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Everything posted by asteroid-comix

  1. Love it. From a $10 entertainment standpoint, this has win written all over it.
  2. Randall is a great boardie to deal with anytime. He always shows up in my sales threads and when he buys he pays quickly and always lets you know when things arrive.
  3. So, I suppose my thought piece there was basically asking whether this type of situation being in the PL domain was what we wanted our culture here to be. Really? This scenario (albeit not that swift on Xela's part) arising from a PL discussion stemming from a WTB thread, should get Xela on the PL? That's a hard- line to take, but OK I suppose this is getting us back towards a discussion about what should be the scope of the PL (and whether it has gotten watered down)...that discussion didn't make it very far last time around... Hard- line to take? Ok, that's one way to describe it. Another may be trustful, respectful and one with integrity. A culture that does not allow someone to go back on their word isn't one that is hard-, it's one built on trust. Commit to a deal and then back out, you should go on the PL. This isn't HOS worthy, which is where a lot of the watered down issues reside in my opinion, but this is PL worthy.
  4. PL worthy as written unless Xela has some other version of the story and can provide facts to support. Claim a book, agree to a deal, or anything that commits you to a transaction is PL worthy if you later back out without agreement by the seller.
  5. This. A hundred times this. Not sure I've ever complained about grading. I've missed stuff. But I have 2 subs done without a prescreen because I figured every book at least a 9.6, with most a 9.8. Most are 9.6 with a couple 9.4s and 9.2s. I can't imagine what a 9.9 looks like now. The requirements for a 9.8 have gone up substantially. I'm actually, glad to hear about the tight grading. As a buyer, I am now getting what I pay for. I think CGC went terribly soft a few years ago and it influenced our personal grading. We starting grading soft also. Now, CGC has finally tightened up. Maybe a 9.8 will now look like a near flawless book, this is the way it should be. Kudos to CGC !!! Tight grading is good for the hobby. Tight or loose, just be consistent. Right now, they're not consistent. I'm still talking about nearly flawless books or else I wouldn't sub them without a prescreen if it mattered. I'm not just talking sour grapes here. I'm not seeing it. I just got the grades for 5 submissions. Something around 75 books. My grades were dead on or under what CGC gave it on all but 4-5 books And that's the rub/problem. It's not consistent. I am getting books put in 9.8 holders that don't belong in 9.8 holders and books that I thought were flawless only passing prescreen at 50% rates. I've books that were cracked, books that I agreed with the grades on the holders, that dropped by multiple grades. The grading is crazy bad right now. It's not too tight, it's just bad. I'm curious if any of the 9.6's or 9.4's will have graders notes or if you'll be able to tell when you get them back. I wonder if they have just hired a new crop of graders who may have inconsistencies in grading or if they are beginning to more tightly/loosely grade some of the previously accepted/rejected production flaws. Stuff like bindery tears, slight waviness of the covers due to printing or packaging, almost imperceptible non-color break spine bumps less than 1/16" and only visible under angled light or some interior imperfections. Or perhaps, they had a a bout of horrible mishandling of the comics during the receiving or QA phase where some may have gotten damaged prior to being graded or after being graded 9.8 during the sealing/encapsulation process. Some of the lower grades, like 9.2's and 9.4's are getting grader notes, but a lot of the 9.6's are not getting grading notes. Most of the grading notes simply say "spine wear"
  6. Usually they are crescent shaped and about the size of a finger print and generally show up on the outer edge/non-spine side of the front or back cover. They are caused when people take their finger and bend open the cover.
  7. This. A hundred times this. Not sure I've ever complained about grading. I've missed stuff. But I have 2 subs done without a prescreen because I figured every book at least a 9.6, with most a 9.8. Most are 9.6 with a couple 9.4s and 9.2s. I can't imagine what a 9.9 looks like now. The requirements for a 9.8 have gone up substantially. I'm actually, glad to hear about the tight grading. As a buyer, I am now getting what I pay for. I think CGC went terribly soft a few years ago and it influenced our personal grading. We starting grading soft also. Now, CGC has finally tightened up. Maybe a 9.8 will now look like a near flawless book, this is the way it should be. Kudos to CGC !!! Tight grading is good for the hobby. Tight or loose, just be consistent. Right now, they're not consistent. I'm still talking about nearly flawless books or else I wouldn't sub them without a prescreen if it mattered. I'm not just talking sour grapes here. I'm not seeing it. I just got the grades for 5 submissions. Something around 75 books. My grades were dead on or under what CGC gave it on all but 4-5 books And that's the rub/problem. It's not consistent. I am getting books put in 9.8 holders that don't belong in 9.8 holders and books that I thought were flawless only passing prescreen at 50% rates. I've books that were cracked, books that I agreed with the grades on the holders, that dropped by multiple grades. The grading is crazy bad right now. It's not too tight, it's just bad.
  8. You nailed slower and they are the most expensive, but I would question the good statement. Over the course of nearly $45,000 in grading fees over the last 4.5/5 years and an additional $10k in fees sitting in Sarasota right now, I have had my share of hits and misses with their grading. However, it never reached the point where I felt the need to call until this round. I've contacted Harshen twice in as many weeks over the current grading that I'm seeing. As a customer, I don't want grading that is too tight or too loose. I want grading that is consistent and correct. The grading coming out of CGC right now is brutal. I would recommend either of the other guys before CGC.
  9. ...it wasn't returned in the slab..... not even CGC would recognize it as valid. I agree with you on many of your concerns about the ethics involved in that case, but if someone sent me a raw book back and "claimed" CGC had graded it, I would be very skeptical....especially if I didn't know them. There is no way to definitively associate the book with the process without the slab..... GOD BLESS... -jimbo(a fiend of jesus) (thumbs u I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that CGC started the grading process, marked it as trimmed, and then refunded the grading costs and sent the book back. My understanding was once you sent the books in they graded them, unless you paid for prescreen service etc but even that costs extra and isn't for restoration checks etc. Do they note "Trimmed" at the "Scheduled for grading" phase? I didn't think they did. The grades themselves aren't available until the "Shipped" phase, or that's my understanding. Once it gets that far, the book has been slabbed and I would be surprised if there is any way to get your grading fees back just because the book turned out to be trimmed. They don't. I've never heard of this happening with CGC either - perhaps the book was sent to CCS and they were the ones confirming it was trimmed? Yep, they don't mark it as trimmed, but they may mark it as restored between check in and scheduled for grading. Maybe they saw that and called, found out about the trimming and stopped it.
  10. Correct. The inside front cover has new art and states that it is a limited edition of 1500. Below that it would be signed and numbered in marker.
  11. One of my favorite covers Is that cover by Linsner? Dawn's face looks distinctly different on this cover than any other I have seen. I remember that someone had posted this cover so thought I would share my new OA that I picked up. JML art with the background coloring filled in by Conny Valentina.
  12. I'd send you a check Ultimately it depends on the buyer or seller. Just like with anything else, if you feel comfortable enough with the risk, its up to you. Comics typically aren't something you HAVE to buy, like milk or bread in the rest of the world and avocados and quinoa in California, so if you don't feel comfortable with the payment method for a comic...don't buy it. If you want it so badly, pay the extra for paypal fees. +1 This really isn't a bad alternative. I've had people want to cut deals by check or MO, and I wasn't real comfortable with that, but wanted to book/piece. I offered to pay via Paypal and cover the fees. Personally, I think it's cheeseball for someone to not take Paypal in this day and age - but I'll forgo those feelings to make sure I'm protected in a transaction if it's an item I really want. Yummy Guacamole I figured as much. Thanks from everyone. It's just common sense and it boils down to trust. I feel comfortable paying the extra for fees and sometimes I dabble in the occasional personal payment method when the mood strikes. How's the mood striking you now? Love me some 40 year old virgin. I've sold just as much via check as I have via Paypal on the boards. I certainly wouldn't say you're risk free, even with established sellers, but the chances that you're going to get jerked by someone who has been around awhile and is known to sell a lot on the boards is pretty low.
  13. I'll be posting 20-25 raw high grade 12 and 15 cent spidey's over the next several days.
  14. What the heck is a "CGC rep"? I've had a dealer account for a number of years. I've never had a rep.
  15. Picked up copies of all of the prints of the first three issues. Really nice packaging as well...
  16. standard tier rec'd 9/8 -> verified -> 9/12 -> scheduled for grading 9/25
  17. It will continue to bring a premium over blue labels. Brent did pretty well on a Lee/Liefeld sig book http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Mutants-98-CGC-NM-M-9-8-/221489734607?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item3391d123cf&nma=true&si=l24AcToIgzJZ%252BRF3RFQ8L6Zpmu4%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  18. I don't think anyone thinks ill of you B. I think a lot of folks would have pulled the trigger on those books. We just don't want to see you get burned buddy (thumbs u