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Everything posted by Bio-Rupp

  1. Just posted the original artwork for Clooneython IV over in Mixed. Buy it please
  2. CLOONEYTHON IV is going full force and will run all week next week. I've listed some cool items that you just dont see everyday including the start of long run of high grade British Star Wars Weeklys. More goodies to come... so stop over at Mixed and check it out if you haven't got anything better to do.
  3. ... the most classless act of March 2011 is coming... in just two days.
  4. Just got this BT # 22 beauty in from Mike Miles the other day! Love it! Book came out one month before my Phantom Lady # 17 and the cover color scheme on both books are very comparable... but wait... the Brenda Starr I got from fasterfriends is similar in tone as well and it came out 7 months prior to the BT! Yellow & Black Attack! More reason to love it!
  5. Selling the last of my MARVEL VISIONAIRES hardbacks with a freebie or two over in Mixed.
  6. Giving kudos to a guy like Jeffery never gets old. He wants to have a good time, he ain't afraid to spend a buck or two and he brings prestige & class to the truly classless fiasco known as Clooneython. If we were in the old west, I'd shoot anyone who messes with him... and I'd shoot them in the face... right around the zygomatic bone in their cheek. Thanks again Jeff... hope you come to Clooneython IV at the end of Feb
  7. Going to start a nice "$3.00 each" thead over in Mixed Age & Misc here in a few minutes. Silver Age, Trade PB, old Warrens, etc. Thx!
  8. Decepticon is a great boardie! Always willing to just jump in and help out. Sir, if you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask. Rupp
  9. Considering the poll you started back then showed a clear majority agreeing with the buyer, perhaps it's time to let this one go :thumbsup: At 60/40... not a "clear" anything sir. (thumbs u
  10. Doesn't really matter how its stated... the buyer usually ends up telling the seller how it's supposed to be done... or at least tries to.
  11. Great product and service. Many thanks for shipping via USPS and saving me over HALF OFF the shipping charges. Great bunch of guys for sure.
  12. I am a "boner educer" ? Sure why not! Many thanks sir! Appreciate you!
  13. Sam shipped my order... 1) Very fast! 2) Well packaged! 3) With TLC ! I won't hesitate for a second to drop more cash with this fine fellow! Michael
  14. No sir, I do not know why you were placed on the list. But I can see your sincerity in getting off of the list. I was just looking at ways members like yourself, who are sincere in there desire to make things right, a way of getting back into the fold without having to make multiple purchases over the course of an extended period of time. I have no doubt in your sincerity to make things right sir... I was just tossing out an option that would make it quicker and easier for people, like yourself who want to attone, to get back to enjoying all the board has to offer in a way that appeases everyone. And quicker too. As a seller here, I personally want everyone who can buy, who are willingly to buy & those who will abide by board & seller rules... be given every oppurtunity to participate. I'm sure that all sellers here would wish the same... even if thats not how it always plays out.
  15. I understand what you are saying sir. I agree that some on the probation list are out and out crooks. MachineGunned being the most recent example of one who attempted to steal from me... and others here. I'm pretty sure that the Board and whoever was ripped off wouldn't allow the out & out theives the oppurtunity to attone. Details would be provided to prevent this. I just think that, like in our current legal system... that paying the "fine" is, while not as extreme as "doin the time" ... can attone for a "crime". If the offender makes it right with whoever he shafted that got him placed on the probation list then pulls charity duty... I think the "Board Gawds" may be appeased with that level of sincere gesture. How much of a "fine" would you donate to a charity to show your remorse of the situation? $30? $50? Just to prevent the "jumping thru hoops" process and for conversation's sake.
  16. I just received two more books from Paul that were... 1) Shipped faster than light. 2) Packed well and with extreme care... I mean if Paul was to design a car... highway fatalities would drop by 94%. 3) Awesome. Can't go wrong with Paul.
  17. Not necessarily against the idea but instead of just pardoning, why not give them the opportunity to attone in a way similar to what rza808 has done? Also, why pardon someone who previously never showed any remorse or desire to attone? Would they have not stepped up prior to now and expressed a desire to make things right? Some of the people on that list have been given the chance to make good and haven't. I've got one for you... How about instead of the long, drug out attonment of buying off multiple sellers here... how about a online (via paypal) charitable donation of $20 (or more) to a charity. Toys-For-Tots, United Way, Shriners, Ronald McDonald House or perhaps a charity chosen by the Board Majority. A screen shot of a completed paypal transaction would be all that was needed to prove the sincerity of the offender who wishes to clean his/her probation slate. $20 is no major amount of change for anyone to pay... especially if they want back on the Boards to buy comic books anyway. It's a win- win for the probation list member & for the charity utilzed.
  18. Trying to decide wether or not to have one more art auction to close out Clooneython II ... please post if there is interest in this piece in my thread. Here is the link... http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=4451061&fpart=128
  19. It may seem like an inconvenience, and I'm sure it is to some who don't have the time to waste... but he's just shopping. I don't think Lloyd means any harm. When Lloyd hits it big in web design I'm sure that everyone that's dealt with him will reap the rewards of his big paychecks.
  20. So if somebody wanted to buy a book/s and you offered them one, sent them scans when requested, offered a price and they agreed, they asked for time payments and you agreed, then finally they said 'I'll take it', you wouldn't consider that a sale? If the guy then never bothered contacting you again, didn't even PM you to say 'I've changed my mind' or 'I can't afford it', you wouldn't bring it up? Especially when you know the same person has done exactly the same thing to other boardies? You think that you would be deserving of going on the probation list if that happened to you? When I owned the retail store this happend almost daily. Someone would come in and ask for me to work with a price then ask me to hold the item till their payday, or when their Mom got home... or something or the other. They would forget as soon as they walked out the store I suppose. It got to the point where I had to take a non-refundable deposit if someone wanted me to hold an item at a agreeed upon price. You can imagine how quickly no one wanted me to reserve items after I added that stipulation to the deal. Is it probation worthy... thats up to the masses to decide... but I would hate to put someone on the list because of it. I agree with the guys... out the person so all can see and when no one helps the person in the future, maybe he will see the error of his ways.