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Everything posted by seanfingh

  1. Everyone should make a decision. There should be a poll with whatever choices are appropriate, it seems like the appropriate choices should be (1) an unequivocal yes, they go on the PL, (2) an unequivocal no, they don't go on the PL; (3) yes, they go on with a notation. I would do it, but that is probably not the best idea.
  2. I love the covers, now. I did not like them until I was convinced to try the book. I think there may be some truth to the fact that they do not boost sales the way traditional covers boost sales.
  3. Not really. The only one who said anything negative was me. There was a tremendous amount of productive discussion, and the consensus appeared to be that PIF violators should be added to the PL with a notation. It was muddled up by a bad poll with choices that didn't reflect the discussion (or at least didn't reflect where the discussion boiled down to). Whether anyone wants to admit to it or not, there is a tremendous gray area surrounding the fundamental nature of the PFI and whether there is a cognizable event outside of a typical privity of contract arrangement. So again, you have me being a dillhole, and a whole bunch of others productively discussing the situation. If I could undo it I would, not because my opinion has changed, but because people appear to be genuinely upset. By one guy's stupid opinion. To sum up, if you take it across the goal line, you will have a procedure to get PIF transactions reported.
  4. You forgot to mention charities that weren't charities, people celebrating that board members died, and boardies threatening unseemly acts to other boardies moms....etc etc. This is lower than all of those. Sure. Why not? Yeah! What he said. Oh, wait. If someone was calling one of your buddies a person_too_unaware_of_social_graces for participating in what generally is a trading thread, your stance would be different. So I guess it is all in good fun to do this when calling a larger audience a bunch of . Continue on with your logical stance. Makes perfect sense. I don't think my stance would be different, at all. I wouldn't call someone having an opinion about a thread "A New Low" for the boards, when I have personally witnessed actual criminal activity on the boards, when I have seen a beloved board member die suddenly and people post the most callous comments about being glad they died. I think a boardie making detailed comments about having sexual relations with my mom are a lot worse than someone calling a trading thread lame. So I don't think my stance would be different at all, regardless of who said it. I don't think I know anyone who could look at all the horrible things that have happened on this board and somehow make Sean's opinion of the PIF thread worse in comparison. What someone said about your mom was probably up there (or down there, to be more accurate) with Shark-Muscle telling people he was coming to screw their mom and other fine stances on debate. And the person that made this statement to you is definitely a weak-minded individual. But calling people a person_too_unaware_of_social_graces via a meme just because they participate in the PIF when the intent of the thread is meant to be much better than some deliver is definitely down there in the bowl with all the other feces-topics you mentioned. via Imgflip Meme Maker
  5. Nope. Your perception is way off once again. A strike was issued, and it is done. So no butthurt on my part as it is what it is. Calling anyone that participates in what was meant to be a good-natured trade a person_too_unaware_of_social_graces via a meme is just plain mean-spirited. Trying to make it sound like there is some agenda involved on my part is you and your crew trying to spin some tales that are just not there. But have at it. I got you, Short Box Bosco. Since I've already admitted it wasn't friendly, I guess your point about your agenda is what it is.
  6. I think the all time low is funny. It's just Bosco's agenda. He's still butthurt about his strike callout. I didn't like my strike either. And his crew rolling in is cool, too. It's not cool when my crew rolls in, but those guys are jagoffs. It is not friendly to call the PIF stupid, but I think it is, so i can either be a hypocrite or be quiet. I was quiet about it for months until it was brought to the doorstep of the Probation Thread. Then I gave my opinion. In a not very friendly manner. Folks that don't think the PIF is stupid have made some very good points, and it seems like the consensus is to add PIF offender to the PL with a notation that it is PIF. I'm not going to get dragged into anything unless it gets funny or entertaining. I hope I have enough self control to avoid a strike. Anyone that wants to take shots at me for being a , have at it. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
  7. 1) Memes are required for any general communication going forward. 2) Taking such a crazy discussion like this to General Discussion would make too much sense. 3) There's another point. But I forgot it, because I was trying to think through how to make it via meme. Here's how you do it buddy: (1) Take a short box (2) Prepare fourth point of contact You get the rest. (thumbs u
  8. That dont mean the same to me, as it does to you Neither does being called "spunky."
  9. You forgot to mention charities that weren't charities, people celebrating that board members died, and boardies threatening unseemly acts to other boardies moms....etc etc. This is lower than all of those. Sure. Why not? via Imgflip Meme Maker
  10. Some day ill be as virtuous as you two, God willing. Thank you for being such a good example. Gentle denizens of the CGC Boards, please forgive me for maligning junk swapping. I realize that on a Board where there have been multi-thousand dollar scams, stealing wives, and threats of physical violence, I have set a new low by saying bad things about the PIF thread. Wash away my iniquities, and help me see that meekly perusing threads, rubbing fannies, clapping hands and keeping on the lookout for folks who might want to buy my junk are the proper method of interacting with my fellow man on these Boards. Finally, please grant me a whole ton of Windex for the phoneys in their glass houses. Thank you. Troll boy.
  11. No one asking you for your input Insulting both the previous poster and the English language.
  12. The best was the time he tried to pre-sell all the CBLDF Nowhere Men Portland variants. That was awesome.
  13. :: That's my book: http://www.myslabbedcomics.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=10584&GSub=870 Stealing scans, pretending you own some fairly recognizable SS books and then posting them on the web's largest SS forum = not so friggin' smart :doh: I knew I had seen that book before!
  14. What a flame out that was! I can't remember one that even comes close.
  15. Andy. After calling me an animal felcher? What a sanctimonious piece of tripe. Pull the board out of your own eye before you start in on the speck in mine. My belief is that if you are going to do something for your fellow man, do it. Swapping junk with other like minded folks is just that. It is neither altruistic nor benefitting the common good. It may build camaraderie, and it may be fun, but lets not hand out the Nobel Peace Prize just yet. Animal Felcher One straw or two Sir? (thumbs u I'm just amazed you can type that pablum with a straight face.
  16. Andy. After calling me an animal felcher? What a sanctimonious piece of tripe. Pull the board out of your own eye before you start in on the speck in mine. My belief is that if you are going to do something for your fellow man, do it. Swapping junk with other like minded folks is just that. It is neither altruistic nor benefitting the common good. It may build camaraderie, and it may be fun, but lets not hand out the Nobel Peace Prize just yet.
  17. You pretty much nailed it right there. Troll Boy is right, there is a freedom of speech and expression in this Country. I would argue however, that there is also a duty to treat each other with respect. The ability to hide behind a screen should not make it an acceptable social norm to insult fellow board members without provocation. That is not the only way to express an opinion and to do so on a subject they clearly no little or nothing about is absurd. “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” ― Albert Einstein Troll Boy says enjoy your junk swapping, donkey! (thumbs u
  18. So if someone was previously added under with a failure to send via the Secret Santa thread does that qualify PIF to now be a transaction? They both follow the same formula of sending goods to someone who isn't sending back to you. Doesn't seem murky at all. Well, you appear to be trying to make a point with a hypothetical that has no basis in fact. That never happened, so I am not sure what it proves. I never had sex with Raquel Welch, so does that make me a Belgian? As I have said, many times, these types of "transactions" do not have a real analogue in any recognized legal situation. If they do, I would love to hear about it. Manicnerd got screwed. No doubt about it. I question whether it is a legally cognizable event. It appears that the consensus is gathering to make the PIF transactions part of the regular PL. You guys are winning. I am losing. I guess it's best to tilt at the Troll Queen. So, bring it on, .
  19. We should have a poll about the poll options. That is certainly relevant. What other options are there? The argument seems to be yes or no. Why muddle it with more nonsense? I'm still not certain why this is an argument to begin with if every PL addition isn't debated on whether their exchange involved "junk" or not. Value judgments are a bad path to go down when it involves trying to protect board members from potential, future deals gone bad. It's not about the junk. It's about whether there is a transaction that occurred. Very very murky. Also, here is my response to the TROLL QUEEN meme, which was pretty sweet: This is hilarious. Just because I am not a mewling bootlicker, worried about what all the other drones think, I am the troll queen? Good for me, I guess. So far here are my takes: (1) I think the PIF is dumb - and have mocked it, pretty much constantly. (2) I have serious reservations as to whether there is an actual transaction involved. (3) Clearly you have been wronged, under the terms of the PIF thread. (4) I suggested that, because of the murky nature of the "transaction" PIF handle its own bad agents (5) I also called you "the complainer" which apparently hurt your butt, despite my intention that it mean "the aggrieved party." The consensus seems to be approaching the concept that PIF infractions will go on the regular PL list with a notation. Which is exactly what good discourse is supposed to achieve. I think I am going to lose, and I am satisfied, because I got to say my piece and others presented their ideas. YAY! Freedom of Expression!!
  20. We should have a poll about the poll options. That is certainly relevant. What other options are there?
  21. Good point...although, based on the thread, looks like manicnerd paid for shipping. Seems like it's more about the point of the matter...there's a board member who didn't hold up his end of a deal, so wouldn't we want that person officially on the list - that would be in all of our interests, right? PIF has been a trainwreck on several occasions. All I am suggesting is that they handle their own business there, and not gum up the real PL. It's probably a good idea for PIF to have it's own internal blacklist. If somebody claims something in there and never does their end they should be banned from ever again using PIF until they square up. Imagine how big the PL would become if every PIF sender that shipped late or the item was damaged in shipping had to be put on PL. How would they refund a freebie to get off PL? I haven't seen anyone suggest putting people on the PL for bad shipping or shipping late, or for any other reason other than someone never shipped out what they said they would send. Why do people keep going back to that? No one has even suggested it that I've seen. What we are suggesting is explicitly, if you don't deliver the item you said you would ship you are to be added to the PL. Nothing more. No one has suggested it this time. That thread seems popular, and I am sure there is more junk to be swapped. We should have a real poll - Regular PL list, Regular PL list with a notation that it was PIF, and PIF having its own bad agent list.
  22. There is no way that PIF wildly_fanciful_statement belongs in the Probation Thread. If the PIF donkeys can't keep their junk trading escapades straight, they should start their own PIF Probation. That was kinda 'backlashy', i'm sure there are also other ways to describe it. I stand by it completely. Junk swapping misfortunes can stay in the PIF playpen. , junk swapping. Just off the top of my head, people have given away an entire 10 volume set of Sandman, a Wolverine Omnibus, Multiple 9.8 graded books, among other really quality items. I don't know why you even need to have an opinion, and a ton of hostility, towards something that you don't participate in and as such have absolutely nothing to do with you. It's though as if you are being confrontational for the sake of confrontation. I don't have any hostility. I just think it is stupid. I've been pretty clear about it from the get go. I get to have an opinion because this is a message board, and it is not governed by junk swapping group-think donkeys. Mucking with the PL has to do with everyone. Stick around, you may get it someday. So it has to do with everyone except "junk swapping group-think donkeys"? The pronoun "it" refers back to the compound noun "message board." So yes, fortunately, the message board is not governed by junk swapping group-think donkeys.