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Everything posted by Logan510

  1. Good lord, I do think that Liefeld fan is high....but best cover ever? I wouldn't even rank it in my top 1000. It's a very, VERY good illustration, but not a good comic book cover IMHO. it depends what you're after, Batman 225 or 235 are my favourite for telling a story but Killing Joke is so memorable that i think it surpasses them for what a cover is supposed to do (i.e. being attracted to/buying the book) Even then, the only reason it draws someone in is because Bolland is such a good illustrator. The image itself isn't particularly interesting from a design standpoint.
  2. Good lord, I do think that Liefeld fan is high....but best cover ever? I wouldn't even rank it in my top 1000. It's a very, VERY good illustration, but not a good comic book cover IMHO.
  3. I'm in agreement here. Comics are a monthly thing for financial reasons only, and the best books are the ones that come out less often but with more care put into them. I would always prefer a book to come out less often and be good, than be rushed out to give me a weak monthly fix. Biggest pile of horse mess I've read today and totally disrespecting to artists who have been able to put out stellar work on a monthly basis for decades.
  4. You say the movie stank, but gave it a 6? A 6 is passing in my book. It was an entertaining movie, and I am sure once people see it either a second time or watch it on TV they will come back ,and say jeez it wasn`t that bad or as bad as they say it was. I now look forward to your X-Men: Days of Future Past review, as I would be interested to see if you think that will be a better movie then ASM 2. Why? Because your point of reference I bet is much higher for X-Men because your a much bigger X-Men fan than a Spider-Man fan from what I gather. I want to see if this point of reference idea process has something to do with liking a superhero movie or not. A 6 is barely a pass and the only thing it had going for it was some of the web slinging, and of course Gwen. I was an X-men fan but my point of reference is not my like or dislike of the characters. I hardly knew any of the characters in First Class but thought it was a terrific comic movie. Spidey 2 was campy. Whenever I was watching Max Dillon I thougt I was watching a 1990's Batman movie. The story was not great (too many moving parts but not particularly well done), some of the special effects were cheesy (I thought Electro looked poor and there were a few instances where Spidey looked like a video game) and the science in the movie was cheesy. Overall, this move will do great for the younger demographic / teenage market but IMO that's about it. I might watch it again just to see if my opinion holds up but I have little desire to see it again. I'd put it a shade above Ghost Rider, which I have never seen. I grew up a Spider-man fan. I called John Romita long distance at Marvel Comics when I was 13 years old. (Boy, did I get in trouble for that!) Never was a X-Men fan, really ever. Just never really got into it all that much. But like you said, I thought X-Men First Class was a terrific comic book movie. Now I want to go see Days of Future Past really bad. I thought ASM was lame and have no desire to waste my time seeing anything else Sony has to present in this series. ASM is SOOOOO Joel Schumacher. Now I understand the secret to enjoying any of the X-Men movies. Thank you sir!
  5. That's not what he meant. Gawd, how I hate the "growing roses" defense for being lazy. Not only is it BS, but it puts down dozens of artists who have been able to get high quality work done on time for decades. I don't know. I still believe good art wasn't meant to made every 30 days. What guys like Kirby, Romita, Byrne, etc. did was amazingly consistent, but I think even they would agree that the best work they could do wouldn't be under a 30 day deadline. The reason comics are monthly isn't from an artistic stand point, it's from a financial one. Though using it as an excuse to be lazy is, yeah, annoying. Two out of the Three you mention are among the fastest comic book artists in the history of the medium and would probably not agree. Interesting anecdote: When Shooter became EiC of Marvel he had heard that John Byrne was doing 3 fully penciled pages a day. He asked JB to try ( as an experiment ) just drawing two pages a day and see what would happen. The result? Byrne ending his work day two hours earlier than normal
  6. I have a feeling about the movie too. Similar to the feeling I get when I eat Escolar at a Sushi place.
  7. That's not what he meant. Gawd, how I hate the "growing roses" defense for being lazy. Not only is it BS, but it puts down dozens of artists who have been able to get high quality work done on time for decades.
  8. It seems he's also forgotten that Image was initially an imprint of Malibu , so the huge risk the Image founders were taking wasn't that huge ( especially when you consider they all would've been taken back by the big two with open arms if Image had bombed ).
  9. I don't watch Bing Bang...and no, that has never happened to me. That's because you only ever watched Masterpiece Theatre as a child... It's not the only thing, but I did watch that as well
  10. That's the mistake that we as "insiders" make. Not "everyone" knows the origin or even more than the very basic concept of these characters. Most people have the attention span of a fly...give it 10 years and there will be a whole new audience for new Batman movies
  11. There will be peace in the middle east and a fictional event know as Revelations will also happen before Sony ever gives up Spider-man back to Marvel. One thing I think will come from all this if ASM 2 doesn`t get the desired box office results is there will be a change in Spider-Man`s costume. I know a sacrilege thought. Spider-Man`s costume just like Superman`s and Batman`s doesn't work in live action movies that well. They look great in the comic books and animation series, but for some reason they don`t seem to fit in after seeing Iron Man fly around in armor. I think they definitely will change Spider-Man`s costume for the next movie somewhat. Here was a rejected costume that Marc Webb wanted compared to the one they used for ASM 2. I like it myself. It seems more realistic for live action movies. Any thoughts about they will change Spider-Man`s costume for ASM 3 somewhat? Amazing-Spider-Man-alternate-costume I cannot come up with a reason why the costume on the left is more "realistic". care to explain?
  12. I don't watch Bing Bang...and no, that has never happened to me.
  13. Well said. I feel the same way about The Goonies. I wonder if there is something about that 8-9 yr old range that just sticks with you? The Goonies is a well made movie though. Don't you be talkin' smack about Richard Donner The Goonies is a kids movie. I would call it layered. But even if it were just a kids movie, so what? That doesn't mean it can't be of good quality.
  14. Well said. I feel the same way about The Goonies. I wonder if there is something about that 8-9 yr old range that just sticks with you? The Goonies is a well made movie though. Don't you be talkin' smack about Richard Donner
  15. Thanks. No one's ever complimented me on my posts before To be fair...he's also defended people in the probation thread who didn't deserve it.
  16. I think it was that Cap cover that sealed his fate. His work was pretty krappy way before that piece
  17. thats because it's Ditko's At least he gave credit...compared to all the swiping he's done since. Probably McFarlane that actually gave the credit, as he did on several occasions when he did this sort of thing. I figured as much, but I thought I'd give the benefit of the doubt
  18. thats because it's Ditko's At least he gave credit...compared to all the swiping he's done since.
  19. So what determines "quality" work? Your opinion? Perfect accuracy to human anatomy? I flip through much of his work in X-Force #1 and think it's absolutely amazing. It's bold inking, it's enjoyable storytelling, it's fun action, great pacing...but no matter how clearly I point out the good or quality things, people will invariably find things to nitpick no matter what. Here's my favorite page of the book. It's a great action page, great focus on the main characters, the inking is great, it moves the story forward. But plenty of people here will likely rip it apart for the sake of ripping it apart. Great inking? Every single line on this page is the same thickness. But there are so many of them!
  20. I agree, that whole movie made me sad. I practically had a frown on my face the entire time watching it...except when Fasbender was on screen
  21. Out of curiosity, what were you expecting?
  22. +1000 That probably IS Liefeld at his best. I'm starting to get anxiety looking at this crud from the 90's.... I would disagree. The one thing that I think he improved on was his line work. He actually started using more of them and thus covered up more of the mistakes
  23. What's hilarious about this cover, is that if there were any question as to whether Wolverine's head coming out of his left shoulder was an illusion of perspective, Liefeld actually draws the neck hole of his shirt off center from his chest, making it look deliberate. While the extra buckles and arm bandolier are typical Liefeld, I'm impressed that Wolverine's bicep isn't twice the size of his head, and that his barely larger than his forearm. This must be one of those "better" pieces I keep reading about. I, too, was impressed by this when I first saw it. So much so, I bought multiple copies (all of which I still have.) But....I was 17, and unschooled in the ways of illustration. What was it that drew you in? I have to imagine it's the line work as the pose is pretty static and not dynamic.
  24. I agree with much of what's said here - he is lazy, he does steal poses, he does miss deadlines, and he's been known to be a jerk at times, steal artists from other studios, etc. And I'm personally not a fan of his current work. The complaints about anatomy, feet, and long legs are stylistic choices he makes and I forgive those the same way I don't criticize Kirby or Mignola or Lee for their choices. BUT, what I am saying is that I loved his prime work from the early 90s and think people should at least give him his due for the quality work at his peak. His work circa X-Force #1 was unlike anything else in comics and was popular enough to establish a clone army trying to mimic his success. The attitude that he was horrible at every moment of his life, never had any talent, that he somehow magically coasted by on luck, and that millions of people were duped in the early 90s is downright silly. Give the man credit for the quality work. Most refuse to see any difference. The first step to Liefeld recovery is realizing he's no longer the artist you thought he was. The next step is realizing that he never was. You're half way there. His old stuff was better? heh