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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    or Answering a previous question posted by Bagofleas
    I finally finished Season Four of the Big Bang Theory. It took me a long time to finally get them on DVD and Blue Ray but once they were on sale I had to get them. Sure, they were comic book geeks but they were also super intelligent. I was watching them when Bagofleas posted about Sheldon and wanted to finish the seasons I owned before answering.
    It's safe to say I am not like Howard at all, except maybe having a Jewish Mother. I don't live at home. I left that nest when I was eighteen, not realizing how many more comic books I could have bought if I just stayed home. I am not like Raj either, although I might be shy around woman (non work related) I don't shut my mouth as soon as they appear in the room, and my sister became a doctor not a lawyer. Then there was Leonard who got the impossible girl and then was dumped. Yea, I was a lot closer to Leonard.
    But the question was about Sheldon. Was I neurotic as he? I don't handle my Comic Books with gloves, hell some days I eat pizza while I read them. I do have a certain way to do things and I stick with that as if it was gospel but that is because if I go outside my safety area, I start to mess up. Of course this is because I trained myself this way after the car accident gave me some minor brain damage. I can remember what my room looked like when I was a year and a half old but have no idea what happened last week, unless it was painful
    At work I have started to emanate some of Sheldon's traits and fell almost right into his character. I might even re-watch the series again to get his character down to really freak people out. So I would have to say for my Sheldonisms I am about %30 like the character but I am still 100 percent like me.
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    Random New Mutants photo below

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  2. Tnerb
    Or I made sure all my comics were placed at hip level for this?
    I figured if I worked during the hurricane I wouldn't stay at home looking on EBay to try to buy something I want or even worse, something I don't want. And while at work I could also make some money if people decided to brave the storm. I got lucky and unlucky and luckier still all in the same day. I was making money despite the horrific winds, but I didn't make the amount I spent on a book graded a 9.8 by CGC and signed by Bob McLeod.
    After losing twice on this book I was never truly worried because I knew Keegan at Comic to Astonish had something in the works. Even after I watched one of the books being cracked at the NYCC for its own signatures. I am supposed to be saving to pay off what I purchased at the NYCC but how could I pass on the only signature series graded a 9.8 of the origin of my favorite book, yes I am finally an owner of a copy of Marvel Graphic Novel #4.
    Side note: I am writing this on my smart phone in the hopes I can do this on those days I have long hours at work, especially now that I am going to have to work even more to pay off my newest purchase.
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  3. Tnerb
    or So Far so good
    Just for the hell of it I decided to check my status, OK I actually been doing this every day since I turned the books over to CGC at the NYCC. On the seventeenth, the day I was charged the books were all in the received category. Two of my invoices jumped to "verified" rather quickly and today when I checked my New Mutants #54 was scheduled for grading.
    I was nervous cracking this book for signatures but I was also excited and decided that this would be worth the extra ten dollars to have it fast tracked. I checked the status this morning so it was only recently that the book made the switch. It might have been a lot to pay for to not only originally purchase the book but then to resubmit it with no guarantee of it retaining the 9.8 grade. I guess today was a pretty good day because the book I have with Matt Nelson are on their way to CGC no as well.
    This is Business day five and in my book, that's so far so good.
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  4. Tnerb
    or This isn't your Father's Avenger's
    's been a long time since I looked forward to any new comic book in quite a while. In fact it has been CGC that had kept my collecting desires but her I am sitting on the El and out cries a " yea." It was seconds before I realized it was me. A copy of the "Ultimates" was in my hands, issue #17 in fact that I saw an advertisement for the new Avengers books.
    OK, first off, I don't care, but please stop the number ones. This book could have been issue 589 and with a cover like this I would be just as excited. I am so excited about this book that I might have to send an e-mail to Twin City Auctions and see if he can get me a copy in a 9.8...hell I would love one in a 9.9 or even a Gem Mint if that were humanly possible, and I would pay the price too, of course why is that? Why all the excitement over a new number one. Hell DC has over 52 of them in the past year and a half.
    If you look at the picture below you will see in the upper left hand corner one of my favorite characters. After all the years they hinted at his greatness moving from the New Mutants to X-force and eventually to a very short stint with the X-men. Cannonball is finally getting his rightful place among the greats. I feel so great about this I even bent the spine on my book so I could scan the picture. I for one am stoked to see Avengers #1.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS. Now I have to tell all the people over at Comicbooked.com how happy I am.

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  5. Tnerb
    or can I write another 30 entries in a row
    I like to write, I think after three hundred journals that this is well known. As with everyone else here I love collecting comic books. The past two November's I have written for all thirty days, the most difficult day being Thanksgiving because I tend to work 18 out of the 24 hours in the day. I work this day more than any other day because the tips are normally very good, exceptional in fact. This normally means an extra comic book or two. This year I will be paying off what I spent in New York.
    I, at times, put too much in front of me. I interviewed Matt Nelson about pressing. Gave him some books to press and am waiting for the results. At the end I hope I am pleased, even if I am skeptical. This article is going to be written in parts, I have part one finished already. The problem is I have to get everything else down and I can't transcribe to safe my life. I hope to have these done in November as part of my 30 journals in 30 days.
    I also have one other thing coming, Part one once again is written, and will be talking to the owners to follow up with a part two. This will be written first over at Comicbooked.com which you can find me under the name CGC Lee. Go figure. I think for the thirty days I will ramble, much like I have done before. I also hope to start selling my extra CGC books on eBay. I have thought about this and tried a few times before and only nominally successful. I figure if I want to continue collecting right now I have to sell my extras especially with the possibility of change on the horizon...
    oh and I never did talk about one of my biggest hints of a favorite series oh so long ago, maybe in November...
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  6. Tnerb
    or after two days my Invoices are available for viewing
    I made a huge mistake at the NYCC. I forgot to write down what I had spent at CGC. I tried to balance my budget between what I spent and the small fluke I had where I was charged twice. The double charge had been resolved but I forgot what the total all three invoices would cost me. I had a ballpark idea in my head but if it wasn't exact I didn't want to write it down.
    A previous journal, I believe posted on this past Monday I started the countdown for how many days it will take. CGC has at least updated the list to show estimated turn around and actual turnaround. After seeing my Father very shortly, purchasing my weekly haul, I used my online banking to see if I was charged yet. I was, so for the hell of it I also checked to see if my invoice status was available because yesterday, they were not up.
    Low and behold my three invoice totaling eight books were all there and all marked received. Today is indeed day zero, the day I start counting how long it takes. I fell asleep knowing my long wait has officially begun. I went to bed knowing my books have begun the process. One invoice for a single book is Fast Tracked. This is New Mutants #54. I had Chris Claremont sign it along with Mike Mignola. The other modern invoice had the five books and a smaller two book invoice that went the standard route.
    AND can you believe this, as quickly as all three invoices were marked received this morning, two have been marked verified. And fortunately the two that are verified are also on time, as far as the actuality of these times, there is only one way to find out and that is keep track, Welcome to day zero.
    above is the link is for the "turn around" time page.
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    Random NYCC photo below

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  7. Tnerb
    or How I pissed people off by stopping people
    I have great difficulty stopping people to take pictures. As I grew older I became more secluded. Over the years as I have watched others get dressed up and pose their awesome costumes, I was still hesitant to ask, can I have your picture. This year, at this con I decided I would overcome myself imposed exile and start snapping shots and I must admit, I had a great time.
    My two favorite characters to take pictures off are Death and Harley Quinn, funny enough both from the DC universe. Sure I love a good Rogue as well as a Spider-Man any day but those two rival characters seem to capture my heart. Of course with the Avengers being such a big hit, those Black Widow cos-players are simply tantalizing.
    I dressed up once, after a long ago vow of never doing so. I think I might break that vow and try what so many people love and pose for pictures if asked. I just hope that the character I choose ill be done well, because I would hate to do a disservice to the character I think I could portray well. I entered many of my pictures on Facebook and Instagram and over the next few journals I will add them hear too.
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  8. Tnerb
    or, How can I get away with not telling my Dad how much I spent?
    The NYCC was the third major convention I went to this year. I only had a month to save up some kind of funds to go to the show properly. The transportation, although a minor financial setback, only cost me $80. Money I could have spent at the show but money if not spent I never would have been at the show. I am horrendously well erased in creating and recreating a budget. I kept in my mind how much I was spending never bother adding up the final tally.
    CGC has three invoices and even Desert Winds has one. I heard so many things about them that I wanted to get a first person perspective. It is also the same reason I used a subscription service through Twin City Auctions, I first heard about it by being on his mailing list after winning an item on E-Bay. I wanted to know more and decided on trying it out. Since then I have decided to use him again and I recommend if you are looking for any books that just came out, you should give him a try. I was happy with the books I ordered.
    So after the three invoices sent to CGC, One was under the modern submission, the second also modern but fast tracked, and the last was the standard Tier. The clock starts today, with day -2. I am giving them a two day variance since they still have to get back to their offices. I sent one in through Desert Winds for the Kirkman autograph; I need to find out more about them. I purchased two artwork pieces through Choice Collectibles. This brought my total to...gulp $2577. That doesn't include the backup charger I bought for my phone or the tickets I mentioned earlier for transportation nor the food I needed to sustain myself, including coffee.
    How much do you spend? How much is too much? I am curious did anyone else overspend at the NYCC because let's face it; what I spent is only a trickle in a mighty river.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS. actually not worried at all what my Father thinks of what I spent. He already knows I would never spend what I couldn't afford. Besides I just remind him about the Daredevil #1 I could have purchased for $300 back in the eighties.

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  9. Tnerb
    Or...Meeting Stan "The Man" Lee
    That lovely Alex Ross edition that I showed you last journal, yea, I bought it. As for comics, I only purchased the four slabs from World Wide Comics. Other than that, I was too engrossed walking around getting signatures. I met others from the registry along with someone I have trusted to get some 9.8 books for me. It was an absolute pleasure to put some names to faces and then even faces to the names I hope to see and chat with again.
    But as with the title, we are talking about Stan Lee, not me. After his procedure he was still ready and eager to meet the fans. In June at Wizard World he was quirky and took me and my companion in his arms, let's face it, he only did this because she was cute. In September at Baltimore he was still jovial, but no girl, meant no embrace, still he smiled and I believe I got him to chuckle.
    At the NYCC I never expected to see him again. I went with the express desire to learn more about getting books signed by the artist. I wanted that experience of waiting in line for something other than food or draining my bladder at a sports event, let's face it there are no lines at home for the bathroom or for food. I spent over my limit, I gained a new perspective on the business end, and Stan Lee wished me luck on my endeavors. He said "Good Luck to you, kid"
    If you were standing right there next to me I first would have asked you to take the picture, because we needed our own camera, luckily I had two. You would have heard something slightly different, like the one guy saying "OK c'mon, next". Stan is a popular guy and I was happy with the seven and a half to ten seconds I got to spend with him so I send no malice towards the line mover, I just hope he has the minor disadvantage of stepping in dog mess. OK, no I don't, he's just doing his job.
    You would also have heard as people walked by "Hey that's Stan Lee" or less popularly "Is that Stan Lee?" Yes even at NYCC. But if you listened closely you would have heard Stan Lee say to me "Good luck to you" I don't know how the mind works, I was standing next to Stan Lee and my mind keeps telling me he said "kid", a warm testimonial to how genuine this guy is.
    I shook his hand as he said this to me, was he some kind of prophet, did he know that I liked to write and he wanted to wish me luck, or is there going to be some life altering event that I should grab and go with it? Or does he say that to everyone that he meets. I like to believe my romanticized version of it. After all, I met him twice before and each of those times he never said good luck.
    I am telling you true believer, The Man knows.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS. I want to say so much more but it seems to be redundant. And Jerry if somehow you are reading this back in Australia, or the two other Gentleman standing in line behind us that I am now publicly acknowledging the injustice of forgetting your names. I want you to know the experience of meeting Stan Lee was so much more enjoyable because I was standing next to you guys.

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  10. Tnerb
    or If I gotta come in here again, I'm cracking slabs.
    I wanted to get some slabs cracked for signatures. I asked Gemma about it and she told me that I had to crack the slabs myself. WHAT? I had to trust myself to crack open a 9.8 and gingerly carry it to the NYCC for signatures. I was terrified. Every other year they did it, not to mention what happens if it's a show that I won't be attending. Can I give them the book slabbed and hope they will crack it or do I have to crack it first. Chances are if I am sending the books to then in Florida they will crack it at their offices before taking it to a show. Please note, do not crack any Signature Series books.
    I asked someone at the show who works for CGC and he explained to me that the reason they instituted that policy was because it takes away from the time they can get signatures, sounds plausible. They also mentioned the trash issue also sounds plausible. My opinion is that it is most likely customer complaint. I wonder how many times did they blamed for dinging a book, probably just as many times I got blamed for scratching a car when I ran car washes.
    I went to my current job for a large table space and food. Yes, I know it's a pretty stupid combination. Don't worry, I separated the two, it wasn't like I was in high school and had my bowl of lucky charms almost directly over the comic book. Don't judge, I like Lucky Charms. I still have yet to send that particular book in and hope they might tell me of the stain on the notes. I feel sorry though for anyone grading a particularly old playboy in a well used condition, just saying.
    I once watched CGC cut open a book for me and sometimes confidence causes carelessness. The slab was opened brusquely and I feared the book would drop a grade. Sure, they might do it all the time but this was my book. I watched others crack open slabs too, so I witnessed it but feared doing it myself. I once contemplated the notion of purchasing horrible graded books to learn, or maybe get a few of my books graded for the experience, but that would just be a waste of money.
    I took three New Mutants books after originally choosing five, the other two were replaced with two raw books. I eventually hope to have a 9.8 Signature Series of books for this series and to do that I need the books. I have even bought doubles so I can still retain my 9.8 collection in the worst case scenario that the grade drops. I will say I was successful with the cracking and I will say by the third one I cracked the case without breaking the plastic. I felt better about doing it myself when the job was finished and I think being careful, hesitant, and fearful caused me to make sure nothing happened to my books, at least not by me.
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  11. Tnerb
    or the man who was brave enough to crack a slab
    I jest, but who is Wallace? How did I meet him, why is he relevant? And why do I have no actual animosity about him. Actually he is one of the reasons why I enjoy comic books so much, to be able to stand next to someone in line at the CGC booth and discuss comic books. We were both at the NYCC to get signatures for our beloved books. In fact we were both wanted Chris Claremont. I had brought some issues of my beloved New Mutants collection and a copy of X-Men #109, the first appearance of Vindicator, and the mention of Alpha Flight. I hope this will attain a 9.4. I of course looked over to peak at what rubbish of a book Wallace might have brought, and I say peek much like the very reason I never use a urinal.
    OK, I didn't peak; I knew exactly what book it was. The back cover was black, solid black that surrounded the title, much like my heart was a solid green with envy. And on the back of the slab was the sticker that so many people hate to have was from ComicLink. This was the copy I lost in the final seconds of bidding, my latest Holy Grail, Marvel Graphic Novel #4. I made small talk before finally revealing that I was also in the bidding. His reply, of so you're the one that made me pay so much. The thing is, it was comicconnect, it would have been I that paid too much, because I would act like a dog with a chew toy and not relent until it was all mine.
    I felt no jealousy, nor malice, but I was intrigued that here I was, another major city away conversing with the man who won a book we were both bidding on. My father would probably sit back in awe and try to comprehend and explain to me how "cool" that really is. I congratulated him on his book and then he told me how he was also bidding on the other one that got away from me, which got away from him too, to his own cousin. Now that would be a Thanksgiving dinner with some serious fight potential. The one thing Wallace had the gumption that I would not have had was to have CGC cut open the slab for not only the signature of Chris Claremont (a nice guy I might add) but also Bob Mcleod.
    Wallace, if you are reading this, please I want to know what grade it comes back at and for now on at anytime I ever lose in any internet bidding I shall forever state I was Wallaced. Thank you! It was indeed a great pleasure to have met you.
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  12. Tnerb
    or what do you mean I need tickets for Kirkman
    I brought eight books for the signature series. Three were books I cracked myself after great trepidation. The only person on hand to sign was Chris Claremont, a very friendly fellow who i thanked for creating the team that started my comic book hobby. I was curious though on why he created such a team. The simple answer was that someone else was going to do it and if anyone should it should be him. I would like to interview him properly but my ability to properly transpose an interview is lacking.
    My interview with Matt Nelson is taking a whole persona by itself. I saw some people that I see at shows regularly and instead of watching as they pass by I started to interact. It wasn't that the show wasn't busy, it had quite a few people walking around, but it was nothing like last year, the problem is last year I went the last day and this was the first. I have to work Friday but Saturday I will once again be among those I resemble. I shall be ready with camera in hand doing my best to take photos like a photojournalist should, something I am not.
    I was also able to pick up some books from World Wide Comics. I have purchased many books from this company and they have fast become one of the sites I check every day. I met a few other collectors that walked with me for Chris Claremont's signature and after I mentioned to one of them he recognized my journal entry name, and pronounced it correctly, so Gerard if I remembered your name correctly I hope that not only are you reading this journal but you decided to enter your books too. I truly wish to see your collection.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS the Picture below is a small portion of that was brought to the show.

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  13. Tnerb
    or What am I??? Freaking Crazy???
    It's safe to say I am almost done my New Mutants collection. The two that I need to complete the full set are not yet out there. I had fun trying to complete the set that I needed something else to collect and it took me a while to pick what I wanted. However that hasn't stopped me from upgrading to a signature series copy when I can. I have purchased a few of these signed from the two that are the most readily available by Rob Liefeld and Bill Sinkiewicz to some of the obscure like Art Adams and Sal Buscema.
    Then, that didn't seem to be enough. I decided to purchase other copies so I can get those signed and still keep my 9.8 status on these books but recently I decided to just risk it. I have given a few to have signed by Sal Buscema again, issue %15 of course and for this weekend at NYCC I cracked open my first three books from their slabs. I opened issue #9, #19, and #22 for multiple signatures.
    I have seen CGC crack a few of these and have witnessed other dealers but never did I think I would do it myself. Another issue I was planning on cracking was #39 but under closer examination I feel that the 9.8 status this book has might have been a mistake. After making the judgment call and sitting at a local diner I asked myself if I was crazy? I already had Matt Nelson volunteer to crack open the slabs but I wanted to get them ready. RonnyLama has touched on what I feel is the best process.
    Either way, if your cracking open books, it is easier than it seems, just be confident and remember the days of dissecting frogs in high school, same think, just no smell.
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  14. Tnerb
    Slinky, Slinky, what a wonderful toy.
    I recently received a copy of Iron Man #178 that I won through eBay. It wasn't a great eBay experience but it wasn't a bad one either. The book was placed in a "mail" bag and placed in a box with no other packing material inside. The slab itself is undamaged. The book however is slightly askew in its slab. Of course the way the USPS throws things around I am sure the toss and throw method that they utilize in their daily work has damaged a few packages in its day.
    Before I started to collect graded comic books I heard about the damage that could occur inside the "Safety" of the slab. Could purchasing a premium comic book at a premium price occur premium damage? Every single book I have is centered perfectly in its slab. Even the two cracked cases have the interior part of the slab perfectly centered.
    This might be one of those books I decide to get signed just to have the book centered in the slab. Iron Man was one of the first books I collected that I stopped collecting. Between Issue #181 through #200 I was engulfed in the drunken life of Tony Stark. I thought it was also well written that Jim Rhodes donning the suit, made especially for Tony, caused him headaches.
    Of course there could be no slab shake at all and just the possibility that the interior part of the slab was cut wrong.
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  15. Tnerb
    or How much money can I bring this time?
    I have a few weeks before this major event comes around. This will also be the first time that I went to three major comic book conventions in one year. I wonder if I can make it four. I know over in Seattle they have the Emerald Comic Con in March and with Gerry Conway making his appearance over there I would have a great opportunity to add his signature to my ASM #129.
    I want to hand over two books to Classics Incorporated while I am there as well as pick up the few books I wondered from World Wide Comics who will be in attendance, but I also want to give CGC ten books for their signature series, half of which I hope will retain my 9.8 grade while the other half will be my own books, not caring what grade they get.
    Either way, once again I am spending an obscene amount of money so maybe I am lucky I have been losing the auctions recently. I have a list currently ready but just have to make an additional list of not only the books I want graded but books I want to read, the main hassle will be transporting them between cities.
    Other than the San Diego con which I hear is awesome time after time. Are there any conventions anyone else can recommend? Do you like the NYCC? Or do you find it overrated?
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  16. Tnerb
    or Clearly I don't have enough money
    I lost on ComicLink and eBay numerous times recently. It's either because I run out of time, a bad internet connection, or I don't want to bid any higher than what I think its worth. I don't mind losing to that last one. This past Thursday ComicLink was ending one of its auctions and while I was in the midst of my pool game I lost a copy of Alpha Flight #1 in a 9.9.
    Back in Junior high there was two series that my best friend at the time recommended to me. "Alpha Flight" and "Groo". I enjoyed them both over the years. Groo I was going to start collecting but when WWComics had them on the site I waited because many of them were single copy issues graded in a 9.8. There was someone else I know who already collected this set and I figured since he also visits the site it would probably make him happier to buy them. I can wait, and my wallet would thank me for it.
    The Alpha Flight I collected regularly till about issue 50 and I remember how hard it was to find a copy of issue #12, somehow issues 17 was in my collection twice. Both of these series I got rid of in my purge and although I didn't like doing it, it had to be done. My collection is better off for it now.
    I decided to start the Thing series mainly because of its low print run. The other two that I have thoughts towards are the Marvel Two in one and Marvel Team up. Then again I also have a desire for Doctor Strange and The Defenders, two titles I didn't really get into before...then of course there is the Sub-Mariner, the series started before I was born.
    The NYCC is almost approaching and I am gearing to go two days. My press pass credentials were approved so I hope to tell you all about it.
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  17. Tnerb
    This is NOT comic related, other than the path I described is what I sued to walk to the comic book shop. This is just something I had to share after the bad new received today.
    I had a dream this afternoon. During my slumber I dreamed of a location that I went to many times in my youth. This area was wooded, beautiful and serene. I walked this path between the ages of six until I was in my late teens. The only reason why this path existed was because so many people used it. This path crossed through a portion of water, a small stream making it's way into the larger portion of PennyPack Creek. Over the years it went from a steady flow, until only the dry bed remained.
    My dream consisted of a rock, a steady sturdy red rock that we stepped on time after time again to keep us from getting out feet wet was we crossed. However, in this dream the bedrock was no longer dry has it had become, but a steady current flowed. This amount of water finally erode around the red stone and I was there to watch as the rock that held my footing fr so many years rolled away in the torrential currents. The land was dry, rain was not the cause of duress. It only flipped once and sunk further under the water disappearing from sight.
    The dream eroded by the erratic ring tone of breaking glass. The number unrecognizable, even if I was fully awake. A voice unknowable asked if I was who I was. And then the bad news happened. For five years I have known a man, a man who I never would have had the good grace to ever meet if it wasn't for a mistake made in my life. It was a lawyer who called to inform me that this man had died. Apparently, I was the second executor on his will. I don't know what to do yet, but I had toast to his memory and I am waiting for the emotional confusion to subside.
    The creek bed I spoke of is still there, empty and bare, the rock I traversed has been unused since the path became altered. But I wonder what that dream meant, if anything, when a rock, a foundation is moved to it's final resting place.
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  18. Tnerb
    or Frustrated with comic book cataloging programs
    I have been using the same program for the past three years to catalog my comic books. However, the one thing I do not like about it is that it has no separate entity for my graded comic books. There are areas that have if you want, need it, or for sale. There is also an area for condition which is where I enter the grade, including if it is CGC or not. The app for my phone does not separate this, nor does the program itself. I wish there was a program that would also discern if the book is graded or not, especially with all these multimillion dollar sales on auctions.
    Mind you, there may very well be another program out there that does this, just not the one I use. I am also frustrated because after doing my best to take pictures of my collection, the program will randomly turn the picture around ninety degrees. I can't seem to figure out why it does this sometimes and not others. In their defense, the programs creators are trying to figure out why this is happening as well. At times I almost feel like starting over from scratch. Have one for my Graded books and another program for my ungraded books, but that seems extreme.
    On another note I have finally decided on the next set to start collecting. This set was one of those titles that didn't last long and I didn't find out about it until the Secret Wars was over. I think not only will I try to complete a full run of this graded by CGC, but I think I might try to purchase them all raw so I can read them too. It is safe to say that if you read my journals then you know I collect the New Mutants. This has and will be my first priority. I have started a few other sets and this new set I have decided has nothing to do with any other set. I decided to pick the Thing as my next set. There is something absolutely loveable about Benjamin J. Grimm that even Frank Sinatra would call him Old Blue Eyes. It's a small set, then, after that Maybe Rom, or the Human Fly.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS. I decided to start a memoir and would like to take a census if anyone would mind if I tried a single Chapter out on the journals. Thank you.
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  19. Tnerb
    or I am grading them twice to find out who's naughty or nice.
    In the case of pressing my 4.5 copy of the New Mutants #15, no it isn't worth it. Of course if we are talking about pressing my 9.4 copy of ASM #129 signed by Stan Lee and John Romita Sr. to the possibility of a 9.6, then yes it is worth it. Of course any worth of a comic book is subjected to the whims of the owner. I planned on interviewing Matt Nelson from Classics Incorporated on the second day of the Baltimore Comic-Con but first I had to have some books of my own to be looked at. I wanted Matt to show me what is worth it, and what isn't. I met up with him at the High Grade Comics booth and showed him what I had.
    I brought graded books and raw books. I wanted to see how close I was for the raw books and as for the graded books; I wanted to know how well they would improve. The following is a list of what I brought with me. I listed what I thought the grade would be in parenthesis.
    X-men #52 9.0 White Pages (9.2)
    The New Mutants #58 9.6SS White Pages (9.8)
    Infernus #3 9.4SS White Pages (9.8)
    The New Mutants Summer Special #1 9.0 Off-White to White Pages (9.2)
    The Uncanny X-Men #142 9.2 Off-White to White Pages (9.4)
    Walking Dead #100 Foil Variant Raw (9.8)
    Daredevil #48 Raw (9.0)
    X-Men #101 Raw (8.0)
    X-Men #99 Raw (7.5)
    X-Men #132 Raw (9.2)
    X-Men #42 7.0 Cream to Off-White Pages (8.0)
    X-Men Alpha Flight 9.4 White Pages (9.8)
    New Mutants Annual #4 8.5 White Pages (9.4)
    Amazing Spider-Man #129 9.4 Off-white to White Pages (I didn't expect anything, I brought this on a lark)
    The ones I sent with Matt were (the grades in parenthesis are his prescreen)
    Daredevil #48 Raw (8.0)
    X-Men #101 Raw (6.5 if he is right I am way off)
    X-Men #99 Raw (9.0)
    X-Men #132 Raw (9.4)
    X-Men #42 7.0 Cream to Off-White Pages (7.5)
    X-Men Alpha Flight 9.4 White Pages (9.8 which was a 9.8 before the signature was added)
    New Mutants Annual #4 8.5 White Pages (9.6)
    Amazing Spider-Man #129 9.4 Off-white to White Pages (9.6...dare I dream)
    As for the Walking Dead, he said I should just be able to send that in without any problems, more on this book another time.
    As he was looking them over, his experience showed by how quickly he scanned the books and estimated the grade and more importantly whether it was worth it or not. All the above books are being submitted because I find value in them. The X-Men #42 was suggested I shouldn't bother to send in because the most I could get is a 7.5, only a half point increase and would not increase the value of the comic book at all. I am OK with that because I wanted to see, I wanted to know what to look for, and it's only money, this book means a bit more than any financial benefits, kind of like my New Mutants #15.
    I now have to wait, not only for CGC, but for the books to even get there. I trust Matt just because of what he did for me earlier in the year at Wizard World 2012. And if I make it to the NYCC I will give him a few more books including my Daredevil #168 and ASM #300. The scary part is, as it was a few years ago with CGC, if I decide pressing is good, my wallet will never forgive me
    Thanks for Reading

  20. Tnerb
    or Pass me the Iron
    It is one day after the Baltimore Comic Con. I purchased 2 graded comic books for my Copper First appearance set, which should have New Mutants #13 for the first appearance of Cypher. I purchased three raw books, two of which I will plan on getting pressed and eventually graded. Then of course I also had some books to turn over to Matt Nelson with Classics Incorporated. All in all I spent somewhere in the ballpark of a little over six hundred dollars. That does not include food, rental, or the Orioles game.
    I want to say I am not for pressing, but I am not against it anymore either. I didn't just talk to Matt Nelson, I talked to others as well. Everyone one of them had something to do with CGC, whether it was a collector or a dealer. The census is that most books are pressed even if they aren't revealed that they are. I am still at odds and will say that I do believe that pressing should be considered a restorative technique, only for the fact that it improves upon the condition of a book after purchased off the rack. If I am not mistaken, any books condition that is improved after purchase is considered as a restored book.
    I purchased two mid grade books, one through eBay and one through a dealer at the NYCC. The Daredevil #7 looked to be about a 5.5 while the X-Men #10 looked to be about a 6 or 6.5. I choose both of these to go through a Stan Lee signing, but waited the best condition possible so I opted for the pressing option. I waited patiently for their return and the results weren't flattering.
    The Daredevil #7 was graded a 5.5, exactly what I thought and the X-men was graded a 7.0, a bit above what I thought. Did pressing help for the one and not the other or was I just off on one grade and spot on for the other. I sent in a few other books at Wizard World that could have indeed got a 9.8 without pressing or could it have. I can't argue that pressing does work in some circumstances but in others??? What then? I will list out the graded books I ave to Matt and I will list the graded ones too, let's see how this experiment works out, and by the way, my 9.6 copy of New Mutants #58...will not go higher than a 9.6.
    Thanks for Reading
    Random Photo Below

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  21. Tnerb
    or My Baltimore Comic Con Visit
    Is a full Weekend of pure Comic Book bliss better then four days of Pop Culture? I can't answer that. What I do know is I filled a whole, I bought a copy of Fantastic Four #49. OK, it isn't #48 but if I got the one I would have wanted I wouldn't have been able to buy anything else. Although the book I have to guess is no higher than a 4.0.
    The other two books I decided to purchase, last minute I might add, especially since I still had to buy food at Dangerously Delicious Pies. They weren't Dangerous but they were delicious. In fact I will be eating my dessert once I am done rambling. I purchase a copy of Incredible Hulk #109 for no other reason than I like the cover. I also purchase a copy of X-men #109, the first Vindicator/Guardian character. I forgot which name came first. I will be reading that after I eat my dessert and after I wash my hands, twice. I have wanted that issue for almost twenty years.
    I also decided to find out more about pressing by talking to some dealers and Matt Nelson himself. I can't believe how open he was, not to mention just a fun guy to talk to. When I was a teenager and I wanted to open a comic book store, any store owner I talked to would always ask me why would I want to do that, or they would tell me the negatives and pitfalls of why I should stay away. I found this interesting especially since that was how they made their living. Was it just their way to stop competition? Matt was a great guy to talk to and I will be writing about that for a small while to come. He gave me so much information that I still have to absorb, not to mention watch the recordings.
    The other thing is, and this is more of a personal pride, I have just reached my 300th journal. In the beginning I would state every milestone of 25 journals of the ones I liked or thought were worth reading. The last one I did was some time ago, with, which I think, journal 175. I would like to hear what journals do you like, what was written better, what sucked. Be nice or be mean (but at least constructive). You can leave it in the "Discuss on Chat boards" area or send me a message through the boards.
    As Always
    Thanks for Reading

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  22. Tnerb
    Have I truly written that much?
    I passed the 300 book goal in the beginning of the year and now I am about to pass 300 journals. I have 40 people that follow me and I follow the same people. I took over the #1 spot of my favorite set "The New Mutants" after Bagofleas held the spot for the past three years. I have made friends and upset one particular person, which still bothers me. It was unintentional, and I try to entertain.
    I started writing journal as an excuse to write about the hobby I love. I started a bit less then three years ago. Twice, for the month of November I wrote thirty journals in thirty days. I have written about pressing and will do so again. I wrote about my accomplishments and hinted at things I wanted to write about, but never did.
    At this moment before my 300th milestone I am at a crossroads. I don't know how I should collect anymore. I don't have money to collect the way I want to and have limited funds, not to mention I still owe my parents.) I like to collect sets because I want to feel like I am accomplishing something. The idea of having a set of one slightly bothers me, but I also want to get what I like. There are some comics I had when I was much younger. I had no idea how I got the majority of these. One of them just appeared on World Wide comics' website. Do I have the ability to purchase this one book and not try to get the rest of them or am I going to have to complete what I started?
    I have the Baltimore ComicCon coming up and I want to give Classics Incorporated a few books that dropped to a 9.4 that were once 9.8's. I have to spend my money wisely since all my bills come first but I am also going to conventions and this uses up my internet funds. We all come to a point that we have to choose what we want and when we get it, I just have to decide to what I want more.
    Thanks for Reading
    Happy Holiday
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  23. Tnerb
    Written originally for Comicbooked.com
    A year ago I waited in the comic book shop for the first batch of the new 52 to be placed on the shelves. The holiday weekend postponed the books being placed in their proper positions by an hour. The staff rapidly put the comics away as the throng of eager collectors awaited for them to finish. I was among them. I had planned to purchase four books each week from the new 52. This never happened. During the time that the books were making their way to the shelf gave me an equal amount of time to look at the four prospects for the week. The previous week only had the Justice League arrive on the stands and showed promise for my secondary choice of comic books.
    I picked my choices of the racks and skimmed through them as others were placed. This gave me time to put them all back. As much as DC gambled with their new direction and as much as I decided to give them a chance I had to pass. This new world would not empty me of my pockets. Out of the sixteen I originally planned to get I chose four. I picked Aquaman, Teen Titans, Batman & Robin and the aforementioned Justice League. Aquaman was a surprise hit and slowly made it as one of the books that should be last to read, even against my beloved Marvel titles.
    Now, a year later I dropped the Ten Titans, I was slightly upset that they tried to get me to read a few other annuals by crossing over into other titles. I was lost in this story and felt that if they thought us, as the reader, were not smart enough to understand what was going on in issue #897 of a series then I might as well quit when this compilation of story had me bewildered. They made new rules with their gamble and I am just playing along in their universe. I also dropped Batman and Robin. Although I like the thought of Batman being a father, the book lost its appeal as a monthly pick up. I might decree to get them in trades.
    The two that are left were also released and would have had trouble deducing what to read last with my favorite title ever, the New Mutants. So the beautiful fan boy wet dream of Superman and Wonder Woman kissing on the cover versus the latest with Aquaman's other team both won against my favorite title but did lose to a one shot by IDW. There were many people upset about the new #1's of which I was one of, and now they even have all new zero issues. Does anyone remember that craze in the nineties?
    So what should DC do after a year? How are they going to garnish new readers now that the original 2 are hitting their teens, not to mention some of them were cancelled, which should show anyone that it is good story and art that keeps readers going strong, just ask Rob Liefeld...um OK bad example. That leaves my one humble opinion, one year later on the anniversary of the semi new 52. Pick up the Justice League and pick up Aquaman for good solid story and art, as for every other god forsaken title...give them a chance but be warned, they might start over again at #1 when they get confused.
    Thanks for reading
    PS. The above is a rant and in no way is felt by any other writer of Comicooked.com and myself. As for Rob Liefeld, I don't know the full extreme of what is going on in the comic book business world, but he did stave off any dislike of the New Mutants I could have had with issue #87 twenty years ago and for that I will be eternally grateful, but currently stop being a pompous
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  24. Tnerb
    Pressing the Issue
    Ironing out the Details
    http://comics.www.collectors-society.com/JournalDetail.aspx?JournalEntryID=7407I have an Amazing Spider-Man, #129 graded by CGC. You would think the really cool thing about this comic book is, that it has the first appearance of not only the Punisher, but the Jackal as well, and although true, wrong. The special thing about this specific book is that I bought it in the late eighties as a teen and kept it in the condition I got it in. I used the onsite grading service CGC has at Wizard World Philadelphia back when it was same day. They originally graded the comic a 9.2 with white pages before I decided this was a book I desired to have signed by the man who created the title character. It was returned with a yellow label, highlighted by becoming a 9.4 but dimmed by the off-white to white pages denomination. I was curious as to why it changed and as I conversed with someone about it, he sensibly mentioned (whether it's true or not) that the time spent encapsulated caused any imperfections to be pressed out; nothing was mentioned about the pages. Another signing allowed me to have John Romita's signature added to Stan Lee's. Having multiple signatures on a book does not increase any registry points, but could increase any potential financial value. I would like to add Gerry Conway, Ross Andru, or Gil Kane to make it a trifecta but unsure if any of that is remotely possible. I also wonder if this book could be professionally pressed into a 9.6 or a 9.8? And if that could increase, my registry points would increase as well. Another book I had pressed was a gift. It was previously pressed but I was curious. I have written about pressing before and am still questioning why this service is not considered restoration. I thought it would be amusing to see if it could be detected by a professional. I brought it to Wizard World Philadelphia to be pressed and graded. It was looked over and confirmed (not a guarantee) that the book could be pressed into a 9.8. Not once was I asked if this book was already pressed. Does this mean that restoration isn't considered a restorative technique not because it isn't, but because it cannot be detected as one.Thanks for ReadingTnerbTo see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.
  25. Tnerb
    Free, Associate, Premium, or Elite?
    I used the free membership when I first signed up for the registry. At the time I wasn't interested in getting my own books graded since I was just learning the system, not to mention I couldn't read them. I joined a good two years before I purchased my first graded book. I wasn't skeptical about the grading process, I was outright against it. As you can see my opinion has altered.
    A few years ago I changed my free membership to an associate membership. This was $39.99. Upgrading allowed me to send in my own books rather than use the same day service CGC provided at Wizard World Philadelphia. During that first year I sent in only ten, after all I still had to test the waters.
    If I send a book to CGC, there is a 98% chance I am doing it because I want to keep the book. The 4.5 copy of my New Mutants #15 is a testament to that fact. I have sold or tried to sell books but that was because I wanted to upgrade a book (either by grade or by signature) or possibly get something better. I began acquiring in 84', but I started to seriously collect in 86'. I use the word "seriously" to show the extreme difference between collecting and giving up meals. I don't pass on meals anymore but I will save for a comic book before anything else.
    My membership advanced again this year, this time to a premium membership due to winning the best Copper set for my New Mutants collection. This also gave me a coupon for 4 free comics to be graded; of course I just have to figure out which four to send in. I will eventually send more of my New Mutants and Sandman books but I also want to get a few older books graded that might get a 9.0 or higher.
    What is your membership tier? How much do you spend to send books in? Or do you buy books already graded. Has anyone purchased an Elite Membership?
    Thanks for Reading
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