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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. I look at all these threads in here sometimes, wondering if I'll even watch a tenth of them 20-30 years later, like the first two Batman & Superman movies. The choices you stated, most likely... everything else probably not. For example, I saw Ghost Rider in a theater, thought it was ok for the time, bought the DVD, but haven't had the desire to see it in 10 years. Same with Rise of the Silver Surfer. Exactly the case with Spider-Man 3.
  2. Some people say a lot of goodwill might go it's way after the success of Wonder Woman. Myself, I don't prescribe to that fan boy mentality anymore. I'm going to be on a wait and see, with critics and word of mouth. I like to think of my own personal tastes in movies, but I don't like what I see and I'm afraid another lousy DC experience might hurt my feelings for my extremely positive reaction to Wonder Woman, like BvS did for the solid Man of Steel. This isn't always the case as X-Men Apocalypse soured me towards that franchise and would never have guessed the third Wolverine movie and ninth installment would be the best of them all right after. But if Logan didn't get the acclaim it got, I doubt I would ever bothered with it.
  3. I really forgot he plays Captain Kirk. To me that an achievement to his skills as actor in two successful franchises. He reminded me of the other Chris who made you forget about Johnny Storm, when he took the Steve Rogers role. Gadot had so much positive conviction in her role, it reminded me of Christopher Reeve in the original Superman movies. We get it week-to-week in Supergirl, but rarely on the big screen. So, it's refreshing. Like Logan, I would give this one three and a half stars out of four.
  4. The best DC movie since The Dark Knight Rises. Period. I can't believe how well it worked. I was never bored once. Between Logan and this one, funnybook movies from rival companies haven't this good since 2012.
  5. I'm watching my copy tonight. Watched a lot of the behind the scenes, so I'm fairly excited for it. Not so much for the Justice League after watching the trailer.
  6. JLaw has always been good in promoting her movies. You always see her on the cover of Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, etc when one of her piece of celluloid is about to open. I would rather JLaw makes these kinds of "personal" movies than the kinds of mortgage (X-Men: Apocalypse ) types she has been doing. I've been a fan of hers since Winter's Bone and was mortified to see her talent fade in the last X-Men movie. She manages to shine even in the most oddest movie, The Beaver. Just my
  7. I'm actually tearing apart my TV room looking for my copy of it.
  8. Bought my copy today at Target, along with The Big Sick. They didn't have Orphan Black: Season 5 though.
  9. I'm still messed up after watching Black Swan, 6 years ago (disc.)
  10. Haven't seen it yet either, but the recent polarizing reactions to it fascinate me. As long as its just not a Batman V. Superman kind of bad.
  11. I have owned a copy of John Wick: Chapter 2 for months and still haven't had the ambition to watch it yet. I enjoyed the first one though.
  12. Watch the documentary "Room 237" if you haven't yet. It's a brilliant companion piece to a viewing of "The Shining." It discusses possible themes Kubrick was trying to explore during filming. It might be a bunch of bull-rab, but it's entertaining.
  13. OK. Now I am caught up. Never caught one spoiler, so it was full of surprises. One of the greatest ends to a series yet. I'm glad we will get a little more Capaldi, before... But, I admit I skipped "Eaters of the Light," to jump right into "World Enough and Time/ The Doctor Falls."
  14. Got this in the mail a couple of days ago. W00t! W00t! Now to look for a Frozen-themed diploma frame.
  15. I blind bought it too. It was a piece of dung and I like the majority of Batman ones too. I thought Doom was the "key" point of things looking bad for the animation division. But Justice League: War just galvanized a kind of terrible that has continued on. Granted, I loved The Flashpoint Paradox, enjoyed The Killing Joke and considered Gods & Monsters ok. I skipped Justice League: Dark and Teen Titans: The Judas Contract too. Looks like I'm skipping some more now.
  16. I liked it enough. Nowhere near having that unique substance of the original though. But, essentially its a movie about families coming together and breaking apart, so that's a better theme than most funnybook movies offer.
  17. It definitely needed more Kerri Russell! But, I admit Philip Seymour Hoffman's villain is the series' best so far. Who would have thunk after Magnolia these would have that much chemistry. Michelle Monahan turned a thankless "damsel role" into a credible one in an instant, during the climax. A great entry to the series compared to #2 (slo-mo, explosion, wire-work, explosion, repeat.)
  18. I think he should have been more generous with the ensemble with the first two films. But, I think that comes down to the writers too. The first one needed a Simon Pegg character for comic relief (I know Emilio Estevez was funny in Stakeout, but... ) or a Jeremy Renner counterpoint to Hunt. Blown opportunities to set the franchise off. I think that one is just as convulted as it was in '96. If CC eventually does watch them, he'll probably stop at #2.
  19. #1: Not only Cruise, but distractingly directed by Brian DePalma (twist after twist, set piece after set piece, but more Snake Eyes than Dressed to Kill.) Still interesting way to start out a "team" franchise. **1/2 out of four stars #2: Not only Cruise, but distractingly directed by John Woo (stunt after stunt, set piece after set piece, but more Paycheck than The Killer.) I accepted Hard Target and Face/Off, but it's one dove short of interesting. Practically unwatchable now, unless you are into 2nd unit stuntwork and endless wirework. ** stars out of four. #3: WOW! JJ Abrams figured out a way to save the series and make it feel personal for the characters. A vast improvement. *** out of four stars. #4: I dragged my feet on this one as I hate Tom Cruise, but somehow it improves the formula of #3 and adds more characters. Now becoming better than most of the Modern Bond movies. ***1/2 out of four. #5: The best one to date. The series has now comfortably stabilized into an expected satisfying movie experience. My only complaint would be I wish they kept Paula Patton from #4. Alec Baldwin's initially one-note character walked a way with the movie at the end. ***1/2 out of four. By now, a great team is assembled and I hope it continues into #6.
  20. I must admit The Lego Batman Movie was hilarious, DC Animated Cinematic Universe or not.
  21. Sounding like a hypocrite, I caught this one this afternoon. It wasn’t awful enough to justify the second week 71% drop, but it wasn’t too original either. It was overly-familiar, right down to the crew mysteriously separating to the Jerry Goldsmith musical-cues of space-ship entering planetary atmospheres. There was definitely moments, but a lot cheated opportunities with the cast from Prometheus. The CG of the back-bursters look sufficiently fakey, only redeemed by the return of the xenomorph aliens. I see myself watching this again sometime the road, but not like when I had to watch Prometheus again the day after. Two and a half stars out of four.