma (I wanted a Morning Glories). But it didn't happen at this con.
  17. That was the thing. The owner was not at the con, so I was dealing with his assistants, and they were following the owner's instructions that the price was firm. They weren't considering any offers. I'm not ragging on them. They were nice. Just no offers on this book.