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Everything posted by Bio-Rupp

  1. I guess working at Mcdonalds has lowered his IQ Hey guys, how about keeping this to discussions concerning troubled transactions? The mocking is more jerking around than we need right now. Thing, you potentially worked out your issue with Hellblazer, depending on he comes back on here and confirms receipt. 8mile - not sure what your stake is thi ins. What Bio's stake in this? Same as mine? Thats the point I'm trying to make. 8mile, Thing stated (in this thread in earlier posts) that he did not care for the rules of this community. That he didn't care if he was put on probation for not shipping wins for 8 months. More or less that he didn't care for the rules put in place to protect the people here. I don't feel that his attitude was appropriate and I thought it was uncalled for. What is my stake in this? The same as yours should be. To insure that each and everyone of us is accountable for the buying & selling transactions we make here and not to make light of the stipulations that keep us honest. Thing stated he didn't care about that. I know you care about it. You have to since you run solid sales threads and ship on time. I know that other people here care about it too. I ask the people reading this... do you want to send money to someone who doesn't care about the board rules of buying or selling? And Thing, concerning whether or not Cheri got her charity money... go back in the threads where I said "fair enough". You answered my query concerning your charity auction. I'm not the one asking you to show proof of sales receipts, etc... ...its all the other people who paid you and want proof of their donation. Thing, if you would just lean back away from the wood long enough to realize that your statement of not caring about the rules ( in other words "I could steal from you and really don't care) is what got me & everyone else in such an uproar against you. My only other gripe with you is your disrespect for this board and the rules set in place here. Your name calling toward me and the other members of this board is uncalled for as well. Yes I jest with you concerning your stated love of the wood... yes I posted a really funny picture of your "mc-order"... but I never called you anything but what you posted about yourself. I must ask tho... am I supposed to be ashamed to have a job at McDonalds? Don't you think that if someone who does work there and reads what you wrote might feel a little bit tarnished by your comments? Its an honest job with competitive pay in this day and age. That said, if I've offended any other wood lovers out there, I apologize to them right here and now. I'm also sorry if you think I started "drama". I apologize for getting under your skin and making you have to resort to attacking others on this board. I feel that I have done nothing wrong except try to get you to realize that not respecting the rules here is exactly the same as disrespecting everyone here. I will leave it up to everyone else reading this to decide one way or the other.
  2. More name calling and "condensation?" ... and from someone who has spent the better part of two days explaining his actions to a community he himself has stated he does not care about. You sir, are truly a connoisseur of fine wood. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=206177&Number=4367262#Post4367262
  3. Perhaps now you realize why such a blatant attitude and a flippant remark about the board rules can come back to haunt you. Name calling and condescension really isn't helping much either. That said... "McRib combo with a large coke"... got your order right here.
  4. No need to be demeaning. I'm pretty sure he is a grown man... It's ok Paul... I can take anything this guy has to say about me and my character. Boscoe hit it on the nose that the flippant remark is exactly what got me riled. You admitted your mistake which was great, but not caring about the rules that are set in place to protect the members of this board is not the best thing to state in a post. No drama here either... only facts. Just because I call you out on the fact that you don't care about the people on this board doesn't make me a cowboy... it just lets everyone here know that should you sell them anything in the future, you really don't care if they get the item they paid for or not. Nor do you care about the rules in place to hopefully insure that you do. Why should anyone trust you? To me that makes you perfect Hall of Shame material. Honestly Thing, you don't deserve a "break" today... especially since your last one took approximatly 8 months.
  5. Fair enough. You did find time to post almost every day somewhere on the boards... http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=userposts&id=1591 ... all the way back for months and months... but still couldn't put one coin from a $250 win based on generosity... into one envelope and mail it. I want you to realize that it is a slap in the face to everyone here to state you don't care about the rules or probation list status. When the majority of us sell something here, we don't procrastinate or make excuses... we just ship it. We care about the rules because we don't want the things that happened to He11blazer happening to us. If you don't care about the community or the rules that were here before you, then you should sever your ties here. How much longer would you have waited to mail him anything had this thread not came about? 6 more months? Or would the man's generosity have simply been forgotten? Just bad business.
  6. True... I could take pictures of every envelope in the post office and never mail a one of them.
  7. I saw that also. I havent been on a whole lot lately. Who was this craigmcreary? Did he try and start another sales thread? Where was Roy? We need answers here. DR.X Glad the Arch was on top of it... this guy deserves a slow and painful lashing.
  8. Definitly probation worthy. Is there a coinee probation list? He does not sell or buy comics to my knowledge. Maybe a probation listing in the coin section would get his attention? I'd be totally danged before I'd except a $200 refund for a $250 sale thats 8 months late in shipping. I'd say the guy should refund you your full purchase price AND give you something just for the heck of it. I doubt very seriously if the charity party received any of the money either unless you sent payment to a different paypal address than his. This much slack still DESERVES probation status... especially since the guy just stated he didn't care about the probation list in the first place. Put him on the Hall of Shame list and that way he won't have to worry about dealing with any of us again. The nerve of some people. He11blazer... you deserved better than what you got.
  9. :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap:
  10. A tad over-the-top, don't you think? Maybe a little... but my Grandma's name was Betty.
  11. Sigh... I don't have anyone to go on the list. My comments were directed at divad's comment...which is quickly appearing to be a mistake. He states "If you fail to make good on a transaction within the 30-day period (which is already a gracious amount of time) you should go on the list)". My whole entire reason for commenting was that I think there are justifiable reasons that make it acceptable for the seller to go past the 30 day period with proper communication from buyer to seller. divad stated he "didn't care if they lost their jobs or grandma died"... miss the 30 day window, go on the "list". divad states that he didn't care what reason there was... and that if that 30 day window has passed that people need to be warned and then put the offending party on the list. I disagreed with divad. I didn't disagree with the entire concept of "the list" or "use of the list" or the "point of the list". I just feel if your entire family dies in a plane crash that just so happens to fall on your house... then that its ok to send those comics in 40 days or so... or refund the money if you can't make it to the post office. divid's comment states that he doesn't care... and I believe with certainty that he doesn't. He doesn't care. A lot of people don't care if you, I, his family, yours or anyone elses simply spontaneously combusts. "Clean up their ashes, have your memorials... but make sure that on day 30, I've got the books I ordered or I will place you on "the list" to show how much of a problem you are". I just feel like we should care more in situations like Deaf Mute's and a select few others. The entire point is I just don't agree with what divad said, or how it was worded. His opinion, I respect it... just don't agree.
  12. Just received my bomb proof package from Frank. As always, top notch. M
  13. ... so you feel that in the scenario I offered, that Foolkiller should go on the list (don't worry Brian, this is just a scenario ) ? That people should be aware that he was working 14 hour days and slipped on shipping... so he should go on the list? In this scenario, putting him on the list would be punishment. The only awareness would be that we would be "turdz" for putting him on the list. ...and if my dog dies, you may never get your books You're missing the point entirely. People aren't automatically added to the Probation list - it's up to you, the wronged party, to step forward & take the necessary action in order for this to happen. It's also up to you what constitutes a probation list offense - the base guideline is 30 days after a buy/sale took place, but if you want to stretch this to 40, 50 or 100 days, it's not like anyone is going to prevent you from doing so. And if you want to cut the seller some slack because you know he's dealing with a personal crisis, that's your decision as well. But if a seller (or a buyer for that matter) isn't able to fullfil his obligations within a very reasonable timeframe (which 30 days certainly is), why wouldn't you want the rest of the board to be made aware of this? No I totally get the point of the list. divid in his quote stated, more or less, that there was no room for error if you miss the 30 day time frame. Just think that there are circumstances that make this null.
  14. Naw we can deal anytime... I ship fast even in the wake of personal tragedy
  15. ... so you feel that in the scenario I offered, that Foolkiller should go on the list as a problem shipper (don't worry Brian, this is just a scenario ) ? That people should be aware that he was working 14 hour days and slipped on shipping... so he should go on the list? In this scenario, putting him on the list would be punishment. The only awareness would be that we would be "turdz" for putting him on the list. ...and if my dog dies, you may never get your books
  16. Again not wanting to argue... I was just going by this...
  17. Not wanting to argue divad... but I got to disagree with you. Yes the 30 day window is plenty of time. Yes the buyer and seller should fall between that time frame. It just doesn't always work out that way. I personally care if you lost your job... or your grandmother died. There are a lot of not only good sellers here, but downright great sellers here that might possibly slack sometimes in their professional lives due to reasons beyond their control. How they handle it should be the reason to throw them on your "list". I won 2 books off of Foolkiller which took 41 days to get to me. He had been putting in extra hours at work & simply didn't get them shipped out. He definatly made it up to me with what I call the most awesome pile of freebies ever. We all know who Foolkiller is right? I'd put him in pretty much the top 3 sellers on the boards for consistant shipping and grading. Does he not have his act in order? According to you, his slight lax on getting me my books would warrant an immediate trip to "the list". 30 days is 30 days. I disagree. Sometimes life just gets in the way. God forbid you to ever lose your job & have a close family member die the same week you have to ship out comic books. Or in that same week your wife is crying because the cancer treatments she's having is making her hair fall out. Or you're one missed payment away from having your car repossessed and you were just hit with a huge tax bill on the same day your child gets diagnosed with diabetes. You should care divad, this is your community.
  18. Just a note that I received my order of this book from Jay a little while back. The book came out nice and looks great. Did it take a while to get here? Yes. Did he answer my concerns in his posts? Yes he did. I'd like to ask the boardies who purchased this book to stay the course and not ask for refunds from the man. Self publishing has to be a b---tch not to mention expensive as hell. In reading his posts on the thread, it appears that he has put his heart and soul into trying to self publish this thing... and everything from the economy to the printer has tried to "beat" this man down. I'm sure if Jay didn't return a PM, he either missed it or has been trying to put food on his table in the wake of losing his job. Sounds like he needs our support more now than ever.
  19. Dealt with the "Tiger" on multiple occasions... looking forward to dealing with him more.
  20. Are you reading the same thing I am? The only reason GAC got his money back from Paypal, not saying he wouldn't have gotten it back from TF, is that he has a long history of no problem transaction. I.e., it's a courtesy thing for a longtime customer. It doesn't mean the credit card dispute has been resolved, at least as far as Paypal is concerned. In my mind here's the rank of innocent parties: 1) GAC 2) TF 3) Ebay/Paypal While TF may not think he has (or even actually have) done anything wrong. GAC has done even less to be inconvenienced. Whether TF intended it, his actions resulted in a great deal of inconvenience to GAC. I am perplexed that he keeps calling out GAC as having done something wrong. It sounds to me like TF didn't initially respond to GAC's PMs, emails, etc. and GAC had to go through a lot to get the money back in his account, none of which was the result of TF's actions. If I were in TF's spot, I would feel bad for somehow having caused GAC inconvenience. I'd be mad at Ebay/Paypal but I would be cognizant of the collateral damage there. All I'm saying, and not taking either side, is ... 1) Money was refunded 2) Explanation was offered. Both sides can salvage their business relationship if they want to without the board's help either way. just
  21. Seems over to me. As long as it was just a little inconvienence and aggrevation, I think you fellas can come back out of this as business associates and friends. When it comes to large amounts of money, everyone gets jumpy... but all is good now right? So shake hands guys and lets call it a day.