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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. That's more F-Bombs than a Spike Lee Joint. I hope Abraham can give the sailor talk the good heave ho!
  2. I know I mainly collect minty books, but this deal was too good to pass up the other day. This is a Clive Barker Signed Edition Hellraiser #1(BOOM! Studios) in a Signature Series holder. It's so rare getting a Signed Edition Variant in Signature Series.
  3. An interesting pre-TV show cancellation article about the future of Locke & Key. Might be continue as spin-off series, after Joe and G-Rod tackle some mainstream superhero titles.
  4. I know. Now go buy some keys in my Mixed Ages Sales Thread.
  5. It's not Joe's fault, Fox screwed him on the series commitment deal.
  6. It's OK, if you made it this far, I would wait for the omnibus at the end(next year or so). It will probably melt your mind into starting an immediate focus once you read it. Us poor souls that are hopelessly addicted, have to wait bi-monthly for each issue.
  7. Replacing Smallville? http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2011/05/17/is-there-hope-for-locke-key/
  8. OK... Speaking of COS #2, there has been no discussion over the rat with red eyes that jumps on Jamal to cause Kinsey and company fall into the drink in The Drowning Caves. An agent of Dodge? Someone who had used the Beast Key before Bode, that's animal form is one of a rat. Another thing I noticed in COS #2, was the way Jamal just dropped off that there was big six-inch guns in the Drowning Caves, left over from World War II. Could this be forshadowing, to a big military assault sequence with Private-First-Class Rufus holding off the beasties from behind the Black Door at East Battery 13, if it is opened?
  9. Granted no one brought up the TV series being in doubt yesterday to Joe, that I saw. The lines to see him were still pretty strong as always too. With Tony Moore away because of a family emergency, Joe's only competition for attention was BabyDoll here from Sucker Punch. Best costume hands down!
  10. Hold on. Let me get FOX on the line. But seriously. It's been really over since the story originally broke. Since, the pilot is actually pretty good from all that has seen it, there was a little hope a hungry network would go after it, but that expired today too. The best thing to do now is to look foward to Clockworks #1 this June in an attempt to move on. My
  11. Heck no. I was still collecting when CGC 9.8 books were selling for $5-7 on eBay with a busted Disney picture deal. I'm here until issue #36. Those were extras. Being a perfectionist, I like to try new things to set my focus apart from others. Once, I get something I want to keep. I move on to the next thing. The stuff accumulates better that way. I hardly, ever upgrade. Hardly.
  12. Got to see Joe Hill again today too. I'll have pics tomorrow(most of them are on Facebook tonight for boardie friends). He signed lots of goodies(keys, posters, Charlie Pride 8-tracks, etc).
  13. nope i never would have caught that ... I wonder if you are just reaching or if that is why he did that ... very under the radar type thing to do imo Just trying to get the discussion going on again in this thread. It worked. I have a whole jar full of these story bits on my kitchen stove too
  14. Wow. I was re-reading the KTTK arc and I totally must have skipped over Kinsey's little Fear and Sorrow guys drowning in Sorrow's tears while trapped in the bottle. Kind of a cool thing to show since Kinsey's lack of fear kept her and her friends drowning in COS #2. I guess that was what would have happened if they were still in her noggin. Anyone else catch that? This book is such a great thing to re-read after arcs play out.
  15. Awesome Sara, that was always a tough book for me. Congrats!
  16. I think the logo was hand stamped. So, after a while some would be lighter than others until the stamp was dipped back on the ink pad.
  17. Just got another well packed package of L&K keys within 24 hours of my last shipment. Fast shipping and great communication too. Great seller!
  18. Jason, has ended some of my stress from my Locke & Key focus with the arrival of a raw 9.8 or better quality book, one that I have hunted for months. Perfectly packed and quickly shipped, he is my hero for today. Thank you Jason!
  19. I assume then that you know about the #2, 7, 8, 33 and 34 2nd prints as well as the error version of 35 and don't consider them variants..... Yeah, I knew about them. When I think of the word variant, I don't think of 2nd prints. I think of a book coming out at the same time as the 1st print with a different cover, or a foreign version. That's just me. Cool, thanks for the feedback everyone. I just like hearing about what and why people collect what they collect. One last question for anyone that cares to play along. Do any of you all have the #2, 7, 8, 33 and 34 2nd prints? FWIW, I consider them a kind of variant so I have them. For me with my focus(L&K), I hated 2nd prints at first. But, learned to appreciate them more when Joe and Gabe altered the DF, HC, TPB, $1 and Special Edition's story panels, leaving the 1st and 2nd prints unaffected. It makes them a little more interesting now, when people read the trades that are different then the 2nd prints even. I have the only L&K error copy too. I had to rip another black hole in the universe to find one(only 65 miles away and for $4 in 9.8 condition ). If I was collecting graded Walking Deads, I would collect the 2nd prints and error copies too. But not the trades graded.
  20. Probably her first comic appearance way back in '98(her look anyway ). The "S" is for Spears, . If I had to get a Britney book signed for SS, this would be it.