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Posts posted by Hammerhead

  1. Great episode last night, I was really impressed. Best one to date. Do we know if they are signed up for a season 2 yet?


    My wife keeps thinking there is a twist with Ward and that we will find out he is still working with SHEILD. I told her NOPE, Ward is definitely HYDRA....there is no coming back for him!


    I especially liked the scene in the diner between Ward and Skye, I loved how she in turn played him! Good Stuff!

  2. I've got life issues. Can I nominate myself for the PL?


    You can actually as it has happened before.


    On that note, I would like to nominate Eric's (Hammerhead) removal from the PL.


    I've ask him to weigh in on the subject since he self nominated, but as the offended party I'm comfortable in him coming off the list as he has faithfully been fulfilling his commitment to repay for a consistent stretch now and I would like him to be able to sell items to further the cause if he wishes.



    Thanks Dave,

    Yup, without going into a ton of details I lost my job shortly after me and Dave had a transaction. I was really down and out for awhile and just this year I started making weekly payments....well I am still out of work but my wife is helping me clear this debt. :sorry:


    Prior to this I have had several successful transactions...sales and purchases and when funds/time allows I would like to be able to use the marketplace forums again.


    Thanks Dave for being so generous and PATIENT with me, I will continue our planned payment schedule and get you payed off in no time.


    Thanks again for getting me removed from the list and I fully understand if we come to a bump in the road that I can be put right back on.



  3. The 181 cover would certainly go for more (it's a cover after all).


    I think a closer comparison would be this page or the 181 title splash. This page is, of course, the first appearance but it's a panel page. 181 is universally recognized as the more important book.




    Both great pages but personally I would rather have this one.

  4. I have already stated I liked CGC's and Paul's response. The book slipped through and they are human. It's okay.


    The grade went from 6.0 to 7.0 to 6.0.

    The page quality went from OW to OW/W to OW.

    And of course Blue to Purple to Blue.

    Regarding standards and consistency, the one that bothers me the most is

    the grade variance. This book had one specific flaw, a color breaking, vertical, book length crease along the spine. If there are standards, how does this one flaw go from 6.0 to 7.0 to 6.0 ?.

    I repeat, If there are standards, how does this one flaw go from 6.0 to 7.0 to 6.0 ?


    I see you have brought this up a few times....unfortuanetly no ones seems to want to discuss this. I find this hard to swallow as well....especially on such a high priced comic.

  5. I too have not read this entire thread but I get the jist of it.


    Would it be more conducive to discretely "tattoo" the interior of the book with the CGC number to prevent this kind of fiasco? I think it would certainly prevent the books from going through the resubmittal and screwing up the census.



    If i remember correctly, PSA/DNA has invisible ink. CGC could use that to barcode a book.



    I don't want them adding chemicals to a book I won.

    If I take it out and keep it raw why should they keep their mark on it

    If they were to use invisible UV ink to "tattoo" the book in an inconspicuous area inside the book what difference would it make to you? Just means that if someone were to resubmit the book for grading it would come up in the CGC system as a book that had already been graded.


    At least the customer could be notified that the book had previously been graded. I'm sure there are other logical advantages that could come of this!

    That the book was previously means squat.

    The person breaks it out for SS or mishandles it. IT results in new grade. The tattoo will accomplish nothing except add chemicals to a book that is sensitive to chemicals

    So tell me why someone would break it out of a holder, mis-handle it and then submit it to expect a higher grade??????????????????????

    But sometimes people bust books out for other reasons.years ago I broke out my ST 110 because I wanted to read it,smell it ect...Since then I have upgraded,this time with a raw book.with the prices going nuts I may one day(shudder) trade my old copy for something.said person who gets this book(with the old label label saved for them) may very well re submit...I take great care of my comics,but cannot guarantee it was not damaged at all....the tattooing idea leaves a terrible taste in my mouth.

    It's not like an ink-like tattoo. I just used the terminology to give you the idea that if the books were "tagged" that at least there would be some way of knowing the history of the book. And I'm not saying that the only reason someone breaks open a slabbed book is to resubmit it hoping to get a higher grade but let's not fool ourselves, is that not what ultimately happened here?


    If the book had been "inconspicuously tagged" and if the book would have been resubmitted to CGC, they would have scanned the "inconspicuous tag printed with invisible ink somewhere on the interior page(s)" and then they would have informed the graders that it had already been graded previously. I'm sure that they would pull the notes from the previous grade and make a comparison to current condition and then decide from there how it would be handled.


    The way it is right now someone de-slabs a book and resubmits it hoping for a higher grade because who knows what kind of night the grader had? Fingers crossed it comes back with a higher grade and then you have two books in the census - one of which no longer exists? How often does this happen? How many non-existent resubmitted upgraded books are there?


    If any of you reading this have participated in the PGM thread or the March/April/May Madness thread, how many of you have tried to grade the same book more than once (and not five or ten minutes a part) I mean like a week later or two? Did you come up with the same grade? Most likely not unless the book is in the very lower or very upper grading tiers.


    Going this route treats the customer like a criminal and exposes the fact that CGC cannot catch all restoration despite their claims. I don't want CGC chemically treating my books just to make their life easier.


    Can you point me to where they claim that they can catch all resto?


    :gossip: You have a typo in your sig-line wtb, "Kane" not "Cane" :foryou:

  6. EVERY book with good edges 'might be trimmed'. Every one. IMO trimming has too much stigma. If it's very very minor and basically undetectable it should be like pressing.



    CGC said they cannot detect pressing with 100% certainty so that is why pressed books get blue label.


    Next I guess if CGC cannot detect micro-trimming with 100% certainty then you will see micro-trimmed books getting blue label.


    Soon, you will have people offering micro-trimming service and most of CGC blue labels will be pressed, micro-trimmed, spine reversed and costanzed.


    Is this where you think the hobby is going ?


    I think many are in denial about micro trimming. It probably gets snuck by quite a bit unfortuanetly.......

  7. You have never posted here before? Under any screen name?


    How is the solution, that a book that may actually be trimmed, is left in a blue slab? Isn't this just passing the buck to the next buyer?


    CGC needs to take it off the market. Retire it. Take a write down. They can call the act of owning up to responsibly paying to have this book removed from circulation whatever they want.


    End of day, they bought the book.


    It would have been much easier (and cheaper) if they did this the first time, because now they need to pay FMV for a blue 6.0 to two people, and in return they get to keep a 7.0 restored JIM 83.


    Why should the new owner get compensated for a Blue 6.0 ? He gamed the system, he should not be awarded anything. I like the idea of taking it off the market but I'm not sure how that gets implemented.


    I also believe CGC should remove the book from the market. Finding the current owner isn't a problem. As for FMV, that's between CGC and the current owner.


    If the current owner won't cooperate, remove the serial number from the census, effectively voiding the grade. Then offer to purchase the book from the owner and upon receipt, burn it. This book needs to be destroyed.


    I also concur that Dan probably deserves some form of compensation but then again, I never saw him once sending them extra $$ when books upgraded and he pocketed thousands of dollars from said upgrades.


    NO WAY the book should be destroyed! I would be VERY HAPPY with that book trimmed or not, CGC or not. :sumo:

  8. Ernie is a great board member! They don't get much better, I just wanted to make a quick post thanking Erndog here in public. A few months back Ernie sent me a PM asking me for my address and followed up by mailing me 2 Daredevil TPB's that he knew I never read and wanted to read from a post of mine.


    So again thanks Ernie for the DD trades, you know I enjoyed them both! I will pay this genorosity forward soon!

  9. This thread is a hoot, too.


    And all I wanted was a little advice about my UXM 282.


    :shrug: :lol: ;)






    I've avoided posting in this thread, as there are some strong opinions, and some rather cutting remarks, being made.


    But I will say this, as my perspective.


    Newsstand copies from 1976 to 1984 are as plentiful in ultra high grade, if not moreso, than direct market copies, because that's what people were still used to. Comic shops did not flourish in America until the late 80's. Those who were inclined to keeping high grade copies were still buying them mostly from the newsstand. Newsstand sales account for 70-100% of the market during this period.


    Newsstand copies from 1985-1993 waned, but did not totally disappear. Depending on the book, there are probably 1/2 as many high grade copies as there are direct market copies. Obviously, this average goes down the farther down the road we get. Comic shops dominated the landscape, and most buying shifted from the newsstand to the comic shop during this period. Newsstand sales, however, still accounted for between 20-40% of the entire market during this period.


    Newsstand copies from 1994-2002 in ultra high grade are scarce to very scarce, as traditional newsstands either limited their orders, or stopped carrying comics altogether, and the vast majority of purchases were made at comics speciality stores. While newsstand sales still accounted for a decent chunk (10-20%), it was not significant, and when print runs plummeted in the late 90's, the newsstand was not unaffected.


    Newsstand copies from 2003-2014 are quite scarce in ultra high grade, as newsstand distribution essentially vanished as a means of comics distribution in North America (with notable exceptions), and Marvel even pulled out of the newsstand distribution chain entirely, after 70 years of publication to that market.


    Now...what are we most concerned with here? The period essentially from 1982-1993, right? (Roughly, let's not quibble over exact dates, folks.)


    My personal preference is, and always has been, for the direct market copies. They have, since 1979/80, had "nicer" cover art, logo, price boxes, etc. I *hate* the look of the UPC code....it's all so very grocery store to me. I don't mind having UPC copies, but I would prefer a direct copy as well. I much, much, MUCH prefer the Marvel skinny diamonds to the "M", and even the square price box of 1987-1993-ish is preferable to the Curtis code and UPC lines. I MUCH prefer the neat DC price boxes of 1983-1992-ish, with the prices in the US, Can, and the UK...over the garish giant number and price of the newsstands (Canadian pricing being the exception.)


    In 1994, the UPC become standard, so it really didn't matter much anymore.


    Plus...the dialog and art in the UPC box has almost always been interesting to me, especially the McFarlane Amazing Spidey #303-311 box numbering, and later art, that graced the box. If I have to take a UPC, I'll take it...but I'll pick a direct over a UPC, presented with equal opportunity.


    Now...will people pay a premium for the newsstand copies in ultra high grade? They might...but experience has shown that overall, people still prefer the direct market books to the newsstand books, even in ultra high grade.


    Are newsstand copies substantially rare enough in ultra high grade over their direct counterparts to warrant a premium? For a book like New Teen Titans #2, definitely not. For a book like Spidey #300? Ehhhh....it was a double sized book, so it's not really fair to compare...doubles ALWAYS got more beat up on the newsstand. For a book like, say, Batman #427? Probably not, because the direct copy has a special feature...the infamous phone number...that the newsstand did not have. For a book like, say, Batman Adventures #12, which is substantially rarer than its direct counterpart in ultra high grade? Sure.


    (By the way...for those of you wondering about that Batman #427? They did that because the newsstands got the books AFTER the direct market, and by the time they got their copies, the deadline to call was already past...forgot about that one when discussing that in the other thread.)


    Again, the market has not made a premium distinction between either one, especially in ultra high grade, simply because the books of the (1982-1993) time period just aren't that much rarer, and are oftentimes much, much more common, in all grades, to establish a premium for ultra high grade (9.6+)


    But if the newsstand books appeal to you...and believe me, after the 1994 changeover, I much prefer having, and actively pursue, BOTH versions...then by all means, pay a premium for the ultra high grade copies, and the market will respond by bringing you more opportunities to buy them.


    Overall, though? At least for the Bronze/Copper ages, it's just not that big a deal, so it's probably going to remain pretty much even on average for the eras for either version.


    PS. The DC whitmans are not reprints. ;)


    Great post and I agree! When i was collecting the Mcfarlanes ASM's graded I would not even look at a newstand verison. It had to be direct! I loved what Mcfarlane did in the corner boxes.

  10. Original art? I would love to see them, please post some if you can.


    I too enjoy the Hobgoblin issues, as like many others that have posted these are some of the comics that got me hooked! I first started buying comics when #316 hit the stands but the Hobgoblin issues were some of my very first back issues to get.


    I never got a #238 until about 10 years ago ( which I do not have anymore...so sad, I have had many graded copies over the last 10 years though. A 9.8, 4 9.6's and a 9.4) At my local shop they had a #238 on the wall for a few weeks, a very small shop. I think it was $20 or $30 could be off a little, that was a lot of money to me in '89. I was 13 or so.


    I bought my #238 CGC 9.8 White for $475 5-6 years ago and when I auctioned it off on ebay roughly 4 years ago it only got $315. I was real bummed. Still don't understand the price. At the time completed listing were still showing 9.8 copies selling for $425-$500!?!?


    But again, I LOVE THE HOBGOBLIN!! I think I like him more then the Green Goblin.......

  11. Wow, I remember having that poster as a kid too! I would love to find a copy of it again. I had it right in between my Traci Lords poster and my Obituary "The End Complete" poster!! Good memories!


    I had a door-length poster of Samantha Fox on the back of my bedroom door, with Cat in the corner next to it. Needless to say my door was closed a lot when I was a kid. (TMI? (shrug) ) I've had my eye out for the Cat poster for a while now. I'll let you know if I find any!


    Cool, do that. I had forgot all about it. I did a quick ebay search and found nothing!!

  12. It is called "Shaken Comic Syndrom", if I understand your scenario correctly. It can happen through moving, dropping or mailing slabbed comic books.


    CGC does not take any responsibility and most just keep the book in their collection as is.


    Some will sell it and since it is slabbed, state that they do not accept returns due to it being graded and slabbed by a third party. Not a moral thing to do, IF THEY KNOW about the SCS damage. But most often, everyone just goes by the label and may not know.


    That is one reason I think paying a premium for a 10.0 modern slabbed book is rather foolish. I bet the next time it is graded (but i seriously doubt anyone would ever do that, since it has a 10.0 above it), it wil not be a 10.0, 95 percent of the time. IMO.


    Most 10.0 are given to Moderns, and the well they use doesn't usually cause this issue. From what I recall, it's the wells they use for older books that have this problem. Steve Borock talked about it here briefly, but was the lesser of all evils since using the Modern wells on the older books would've caused a RIP at the staples instead of simple corner damage.


    Does anyone remember the thread where a member actually shook the out of slabs and reported results? Entertaining indeed.


    All 9.9 and 10 books are put into the old style inner wells. The new (modern) well is not used on anything above 9.8, even if it's a modern book.


    Why is this?