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Everything posted by lscomics

  1. no problem I am trying to get HOS88 from every country it is proving a little difficult but in time it will become a nice international horror set I'm genuinely interested in how one goes about buying all these international versions of a comic. How do you do it? Obviously not E-Bay alone, correct? I have a couple of comics I would like to track down international copies of, but outside of E-Bay, I have no clue how to find sellers who might have these comics. i began summer 2012 by finding foreign ebay type sites. like other rare domestic books, they were not all listed so i started emailing people on those sites and luckily meeting very helpful and informative sellers that would help me. There are still many foreign keys like a Norwegian Superman #199 that I want but it is just so rare that it just doesnt come up for sale. Then I started joining foreign boards just like this and meting people that also would source so I would post gallery pics of what i was seeking and slowly but surely i started getting emails and invoices for all my little treasures. show me pics of what you are seeking if it exists then i can tell you the difficulty of finding it How do you even know what foreign copies exist? Do you just assume that every comic printed in the USA was eventually printed in some other country/countries or is there something similar to Overstreet that lists all of the foreign comics? If it's any help in finding out if what you're looking for exists you can take a look through my Photobucket pics. I've got a little over 900 foreign books in there. (thumbs u
  2. Just noticed that: love it! – Odysseia 2001 – no title is better suited for Greek transliteration! "Airon Man" is also a nice bonus… "Avengers" and "Hulk" are probably translated, as the sound does not make sense in english… Hey, I need a greek FF #1… I got you covered.
  3. Actually "Oop" is precisely "Thor", phonetically. The first one you mistaken for a "O" is a uppercase Theta (see the dot within the circle, it’s one of the graphical forms of the letter). The second "O" is indeed an Omicron. The "P" is actually a "R" sound (the Rho). So you have "Thor", exactly as in English. They just transliterated the names the way they sound in English. Is there anything you don't know? I swear you're a walking encyclopedia. That's not a bad thing though. (thumbs u
  4. I just got this Greek edition in yesterday.
  5. So here's what I've been up to... Of course there's more on the way but I'm sure you knew that already.
  6. So... Where are the arabic Spideys? I've seen one or two but nothing that really sparked my interest enough to buy. The prices were high, grades low and were in an album format rather than individual issues.
  7. What? This old thing? You'd have to give me an idea of what's available from Sweden (link to a database or auction site?). I'm sure there's probably stuff I'd be interested in picking up but haven't really looked into Swedish books too much. I've been kind of focused in other parts of the world.
  8. Congrats Tim! I know you have been working on this for a long while! Very cool. I always thought it was interesting that these Alan Cass books were coming out at the same time Marvel was selling pence copies in the U.K., and also that Cass seemed to reprint everything except DC; from Atlas/Marvel to Archie Adventure/Mighty Comics to Charlton to ACG. Throw in the L. Miller & Sons books, Mystic and Spellbound from the same era and the history of Marvel in the U.K. gets confusing. About when would these have been on the stands, 1965? I'm not really sure, for whatever reason Alan Class didn't have a publication date printed anywhere that I could find. If I had to guess I'd put them in the range anywhere from 1962-1965 though. I do know that I worked on this run for about three years, in that time I saw at least two Pence copies of every FF from 1-6 for sale but not other copies of these. I have no idea what the print runs were like but they don't seem to be very plentiful.
  9. You're not the only one. I've been looking for some time now. They turn up every now and again, you just have to keep your eye out for them.
  10. I thought you guys might appreciate seeing this. I got this one in today. It completes my run from 1-6.
  11. I got this book in today. It completes the run from 1-6.
  12. If I'm not mistaken this is my first UK Adams book. It looks good next to it's Mexican counterpart.
  13. It's been awhile (she moved here when she was 11) but if I can get her to sit down and look at it I'm sure she can muddle through it.
  14. Thanks for the clarification CLaudio! Makes sense for sure.... I have heard about the Germans way of grading and how their grading scale was pretty advanced? Do you know about it? Is it similar to the 10 point CGC scale we have here? Curious now..... I have also been told by some that of all the countries in Europe the Germans were the most obsessed about grade and condition. High grade CGC-able German books are more readily available I have seemed to notice and been told by some others? is this true in your opinion? This is the answer about the german grading scale: http://www.comicguide.de/php/faq.php?nr=205 now, all we need, is someone who speaks german. comicfangermany (Thomas) comes on here every couple of months, and he is German! Umm... my fiancee is from Germany. Of course getting her to sit down and translate it for me is probably close to impossible.
  15. Wow Tim, a Hulk from the Philippines? This is a nice italian Hulk magazine, as it features the artwork from the original book (which was a picture frame) on the full cover. Art by the great Earl Norem… The real kicker about this one is that Matt acquired it with a batch of Filipino books from a contact of his and it's, quite honestly, the one Hulk book that I'd choose to have out of the entire run because of the Wrightson cover.
  16. Just when everyone was thinking "Alright, two big batches of books in a week's time. That crazy guy in Indiana that collects these foreign books will be done posting stuff for a while."
  17. I... Like... BIG... Butts, and I cannot lie!...other beenas can't deny!!