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Everything posted by gadzukes

  1. It has the 2 tears, but it's really it's a sharp looking copy.
  2. But look at what I negotiated for today. WOO HOO!
  3. For years I've had my nice incomplete copy of Superman 1. Missing the back cover like SO many others. But.............
  4. Valuewise a 6.0 Avengers 4 is worth basically the same as a 3.5 Avengers 1. I personally would take the Avengers 4
  5. Was that a Brood? Cool. This could be a fun season.
  6. How many comics are in the Rudolph run? Why dont you go ahead and post them all? I want to see them now.
  7. This page is probably from the same issue as the last one... or maybe not. This is page 2/3 from an early Marco Polo story. Characters include Marco, Kargan, and the villain of the story is Abu-el-Kaf I checked GCD but couldn't find anything.
  8. This first leaf is page 8/9 from an early Tex Thompson story. I believe it's either from Action Comics 2, 3, or 4. There's a character named Gorrah, Tex Thompson, and Ali. Tex mentions "The Sealed City". I checked the GCD and got that it's probably Action 2, 3, or 4 but if anyone can narrow it down further that would be great
  9. Article says it might have graded as a 3.0 until the rip happened to the back cover. It graded out as a 1.5 Blue http://www.cbr.com/action-comics-1-found-in-wall-of-house-sells-for-175000/
  10. Maybe I should have titled this thread "How much do wild fires and hurricanes affect the "Key Issue" census.
  11. Ha ha, yup, that's the one. I think it was just the cover. Probably took $75,000 off the price with that tear.
  12. Oooooh.... a 6' tall mystery woman. So who does the mystery woman turn out to be?
  13. Really nice frame job! I love homage covers. I hope we see some more of this image. The two on the ends make it look like LL & WW are the same height. According to DC universe WW is 6' and LL is 5'-7"
  14. I'm selling some great Atlas/Marvel/Timely Crime Comics on Ebay Official True Crime 25 All-True Crime 26, 27, 28, 32, 34, 44, 47, 49, 50, 51 Check them out. Here's the link: https://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=gadzukes&_sop=12&_osacat=0&_ipg=50&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.Xcrime.TRS0&_nkw=crime&_sacat=0
  15. That's really cool. I hadn't heard about that. Were any comics stored in the twin towers?
  16. By contrast I love hearing the stories of Key issues that are found every year. I love the story of the guy in Minnesota who bought a foreclosed home and was tearing out the walls only to find a copy of Action 1 behind the drywall that was used as insulation. Alas, I think we lose many more key issues every year than we find.
  17. CGC graded it as a .5 because it was missing the CF and was incomplete. Ankurj married a CF to it, so I agree with his assessment that it is now a 1.8 - 2.0 (it would be qualified of course) GLWTS
  18. About 365,000 homes are destroyed by fires every year. Surely some of those homes had comic collections. How many Key issues were lost? About 50,000 homes are destroyed by tornados every year. Surely some of those homes had comic collections. How many Key issues were lost? I'm guessing about 300,000 homes were destroyed by floods every year (can't find a stat). Surely some of those homes had comic collections. How many Key issues were lost? How many Key issues do we lose every year?
  19. Hmmmm..... I'll tell you one thing, I don't think a "fire-proof" safe would have helped out in California.
  20. I guess I need to read more posts. Just saw this thread: If you haven't clicked on this thread go check it out. Devastating for Eggman, but heartwarming too as you read thru the posts.
  21. In other words..... How many "Key Issues" are we losing every year to Flooding, Home Fires, Hurricanes, Tornados, Tsunamis, etc... We've had such a terrible stretch of weather the last couple of months with the Hurricanes and the wild fires out west. It got me thinking.... How many of our comic peers lost their collections in Houston, in FL, in Puerto Rico, and in the decimated parts of California? Obviously the safety and well being of all of the home owners and their families comes first, and comics are probably the last things on their minds as they rebuild their lives, but I wonder how many comics were also lost in these disasters. I read somewhere that Charles Schultz's house burned to the ground and I imagine many important pieces of Original Peanuts artwork went up in smoke with it. Do any of you have collector friends who lost their collections? Many comics are easily replaceable. But if even 1 GA key issue like an Action 1 or Tec 27 was destroyed, that would be a big loss for the hobby. I hate to think that we may have lost any Af15s or other SA keys.
  22. My 1st was when a friend of mine who knew I sold on ebay asked me to sell his collection. Because he was a friend I did all of the work for free. I sold everything he had except the AF15. because I wanted it for myself. I offered him $1000 for it and he said yes (many years ago). It was a 1.0. I've owned many since then but my favorite was getting a call from my daughter 2 years ago who said a friend of hers had one to sell. I assumed it was a reprint but when I went to look at it it was the real thing. I thought it was about a 4.0/4.5 and offered him $12,000 for it. He declined. 2 weeks later he said yes and I got it. It came back from CGC as a 4.0. I also bought a PLOD Pence 7.0 about 6 years ago and had Matt Nelson remove the "dot" of CT. It came back as a Blue 7.0. I was very happy.
  23. I don't know diddly squat about Stocks. I have an IRA that was not even started until I was in my mid 30s (I am self employed and a procrastinator). It's approaching $100k which is not great for my age (55) but is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. For me IRA = boring. BUT, I do think I have a good feel for comics. I do most of my investing in comics. And I have had a BLAST doing it (and on a fairly modest income). It's been so much fun. Some of you stock guys might roll your eyes at me, but I'm feeling ok about it. I've got quite a few Blue Chip books over at the bank. I've made some dumb mistakes with comics but for the most part I've done pretty good. Since this is an AF15 thread....... I've got 4.5 AF15s