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Guardian Comics

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Everything posted by Guardian Comics

  1. Thinking it just might. For a *GASP* OFF-WHITE copy!?! SHILLS! I'm a believer now, all these books are shilled I say! So many on eVay only care about the grade, they dont even know what off white or off center is.. they probably think off white is a variant It's Off White to White And it's being sold by one of the best in the business. It's about more than the grade and I just placed a bid cuz the book is an absolute steal at the current price. Jim Okay, I underestimated the demand of this book. Will it hit a $1000 before it's over with? The last sale is $2500....is OW-W with a slight mis wrap really a $1500 flaw? Jim
  2. Thinking it just might. For a *GASP* OFF-WHITE copy!?! SHILLS! I'm a believer now, all these books are shilled I say! So many on eVay only care about the grade, they dont even know what off white or off center is.. they probably think off white is a variant It's Off White to White And it's being sold by one of the best in the business. It's about more than the grade and I just placed a bid cuz the book is an absolute steal at the current price. Jim
  3. David bought a couple books and the transaction was easy peasy. Hope to do business with again soon. Jim
  4. Does the trade include Thanos Quest? No it doesn't....so TQ #1-2 are my top priorities at a show this weekend. Jim TQ#1-2 are a continuation of Silver Surfer #34-38, I'd read those first before TQ. There is a trade that has them all, can preview it here: https://www.scribd.com/book/249976719/Silver-Surfer-The-Rebirth-of-Thanos I'm all set...a guy was blowing out his omnibi today at the show for $60, so I picked up the Infinity Gauntlet on and 34-38 plus TQ #1-2 are both in there. Jim
  5. On a low grade book like that I think it's at least livable, not for me but I can totally understand how that could be somebody's grail book. Jim
  6. Does the trade include Thanos Quest? No it doesn't....so TQ #1-2 are my top priorities at a show this weekend. Jim
  7. Coolest thing I found on EBay today... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Infinity-War-Mobile-Store-Advertising-Display-Thanos-Starlin-Gauntlet-Marvel-Gem-/321782898274?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aebc15e62 Jim
  8. Okay, so being 40 years old, I have never read Infinity Gauntlet nor had any interest in the Cosmic heroes in the slightest but in the last month or so I have decided to give it a shot. It's the one area of the Marvel Universe that I felt I didn't know like the back of my hand. Last week I bought the IG trade and read it in one night. I enjoyed it but was expecting something more and to be totally blown away. Perhaps I had to experience it at the time it came out to really get how important to the Marvel Mythos it was/is. So I forged ahead and last night read Infinity War, which I thought was absolutely brilliant. Magus as the villain, the Doom/Kang combo, making the Infinity Gauntlet have power again, Thanos being the "secret keeper" of the infinity stone. I just felt that it was a better story, and not just the slugfest that IG seemed to be. Ryan pointed out this thread to me this afternoon, and have already read all 107 pages. I don't know how long my Thanos / Warlock "phase" will last (I have the worst collecting AD+D of all time) but for now I'm all in. Jim
  9. Jaws was probably the first movie I ever saw. In the summer of '75 I went to the Drive In with my parents and saw it. I would have been about 3 1/2. Made a huge impression on me. I'll get in the water but still think about Jaws before I do (even in a Lake). Top 3 film for me personally of all time, and can recite the movie front to back. Shaw's acting was absolutely brilliant, as was most of the cast. A movie I could just watch over and over and never tire of, and can't think of one dull moment. Jim
  10. Charles is one of the good ones...no problems whatsoever. Jim
  11. Love his honesty. He's not exactly wrong about the princess not being beautiful in fact She's about average. Have you ever been to a Walmart? Jim
  12. It started creeping up last week, now it's booming. Of course! I just sold my undercopy a couple weeks ago. Win some, lose some. Don't worry, I still have at least a dozen in my $1.00 bins (that's CDN, 80 cents to you) and nobody has pulled one out yet. If I stumble across one of them, you can have it for a buck. Jim Seems like a book you could stick a $5 tag on and it should sell if in nice shape even before it heated up. I thought the economy in Canada was booming and all this copper stuff was doing well? Oh I'm sure I could, but books that sell for $5.00 I just stick in my dollar bins. The customer feels like they got a deal, and keep coming back time after time. I currently have the largest inventory in a city with a population of 7,000,000 plus and and the business is in it's infancy, so I don't mind leaving a little money on the table in exchange for goodwill and word of mouth. Jim
  13. It started creeping up last week, now it's booming. Of course! I just sold my undercopy a couple weeks ago. Win some, lose some. Don't worry, I still have at least a dozen in my $1.00 bins (that's CDN, 80 cents to you) and nobody has pulled one out yet. If I stumble across one of them, you can have it for a buck. Jim
  14. Do people not look at the books they are buying?!?!?! geez... Apparently not. SOME people profit off of others not being able to grade. :thumbsup: Jim
  15. Jeff just bought a couple of Punisher mags from me, and the entire transaction was as smooth as silk. Jim
  16. Well yeah...I'd enjoy the hell out a 13 hour Avengers movie as well. They are different animals. Jim
  17. Where is the action? My only complaint for this show is there is too much action/fight scenes but I can live with it. Jim
  18. Bought a couple of treasurys from me...perfect and smooth transaction from beginning to end. Jim
  19. I like the Affleck movie. I don't know why I always feel the need to say so when this topic inevitably comes up but me too. It's still my favourite super hero movie of all time, and I cannot honestly see why people hate it. But I'm not stupid, and because everybody in the world hates it I know it must be me who is wrong. My favourite cast, the best soundtrack, and the darkest, grittiest of all superhero movies I have seen. Jim
  20. Really? I thought Karen was great. Decent acting and just... I had a harder time embracing Vincent D'onofrio's Kingpin with his gravely "I'm Christian Bale as Batman" voice. Like I mentioned to a few people, I am more afraid of Kingpin now then I was afraid of Darth Vader at 5. Jim
  21. Randall bought some books from me and was a total pleasure to deal with and hope to do so again in the near future. Jim
  22. F Harley Quinn has been featured in alternative media before. And multiple Guardians movies on the docket didn't stop those books from tanking. Nor did it stop TMNT #1 from correcting significantly. There's no reason to expect anything different here even if the movie is successful and/or isn't an overly bloated mess. This time won't be different. -J. Not every book tanks after the (first) movie. Harley doesn't equal Groot, or Turtles. Since shillers and speculators are what are largely driving the price of this book as they did the Guardians books (ie, market manipulation), history is not on her side. And yes, even TTA 13 is off from prior movie hype highs . -J. Where do you extrapolate these statements and numbers from??? It boggles my mind, every post is shilling this and sky is falling that. I just did a simple bit of research and what you have said here is just simply not true!!! The three highest grades of CGC books of TTA #13 sold in the last 90 days have been a 6.0, a 5.5 and and 5.0. Guardians came out on August 1st. In 6.0 in August there were two sales at the absolute peak of "Guardians mania" and they were $2500 and $2720 respectively. The January 2015 sale was $2800 In 5.5 there were only two sales in all of 2014, one in February for $1800 and one in June for $1950. The last sale which was just a few days ago was $2232. In 5.0 there were two sales as Guardians mania was about to explode one on July 30 for $2025 and then another a couple of days later for $1884. The last sale which was in March was $1926. Please explain to me how these books are falling back to Earth? In each on my examples, the book is selling for MORE than it was last August when Guardians hit the theatre and caught everybody by surprise. Are people still "market manipulating" a book eight months after the movie came out??? Jim
  23. Comic fans are a strange lot. We care about a difference in price on the cover of a comic, a slight color change, or even a single UPC symbol digit difference, but when it comes to an actual comic with the first appearance of an important character... no way! Gotta draw the line somewhere I guess. It goes without saying, but It is $250 in NM- in my guide from 2005 sitting in my office, so I'm kind of thinking some people cared earlier than 10 years ago. People cared, don't get me wrong. I have all the guides up to the mid 80's and then jumps to 2007. In the 2007 guide it's $275. So in two years it jumped $25 bucks, not exactly a record setting pace. My point is this and based purely on personal observation and feelings. #181 has always been the book to have, always. Some point when 181's crossed the magicial pyschological barrier, whether it was $500 or $1000 I don't recall exactly, people then turned towards #180 as (for a lack of a better term) a "poor mans #181". With the notion that it actually contained his first appearance (a one page cameo/intro). They weren't wrong. It's exactly that, but it will always be just that. Buy which book you prefer for whatever your personal reasons and beliefs are, and in a perfect world hopefully it is both. Jim
  24. It was thought of as his first appearance way before CGC ever came into existence. Not so. Would love to see any kind of guide listing that put 181 as his first with no mention of his actual first (cameo, whatever) in 180. Link? Scan? Absolutely yes so. #181 is broken out in the Overstreet for the first time in issue #8 (1978) and remained that way for the next three years, until Overstreet #11 hit the stands and for the first time listed #180 as a cameo. Jim My apologies. But, c'mon, I think the bigger point here is that it wasn't a big deal--look how it's priced compared to the Doc Samson and Warlock appearances. I think once people actually started caring about it, people realized quickly that he made his big, splashy panel debut in 180. That's just not true. Once the character began picking up steam, 181 commanded a premium over 180. I can remember as early as 1982 181 being a $20 wall book at a few stores around Chicago with 180, 182 still being in the back issue bins. Agreed, nobody has ever cared until recently (ten years or so). If anything CGC has made #180 as popular as it is, not the other way around. I've owned 100-200 copies of Hulk #181 in my lifetime, have never even held a #180 in my life. I still don't care about #180 as a book. It holds the same stature to me personally as #179 or #183. And I didn't need Overstreet or CGC to tell me that. I made that decision at 12 years old on my own volition in 1985. Jim