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Everything posted by Logan510

  1. I think its more than 2, I think the last time there was a few of us And one situation that never made it to the list. Gotta love when someone tells you they had to back out of a deal because they lost their job. Then you find out they just purchased an Amazing Fantasy 15 from another forumite. Maybe he used his unemployment insurance to pay for it?
  2. This is two strikes ( not board strikes ) in a relatively short time. haven't we learned our lesson with this guy?
  3. I'm actually looking to get more Hulk 180s. I don't think there's enough love for the first appearance of Wolverine. (thumbs u Ya but its growing...... As it should! No politics
  4. He's not playing an American in the movie So no. Ah, right, I get it. German with British accent (thumbs u American with British accent Its not a big deal, but I did notice it. If you met an American who grew up in America, went to college in England, then spent the better part of his life in America, wouldn't you notice that he has an English accent? As for Magneto, he was on the run and hiding his identity, it would make sense that he would learn British English I would think. No?
  5. He's not playing an American in the movie So no. Ah, right, I get it. German with British accent (thumbs u American with British accent Magneto is German? I believe he was of German Jewish descent according to his comic origin. I haven't read a new x-book in over 14 years. Interesting though, thank you.
  6. He's not playing an American in the movie So no. Ah, right, I get it. German with British accent (thumbs u American with British accent Magneto is German?
  7. Young X: I DON'T WANT YOUR FUTURE!!! Old X: I WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU ARE WALKING AGAIN!!! "Why do we have a British accent"??? To make them sound intelligent. But the character isn't British I wouldn't class their movie accents as being 'British'. Unless you are saying that only American actors can play American characters. Really....what would you call their accents then? Er, I wouldn't call them anything. There is no such thing as a 'British' accent. Dialects are different all over Great Britain, just as I assume they are in the US. They speak English - what more do you want? I think that some people are wondering why Charles Xavier, who by all accounts grew up in New York in the 50's and 60's speaks in a way (what 99.99% of people on this planet would call an 'accent') that appears to be more typical of the way people speak if they were from a place called "England", which is a part of a place called "Great Britain". I think the answer is that there is a small subset of people who grow up very rich in the Northeast (of America) that do have a somewhat 'more noble' accent, that does sounds 'somewhat British' to many Americans. Often times this is attributed to having one or more parents that are British, 'charm school,' and/or a butler (or other servants) who are British. Add that to college and grad school in Britain, and you've got the makings a of a light but discernible (and plausible) British accent. BUT I'm pretty sure FOX would prefer that you don't ask. I'm guessing then that his 'accent' is probably part of his mutant genetics. Can you fit through that hoop? It seems awfully tight
  8. Young X: I DON'T WANT YOUR FUTURE!!! Old X: I WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU ARE WALKING AGAIN!!! "Why do we have a British accent"??? To make them sound intelligent. But the character isn't British I wouldn't class their movie accents as being 'British'. Unless you are saying that only American actors can play American characters. Really....what would you call their accents then?
  9. Young X: I DON'T WANT YOUR FUTURE!!! Old X: I WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU ARE WALKING AGAIN!!! "Why do we have a British accent"??? To make them sound intelligent. But the character isn't British
  10. This looks great. Not a fan of the Sentinels but not a deal breaker. If that was the only problem it might not be a deal breaker for me either. However... For some reason when you're reviewing (previewing ) a movie, I picture you wearing a monocle, using a long cigarette holder and sipping espresso. Closest I could get...
  11. Young X: I DON'T WANT YOUR FUTURE!!! Old X: I WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU ARE WALKING AGAIN!!! "Why do we have a British accent"???
  12. This looks great. Not a fan of the Sentinels but not a deal breaker. If that was the only problem it might not be a deal breaker for me either. However...
  13. That's what I thought at first, but then It seemed like there was more to this story in the comics later on. There was. Bishop came from the same future that DOFP existed in as did Rachel Summers. The funny thing is that the intention of the plotter of the original story was that it was supposed to be a clearly defined "win" for the X-Men at the time and that by preventing Senator Kelly's death, they changed the future. Obviously Claremont didn't feel like leaving well enough alone.
  14. That would be the beauty of these movies being exact copies of each page in a comic. You could bring the comic to the theater and call out during the movie, "That's the scene from page 8, panel 4. Good stuff. Wait until we get to page 9, panel 1. It is going to be killer!" I don't think anyone would realistically expect a two issue story that wasn't even 40 pages long to be verbatim in a 90 minute movie. Maybe if they did the original story as a cartoon ala the movies that DC puts out DTV Something a little closer than what we're actually getting would be nice though.
  15. The Sentinels look "great"? They definitely don't look like Sentinels. Apparently they had to make them look that way to appeal to the masses. Well, it is the masses that make the movies popular. This is true and apparently they'll swallow any piece of garbage thrown at them
  16. The Sentinels look "great"? They definitely don't look like Sentinels. Apparently they had to make them look that way to appeal to the masses.
  17. No one said he wasn't a big deal in 1983. He was popular in 1983. Amongst X-Men collectors he was very popular. But white hot super nova Mainstream big deal? No. Not yet. Is anyone arguing that? In comics he was pretty popular, but I would guess he didn't become even known by the mainstream until the X-Men cartoon and didn't blow up until the first X-Men movie. Hulk was probably more popular with the mainstream up until that point.
  18. Gee, I didn't see that one coming and I was actually going to post "someone is going to bring up Spider-man" low-hanging fruit. As we all know, Spidey was gold at Marvel, and just like Batman and Superman, there are no rules with icons like that. Let's spin it the other way, are you really saying that Wolverine was LESS popular than Devil Dinosaur? Using your logic DD must have been way more popular, since he got his own title. Company's that size make dumb decisions like that every day. But believing they held Wolverine back for 'editorial' reasons? Doesn't sound like the Marvel I know. This is the same company that brought Gwen Stacey back as a clone less than two years after she died, because the fans asked for it. The most likely reason they held back, is because of the change over going on between newsstand and Direct Market. DM would protect them from having any returns on a book they took a chance on that didn't succeed. This would explain the toe dip in the water approach with mini's. Once DM began to dominate, Marvel opened up to a lot more over exposure, despite any editorial input. This is also the same company that turned down Byrne's proposal for X-Men: Hidden years in the late 1980's because " too many books with X-Men in the title would confuse the readers". How times changed just a few short years later and the rest is history.
  19. Just out of curiosity, how many people here were excited when they announced Wolverine getting his own monthly series and then how many were disappointed that he was pretending to be some guy named "Patch" in a made up Asian city? At least the Buscema art was solid :::sigh::
  20. I'm not sure why you seem to think comparisons like this are at all relevant. Speedball, Chuck Norris, the New Universe and even the Punisher weren't anchoring Marvel's hottest monthly book like Wolverine was (and hottest doesn't have to mean biggest - ASM may have been ExxonMobil to UXM's Google, but it certainly didn't have much "heat" to it) Because obviously Marvel DID make those comparisons and chose those characters over Wolverine. And X-Men was not the hottest book at Marvel during that time. Spider-man was a solo character and their biggest draw, and they had no problem having him in multiple books... Yes, in fact, I'm sure this very conversation in some form was going on at Marvel... Let's put him in his own regular series! No, the X-Men numbers are a slow climb, a solo series won't last... But the mini-series did great! That's a mini-series... as a solo character his book wouldn't last.... But the buzz on the street has been overwhelming! The buzz isn't selling enough books. It's a slow climb for X-Men. Wait until we have the Direct Market where we don't have to take returns on unsold books... But Wolverine is ready now! We have the New Universe... it's a sure hit.... The numbers show that isn't true. The artist of the books says it isn't true. How much more do we need? That's one individuals memory of it. We'll just have to agree to disagree. Where I was at the time, in Southeast Missouri, I didn't see a marked up back issue of Bryne's X-men until 1987. How marked up are we talking? I can remember seeing Byrne X-MEN's for up to $40 in "mint". 108, 120 & 121 were the most expensive JB issues in 1984. I can remember buying multiples of the Dark Phoenix issues for $8-10 at local cons in Chicago in 84-85.