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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. Those look great!!!! Yup. I got both Jester statues at Hallmark for $20 each. I got the one with both of them together from Disney Traditions for $19 too! I'll set mine up soon as well.
  2. I'm watching her in Shut In right now. What a sexy actress. But I agree she had the thankless job of following up Fay Wray (let's forget about Jessica shall we) and for the most part succeeded.
  3. First day Blu Ray purchase. I hate going to theaters nowadays.
  4. I'm gonna go with blatant stupidity on my part. There were signs a year before, but ignored them as I hate going to the doctors. I inspect solar panels for buildings and sometime they are huge (and 300 to a job,) the constant flipping and catching didn't do me any favors. Also, a much weaker lifting partner. I did a dexterity test for another job and just barely passed it. It dawned on me I had issues, so I passed on that job because I didn't want them to get baggage from another company. After my electrode test, they said I was too far along for physical therapy and needed immediate surgery. They throw a blanket over you during the procedure and all you hear is scraping. The most painful one (the left) went without a hitch. The right one, the surgeon stopped and called a couple people in to look. Kind of scary when your under a sheet, hearing about damages here and there. Problem is I'm allergic to all the cillans , so antibiotics were out. Had to use good old Vitamin C. So healing felt slower. I'm better than I have been now, but scared something might go wrong again. I wear my wrist splints whenever I lift. I'm telling you if you feel something funny with your hands, check it out!
  5. I didn't mind it for the reason alone was that I watched "The Wizard of Oz" for the first time ever on 3-D Blu Ray a couple of months ago. I know, some movie buff I turned out to be. It just felt very theatrical and "in your face" more that I was initially expecting.
  6. Sorry. Double post. The power cut out for a split second.
  7. A major personal reason why I liked his character was because for two years I had severe carpal tunnel in both wrists. Two Septembers ago it was the pain was so excruciating, I couldn't even type or sleep. I had an opportunity to write for a paper and I didn't want to throw that away, so I put all my effort into that and kind of fell off from here as it was getting harder to do both. By January, I couldn't even turn a comic book page or do a full day at my day job at a manufacturing facility. But, I kept working as best as I could right until my surgery. I really withdrew from "friends" on here and online who really didn't care about something that be might going on in my life and just focused on trying to write decent articles, with my limited finger movements. So, I really got Strange's frustration with his condition and how he went past it to better himself emotionally. I came back here after the first operation and made a lot of new friends and really enjoyed myself talking with old friends as I was stuck home recuperating. Now, I have headlines that the community enjoys. That alone makes me feel like a real-life superhero, strange as that sounds.
  8. A major personal reason why I liked his character was because for two years I had severe carpal tunnel in both wrists. Two Septembers ago it was the pain was so excruciating, I couldn't even type or sleep. I had an opportunity to write for a paper and I didn't want to throw that away, so I put all my effort into that and kind of fell off from here as it was getting harder to do both. By January, I couldn't even turn a comic book page or do a full day at my day job at a manufacturing facility. But, I kept working as best as I could right until my surgery. I really withdrew from "friends" on here and online who really didn't care about something that be might going on in my life and just focused on trying to write decent articles, with my limited finger movements. So, I really got Strange's frustration with his condition and how he went past it to better himself emotionally. I came back here after the first operation and made a lot of new friends and really enjoyed myself talking with old friends as I was stuck home recuperating. Now, I have headlines that the community enjoys. That alone makes me feel like a real-life superhero, strange as that sounds.
  9. Normally, I wouldn't think it would even be possible but... Sylvester Stallone in "Creed" comes to mind. and... "Silence of the Lambs" (1991) had to wait a year to sweep the major Oscars at the Academy Awards in (1992.) Some people will say that was different because it was a prestigious movie to begin with. But, it was a horror/thriller (how many of those win? Jaws? Nope,) the second film made from a Thomas Harris novel was, a replaced Lector actor and directed by a guy whose last movie was "Married to the Mob."
  10. I am so excited to see this movie on Blu Ray. I love westerns ("Two Mules for Sister Sara, The Good, Bad and The Ugly.") But, I love darker ones even more ("High Plains Drifter," "Unforgiven" and "Pale Rider.") If you want to see Wolverine/Jackman in one more brief role at FOX, get "Me, Earl and the Dead Girl" (I think that is the title.) He has an amusing cameo as Wolverine trying to tough up the lead character. It has the wonderful Olivia Cooke from "Bates Motel" as the titular "Dead Girl."
  11. Thought he had a perfect arc for his character without overplaying the initial callowness that RDJr. did in the original Iron Man, yet fell back into for some odd reason in Iron Man 2. I would put Chris Evans on top though, for bringing something to an old fashioned role and making it fresh. Cumberbatch is definitely in the top 3 though.
  12. Just finished it. It was a rock solid movie. Kind of temporarily rekindles my faith in funnybook movies after some rather dismal ones last year. I really really enjoyed it.
  13. How dare you! One of the only nicest things that happened to me last year from the people on here and you have to pass judgement on me (and them) because I don't like an average movie. What do you want me to do? Send my award back to Dena, when I don't like a movie you like. Or do you want me just to scratch your name on it and forward it right to you? What kind of "contributions" can I do on here, Bosco that would be to your liking? I have done everything within my power to brighten various people's lives when I could throughout my time here. I just think you are a selfish person, that has to have everything go your own way. Every time, I consider trying to make an amends with you, you post something like this. Well, rest assured now. I HATE YOU! God, you make me not even want the thing anymore. Thanks for ruining something that I thought I won for being just myself.
  14. She'll luck into something eventually (like Charlize did in Monster.) You always knew Emma Stone would after Easy A. Just a matter of time for Margot.
  15. I am on dial-up out in the rural country, so everything loads just about the same, maybe this set-up goes a wee bit faster for some reason. I can't complain about the design as I am just grateful, Arch helped me back on her after my account lapsed.
  16. Yup. It had a lot of wit in it for sure. It was what I was expecting really, luckily Matt Lucas was a hoot again.