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Everything posted by Logan510

  1. Is that the double-page Ronin swipe, or am I getting confused? The one with Bullseye casually putting on his coat and following Elektra to Matt Murdock's house. Oh, you want an example of good storytelling.
  2. I agree with much of what's said here - he is lazy, he does steal poses, he does miss deadlines, and he's been known to be a jerk at times, steal artists from other studios, etc. And I'm personally not a fan of his current work. The complaints about anatomy, feet, and long legs are stylistic choices he makes and I forgive those the same way I don't criticize Kirby or Mignola or Lee for their choices. BUT, what I am saying is that I loved his prime work from the early 90s and think people should at least give him his due for the quality work at his peak. His work circa X-Force #1 was unlike anything else in comics and was popular enough to establish a clone army trying to mimic his success. The attitude that he was horrible at every moment of his life, never had any talent, that he somehow magically coasted by on luck, and that millions of people were duped in the early 90s is downright silly. Give the man credit for the quality work. Most refuse to see any difference. I might agree with you, if you could show me any example of his work ( that wasn't fixed by a painter ) that showed he knows how to draw "correctly" and those were actual "stylistic choices". I double dog dare you.
  3. I remember some of those earlier posts. Glad to see the movie may be better off than where some assumed. But too bad the costumes are not shiny enough. You know. Because in a dark, combative future where Mutants have to hide and fight to survive, you wear really bright outfits with a big bullseye and 'SHOOT HERE' over the top of it. I couldn't agree more. Nothing says comic book movie like stupid costumes. To be honest, the original story was so stupid I'm glad someone smart could finally make a good Days of Furture Past. Agreed. It's very short and feels unfinished in comic form. As a concept for a story it's A+ material. That's all comics should really be, is just fodder for making brilliant movies. I always felt the original DoFP should've been padded to at least six issues. Easier to make a trade out of it. I think it should have just been told as a more complete story. It was far too truncated and unfinished. The idea for the story was great. Much like the ideas for Miller's Dark Knight and Old Man Logan were great ideas for a story. The execution and completeness of the storytelling can vary wildly. How do you make it a more complete story? By padding it out to at least 6 issues. They created an entirely new world, a potentially alternate yet complete future world, and the sum total of that world was covered in less than 1/2 the pages in two issues. Telling the story completely wouldn't be padding the story. I guess it depends on what the plotter ( Byrne ) was thinking at the time. As far as I can tell, he didn't really care to go into great detail about the future world because in his mind it would never be revisited. The whole point of the exercise ( according to JB ) was to show the X-Men having a clear-cut victory...they won and wiped out the horrible future...until Claremont decided to ruin it with the infamous "incestuous kiss". That's possible, they just left it open that the version of the history was going to happen anyway with the ending of the story. I always thought they didn't go into detail because it was being told within the confines of the main X-men title and would thus become canon and tie the hands of storytellers going forward. It's not like one of those DC Elseworld's books that didn't care about linear storytelling, or a story like Old Man Logan that was it's own title and potentially never a part of the 616 world. The original intention was that specific future was wiped out or changed. They prevented the death of Senator Kelly, thus preventing that future from happening. A clear-cut win. That's what Byrne plotted and what Claremont agreed to. It wasn't until Claremont scripted it that he created the infamous " incestuous kiss". Byrne claims he was furious when he read the issue and says that Claremont used his usual excuse of " that's what I felt like at the time I wrote it" for why he deviated from the agreed upon plot.
  4. Small print on last page: Hollywood thanks you for this initial -script. Oh, and I hope you don't mind. We'll be dropping the bright uniforms in a dark world where mutants are attempting to hide from the Sentinels. Please see your local military's field manual on camouflage for complete details. Actually, the characters weren't wearing bright uniforms in the future. They all wore similar prison / concentration camp garb. I thought for sure you had read the original story....even though it was pretty bad. See? Hollywood came through. Thank goodness Now at least we can focus on the movie and stop worrying about why the colors are not bright enough. Why to keep going on about a point that you even admit doesn't matter or apply is beyond me. I already let that go m'man (thumbs u
  5. I remember some of those earlier posts. Glad to see the movie may be better off than where some assumed. But too bad the costumes are not shiny enough. You know. Because in a dark, combative future where Mutants have to hide and fight to survive, you wear really bright outfits with a big bullseye and 'SHOOT HERE' over the top of it. I couldn't agree more. Nothing says comic book movie like stupid costumes. To be honest, the original story was so stupid I'm glad someone smart could finally make a good Days of Furture Past. Agreed. It's very short and feels unfinished in comic form. As a concept for a story it's A+ material. That's all comics should really be, is just fodder for making brilliant movies. I always felt the original DoFP should've been padded to at least six issues. Easier to make a trade out of it. I think it should have just been told as a more complete story. It was far too truncated and unfinished. The idea for the story was great. Much like the ideas for Miller's Dark Knight and Old Man Logan were great ideas for a story. The execution and completeness of the storytelling can vary wildly. How do you make it a more complete story? By padding it out to at least 6 issues. They created an entirely new world, a potentially alternate yet complete future world, and the sum total of that world was covered in less than 1/2 the pages in two issues. Telling the story completely wouldn't be padding the story. I guess it depends on what the plotter ( Byrne ) was thinking at the time. As far as I can tell, he didn't really care to go into great detail about the future world because in his mind it would never be revisited. The whole point of the exercise ( according to JB ) was to show the X-Men having a clear-cut victory...they won and wiped out the horrible future...until Claremont decided to ruin it with the infamous "incestuous kiss".
  6. Small print on last page: Hollywood thanks you for this initial -script. Oh, and I hope you don't mind. We'll be dropping the bright uniforms in a dark world where mutants are attempting to hide from the Sentinels. Please see your local military's field manual on camouflage for complete details. Actually, the characters weren't wearing bright uniforms in the future. They all wore similar prison / concentration camp garb. I thought for sure you had read the original story....even though it was pretty bad. See? Hollywood came through. Thank goodness
  7. Small print on last page: Hollywood thanks you for this initial -script. Oh, and I hope you don't mind. We'll be dropping the bright uniforms in a dark world where mutants are attempting to hide from the Sentinels. Please see your local military's field manual on camouflage for complete details. Actually, the characters weren't wearing bright uniforms in the future. They all wore similar prison / concentration camp garb. I thought for sure you had read the original story....even though it was pretty bad.
  8. I remember some of those earlier posts. Glad to see the movie may be better off than where some assumed. But too bad the costumes are not shiny enough. You know. Because in a dark, combative future where Mutants have to hide and fight to survive, you wear really bright outfits with a big bullseye and 'SHOOT HERE' over the top of it. I couldn't agree more. Nothing says comic book movie like stupid costumes. To be honest, the original story was so stupid I'm glad someone smart could finally make a good Days of Furture Past. Agreed. It's very short and feels unfinished in comic form. As a concept for a story it's A+ material. That's all comics should really be, is just fodder for making brilliant movies. I always felt the original DoFP should've been padded to at least six issues. Easier to make a trade out of it. I think it should have just been told as a more complete story. It was far too truncated and unfinished. The idea for the story was great. Much like the ideas for Miller's Dark Knight and Old Man Logan were great ideas for a story. The execution and completeness of the storytelling can vary wildly. How do you make it a more complete story? By padding it out to at least 6 issues.
  9. Excellent! McLeod has still got it
  10. I understand that taste in art is subjective. What I don't understand is how anyone can look at his work objectively and call it good.
  11. I remember some of those earlier posts. Glad to see the movie may be better off than where some assumed. But too bad the costumes are not shiny enough. You know. Because in a dark, combative future where Mutants have to hide and fight to survive, you wear really bright outfits with a big bullseye and 'SHOOT HERE' over the top of it. I couldn't agree more. Nothing says comic book movie like stupid costumes. To be honest, the original story was so stupid I'm glad someone smart could finally make a good Days of Furture Past. Agreed. It's very short and feels unfinished in comic form. As a concept for a story it's A+ material. That's all comics should really be, is just fodder for making brilliant movies. I always felt the original DoFP should've been padded to at least six issues. Easier to make a trade out of it.
  12. Is there an echo in here? I just said it was stupid.
  13. I remember some of those earlier posts. Glad to see the movie may be better off than where some assumed. But too bad the costumes are not shiny enough. You know. Because in a dark, combative future where Mutants have to hide and fight to survive, you wear really bright outfits with a big bullseye and 'SHOOT HERE' over the top of it. I couldn't agree more. Nothing says comic book movie like stupid costumes. To be honest, the original story was so stupid I'm glad someone smart could finally make a good Days of Furture Past.
  14. Yeah? Aside from Paty Cockrum...I like all those artists a lot more than McFarlane. I'll take Frenz, Layton or McLeod any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
  15. That could be loss of circulation. Maybe it's time to see a doctor
  16. Thank goodness they're making these movies for the people that really matter. The paying adults.
  17. No, yellow would look horrible. It's much kewler when everyone's outfit has the same drab look. Indeed. How horrible, I'm glad we're in agreement. The last thing we want a comic book movie to look or be like is a comic book.
  18. No, yellow would look horrible. It's much kewler when everyone's outfit has the same drab look.
  19. Ughhh, those primary colors stick out like a sore thumb against all that cool, drab gray and black. What were the producers thinking?!?!?
  20. I find it interesting that your favorite Deadpool drawing by Liefeld looks the least Liefeld of anything I've seen him do. It's fairly obvious ( to me anyway ) that whoever "painted" the finished piece, fixed a lot of things along the way. What can I say? This depiction of Deadpool is a major improvement from his NM 98 debut, IMHO. Btw, I didnt say It was my favorite. I said I think it's my favorite. There's some other Liefeld Deadpool drawing which I like, probably just as much, and they look much more "Liefeld-ish". What do you mean, "whoever painted the finished piece"? I assume you're referring to the Colorist? Yes, it looks like the colorist fixed a lot of things on that piece. Weird. This info was taken from Marvel.com (in regards to this book)... Cover Information Penciller: Rob Liefeld Colorist: Rob Liefeld Is that just a screw up on the Marvel website? Clearly, the cover has Caprottis name on it. Anyways, could you point out some of the things that have been fixed? I really do have an untrained eye when It comes to that kind of level of artwork, but I would like to know what mistakes have been covered up. Thanks! The anatomy, hands and feet don't look like Liefeld.
  21. Yes, it looks like the colorist fixed a lot of things on that piece. FWIW, Mike Caprotti is a painter, not a colorist. So I was right the first time
  22. But the topic was about favorite art, not favorite person. I've heard the horror stories. I've met him in person. And what you're saying is pretty accurate. Not disputing that at all. He deserves all the negativity he gets for a lot of what he did. But it's the art and comics I read and cared about. However someone acts in real life may sway opinion somewhat, but at least the art should be judged on the art, not the personality. As others have said as well, we should be able to separate the art from the artist and judge them independently. If it turns out Michelangelo was a complete would you really not appreciate the Sistine Chapel? Yeah, that's right, I just compared Liefeld to the Sistine Chapel:) I've met Rob on more than one occasion and he was very nice to me. That doesn't change my opinion on the quality of his work.
  23. I find it interesting that your favorite Deadpool drawing by Liefeld looks the least Liefeld of anything I've seen him do. It's fairly obvious ( to me anyway ) that whoever "painted" the finished piece, fixed a lot of things along the way. What can I say? This depiction of Deadpool is a major improvement from his NM 98 debut, IMHO. Btw, I didnt say It was my favorite. I said I think it's my favorite. There's some other Liefeld Deadpool drawing which I like, probably just as much, and they look much more "Liefeld-ish". What do you mean, "whoever painted the finished piece"? I assume you're referring to the Colorist? Yes, it looks like the colorist fixed a lot of things on that piece.
  24. I find it interesting that your favorite Deadpool drawing by Liefeld looks the least Liefeld of anything I've seen him do. It's fairly obvious ( to me anyway ) that whoever "painted" the finished piece, fixed a lot of things along the way.