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Everything posted by mikenyc

  1. Why? To see if he was adding to wallcrawlers offer or making a sidebar gift It was already discussed two pages back that no member can add to the offer of another member. Right but there was some confusion about that and if that was his mistaken intention then it needs to be null and voided There was no confusion, when everyone continues to chime in without taking the time to read and process what's transpired it causes confusion. Everyone should slow down and think out what they post or maybe reread before making assumptions. No confusion? Are we reading the same thread? This will be the last time I do this. 1. 1cool offers the litho as an add on. 2. Swick points out that it is in the rules that you can't do that. 3. Comical gems takes it. 4. Swick takes comical gems offer of a dark horse 1. 5. Swick points out that wall crawlers offer still stands and the litho and dark hawk book are separate offers of generosity. 6. Swick also points out that if comical gems didn't realize that he didn't need to follow up with an offer than that transaction, dark hawk, would be canceled.
  2. Why? To see if he was adding to wallcrawlers offer or making a sidebar gift It was already discussed two pages back that no member can add to the offer of another member. Right but there was some confusion about that and if that was his mistaken intention then it needs to be null and voided There was no confusion, when everyone continues to chime in without taking the time to read and process what's transpired it causes confusion. Everyone should slow down and think out what they post or maybe reread before making assumptions.
  3. Why? To see if he was adding to wallcrawlers offer or making a sidebar gift It was already discussed two pages back that no member can add to the offer of another member.
  4. This is why Swick doesn't want arbitrary members adding items it's way too confusing.
  5. You're wrong. The litho was added and then removed as part if the offer. The litho was taken by comical gems and his offer was taken by Swick. No one has claimed wall crawlers offer yet, that stands as the current offer. The litho and dark hawk exchange was a confusing side bar.
  6. Amen. This thread hasn't been in existence for 2 days and every other post is either Kav or someone pointing out a possible rule change. Let it be for a little while. The point isn't to have 20 offers change hands a day. Shut up and enjoy the thing.
  7. Wow, I just read through 30 pages since last night, I have a few comments: 1. There are a couple members who post way too much and of the 400 posts they had about 50% of them. Everyone should have fun but it is super distracting and honestly adds nothing. 2. People need to relax. It's like a bunch of creeps clawing at a bra when they finally get a female to spend more than 5 minutes with them. Allow the person some breathing room to get their offer up. You sound desperate. 3. This thread isn't about giving, it's about exchanging similar valued items for fun. Why pretend differently? This thread should be proud and not ashamed of who it is. 4. I find the brashness of the very members who were the catalyst in this threads creation to be pathetic. At least everyone sees exactly what they are. The veto certainly curtails any abuse by these clowns. 5. Thanks Swick for doing this and ignore the toolboxes like myself who have their lofty opinions, this is a good evolution of the PIF.
  8. No because this thread has turned into a coffee klatch.
  9. Such a shame, was going to post the mediation results there when paypal, the bbb and the bank all did their investigation and made their decision.. ah well.. I'm assuming Conan was ordered into a life of indentured servitude because you clicked on the wrong address.
  10. So oh oh do it. If you can prove it, then let other members be aware.
  11. Bump because it took me awhile to find this and it's awesome!!!
  12. I painted with my little ones. Then we went to Barnes and Noble and spent too much money on books. I got my son a Spider Man coloring book as well as an awesome Ninja Turtles book that came with little figures. I'm reading "The Lorax" to my daughter for the first time tonight. Good day for me.
  13. For realz? Yes. The PL serves a dual function to compel members to find a solution when a transaction has gone bad or fails to be completed once terms are agreed upon and to warn other members of nefarious characters. I stated from the beginning that I wasn't sure if this earns him PL status, but at the very least, I wanted others who may research this guy to know what sort of character they are dealing with. So I think that at the very least, this qualifies for the part in bold. Do you seriously feel someone not responding to a request to look for a book is PL worthy? Where did I say that I contacted him to look for a book for me? Would you want someone to have their reputation ruined because they became busy at work or forgot or decided to say he has better things to do than look for your book? Of course not. Did you skip parts of my post or something? That is not what happened here. I get it was rude to not respond but if you send PM after PM and they go unanswered take a hint that the guy doesn't care enough for your business. Yes, I got the hint. I gave up expecting a response about a week ago. He said he would send a scan and price, he never did. You publicly called him out. I think that about sums it up. Good luck finding your book.
  14. For realz? The PL serves a dual function to compel members to find a solution when a transaction has gone bad or fails to be completed once terms are agreed upon and to warn other members of nefarious characters. Do you seriously feel someone not responding to a request to look for a book is PL worthy? Would you want someone to have their reputation ruined because they became busy at work or forgot or decided to say he has better things to do than look for your book? I get it was rude to not respond but if you send PM after PM and they go unanswered take a hint that the guy doesn't care enough for your business.
  15. I would raise the concern with the seller and maybe publicly, but I don't think I'd nominate for the probation list. That ship has sailed. This is the new and improved PL; "you nominate em, we add em." Weren't you one of the first to say it was worthy of a PL nomination? Agreed. But if he doesn't - Probation List? Why not? If people are placed on the list for not completing a transaction, when there is no real loss, then why would someone who overcharges and actually causes a real loss not be a candidate? I don't disagree with the nomination. I think he deserves to be on the list. My comment was geared toward what feels like very fast additions to the list when situations are not cut and dry.
  16. I would raise the concern with the seller and maybe publicly, but I don't think I'd nominate for the probation list. That ship has sailed. This is the new and improved PL; "you nominate em, we add em."
  17. +1 Mystery boxes are mind boggling to me. You literally know the only reason they are being sold in that format is because they could not get an equal price by revealing the contents, yet people still participate. People are greedy because they think they're getting a deal by paying half value of a box of stuff they probably don't want. At least when the purchase of a box was a raffle ticket there was a shot at winning a high priced book which enticed a bunch of people to take a shot. Now, as others have said, there is a nice pipeline for dumping drek and instead of flat out saying it's a raffle there are innuendos and circumventions of a three day old rule change. "A fool and his money are soon parted"
  18. Votes and polls typically end up being popularity issues. Silent or not. I don't completely disagree but I feel that it would be called out in the PL environment. Using the jawn/oceankid scenario, there was a debate surrounding whether or not there was a PL worthy offense. Some felt it was and some felt it wasn't. After a couple of days the member was added as if there was a definitive outcome to the debate. When the situation was revisited a month later there were still members arguing for and against the nomination. A poll was taken with an overwhelming majority of votes to remove him from the PL. I don't think in situations where someone can have their reputation ruined that members would be so flippant as to simply vote for their friend or favorite. Maybe I'm naive and expect to much from an Internet forum.
  19. There should be changes to the rules. In no particular order. 1. If a person is nominated to be placed on the PL a formal vote must be taken with a poll lasting for a predetermined period with the majority number of votes deciding the outcome. 2. If a person is nominated and doesn't respond, they should not automatically be added to the list after 72 hours if the majority of voters in a poll don't agree that it is PL worthy. 3. If there isn't any evidence presented, i.e. PMs, Emails, Texts etc, and only one side of the story is posted due to the lack of a response by the accused, then there should be a conditional addition to the list. 4. If a person was added to the PL without majority votes in a poll, a person should be able to be removed by a majority vote agreement in a poll. Allowing anyone to nominate someone else for any reason and not have a vote where the less vocal members can express their opinion as well, the list is too arbitrary to be taken seriously. There will clearly be cases of gross misconduct where it seems obvious that a person should be added, a vote to support the assumption should still be mandatory. In cases where there is not a clear right or wrong answer a vote is even more important. There should also be a minimum number of overall participants in the poll in order for it to be valid.
  20. How can you say this when there have been plenty of happy customers who have participated in these types of sales threads? Your purely pessimistic attitude in thinking everyone is out to try and rip people off is exactly what is wrong with this board. No, I'm a pragmatist. This is not an attack on anyone in particular and in fact I have had numerous transactions with most of the sellers who run mystery box threads. I just don't like the notion that people are really being motivated into purchasing based on the one or two large ticket books that will be added to one or two of the boxes. They're a mystery for a reason. Lastly, look at your sales threads and compare them to the numerous other mystery box threads that pass muster. It's clearly not arbitrary enforcement of the rules but rather your understanding of them. I would PM a mod with the template of your thread to make sure it's ok before wasting your time. Good luck. If you would have looked at my recent thread without jumping to conclusions, you would have noticed that I posted more than 1-2 large ticket books. I am pretty sure more than half the books that were being included were pictured in the thread. I was going to add more photos once I got up this morning so there would be some form of transparency as to what buyers could expect to receive. Each box was equally valued in regards to FMV. And if you would have looked at my sales thread before making any assumptions, you would have seen no difference between what I posted and the countless of other mystery box sales that went unpunished. I never looked at your thread because I wasn't referring to you in particular but rather mystery box sales in general. Furthermore I couldn't look at your thread if I wanted to because it was removed, twice. I can look at the many other mystery box threads still up because they were not removed for violating rules. Instead of considering my good advice of sending a template and finding out why they keep being removed you chose to make it personal. Stop being a martyr and fix what you're doing wrong.
  21. How can you say this when there have been plenty of happy customers who have participated in these types of sales threads? Your purely pessimistic attitude in thinking everyone is out to try and rip people off is exactly what is wrong with this board. No, I'm a pragmatist. This is not an attack on anyone in particular and in fact I have had numerous transactions with most of the sellers who run mystery box threads. I just don't like the notion that people are really being motivated into purchasing based on the one or two large ticket books that will be added to one or two of the boxes. They're a mystery for a reason. Lastly, look at your sales threads and compare them to the numerous other mystery box threads that pass muster. It's clearly not arbitrary enforcement of the rules but rather your understanding of them. I would PM a mod with the template of your thread to make sure it's ok before wasting your time. Good luck.
  22. Everyone should stop having mystery box sales. It's a mystery for a reason.
  23. That is fraud. You should be able to blatantly call someone out and warn them if there is obvious fraud. Misquoting GPA or having the book on Ebay of another venue, etc. Also a mistake may happen so maybe a PM to the seller to let them know. This particular seller has had 8 books for sale this week with the same claims, misquoted GPA or claims that his sale price was "crazy below gpa". I'm not surprised.