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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days of Future Past are just as good as any of the Marvel Studios productions. They just weren't massive financial wins, though DoFP sure surpassed estimates. Was the Apocalypse film that far off from the same pattern it is now assumed the X-Franchise can't recover? That all depends on the directors they pick. Yes, they can get a great one, or not. But Fox itself adds no value to the process like Marvel does with their directors, so as a fan you have to cross your fingers and hope for the best. Or hope for the worst for a long enough span that allows Disney to be able to afford to buy back the rights.
  2. Marvel discovered the secret sauce for translating superheroes to the big screen, but they're not sharing the recipe for the sauce with Fox. The ideal scenario is that the X-Men films keep whittling down their revenues to a point where Disney just buys the rights back from Fox. That could take another decade though.
  3. Hadn't noticed it before, but definitely an uncanny similarity. I Googled it and apparently people have been pointing this out for years and she agrees with the resemblance.
  4. He did far more than look at the similarities between species. What from Darwin do you disagree with? It's not at all off-topic related to the X-Men given that evolution is the entire fictional explanation for their existence.
  5. Humanity didn't know what mutation was until Darwin in the mid-19th century, so isn't it likely that Apocalypse DID think he was a god? I didn't see it as a complex, I saw it as objective reality from his perspective. If you're the most powerful being in existence for tens of thousands of years, that sounds like a god to me. While I agree that Apocalypse's character wasn't well-developed, I don't yet agree that he was the victim of bad writing. Quite the contrary, I'm still more intrigued by his origin and what he went through over the ages of time than anything else about the film.
  6. Liked it a lot. Best CGI superhero power effects ever. Every single character had their best display of powers ever in a film aside from Mystique, who did almost nothing except talk--Magneto by far, Storm, Cyclops, Quicksilver, Jean, Beast, Nightcrawler, Havok, Angel. The effects on Magneto's shield were fricking superlative...been waiting for them to do that since 2000. Superheroes are fun for action, and this one was full of it. I think it had more than ANY superhero film to date. Wanted to see more development of Apocalypse...guess I'll have to read the "Rise of Apocalypse" mini-series to get his back story. Although the movie version was different since they said he was tens of thousands of years old.
  7. Quite the opposite...all the reviewers who hate having to watch superhero movies review it last, so it'll go down.
  8. That's a compellingly crafted simile, but I don't know what "chad phish heads" or "gypsy wook" mean.
  9. There are still lots of roles to fill...Keaton could be playing Captain Stacey, or even J. Jonah Jameson. He's definitely not Kraven, doesn't have the look or the physicality. He could be Vulture, but I sure hope not.
  10. http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/05/preacher-tulip-ruth-negga Total garbage and what I'd expect from Vanity Fair OK, so they changed Tulip to make her tougher. What's the problem? I don't see how it changes the Preacher story at all.
  11. Nobody knows what that is because studios don't divulge their total costs. Production budgets get thrown out there, but whether or not they go over or under budget, how much marketing costs, how much translating to different languages costs, how many costs are built into studio generic costs, etc, are never divulged.
  12. Seems pretty clear it drew most of its inspiration from Ultimate Fantastic Four, but yea, many elements I've seen from trailers or heard described in reviews or this thread also sound quite different from any comic. I wouldn't refer to UFF as the "wrong" source comics though, Marvel has been suggesting elements to screenwriters from the Ultimate line since the 2000 X-Men film.
  13. Rotten Tomates score went up a bit over the weekend...it was in the mid-40s last week, but it's up to 57% on 61 reviews as of this post.
  14. Watched it on HBO last night. It was better than having malaria. That's the closest to a nice thing I can say about it. Having the team be drunk when they went to the other dimension sums up everything that was wrong with that smoking turd. its on hbo? I'm in! Is there an associated drinking game I should play while watching? Does it hurt or help that as a rule, I hate Miles Teller? I'm forum-named after this film, and I own the full run of the comic. I'm an optimist...but I'm not a masochist. I don't know why I'd want to watch this film.
  15. I thought she was utterly brilliant in American Hustle. She was the wild card that kept everyone on their toes. Without her, the movie would have felt a bit too formula. Golden Globe and Oscar voters agreed with you. I like Rebecca Romijn for the same reason most of the rest of you do--as pretty as JLaw is, Rebecca Romijn has a prettier face and a better body. She fills the nude Mystique costume better than JLaw is capable of. JLaw matches Mystique from the comics better, however, in that she can deliver lines better than Romijn is capable of.
  16. Mystique in the comics wasn't a "B" character, was she? In the 80s she was the leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and talked a hell of a lot. I always assumed they had Romijn be mostly silent because at the point she was in X-Men, she was a model who had barely ever acted so they didn't write her many lines. Bryan Singer did the exact same thing for Sabretooth in the first X-Men film--in the comics he's a constant chatterbox, but Singer realized Tyler Mane couldn't act, so he killed almost all of his lines.
  17. What's your issue with Jennifer Lawrence? It's been talked about before that Jennifer Lawrence - though pretty - doesn't have that seasoned warrior feel with her portrayal of Mystique. Even in The Last Stand, when she is locked up in a secure cell playing psychological warfare with her security guard, just looking out you can tell what she threatens WILL happen. They were doing some kind of audio processing on her voice in those films that added to her gravitas to make it sound otherworldly that they're not doing with Lawrence for whatever reason. In the scene you just linked, Romijn wasn't at all responsible for her threateningness, the screenwriter and director were...in the few seconds they showed her she had no lines and just stood there.
  18. She's had too many great roles since Winter's Bone to just be called an adequate actress. Take Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle and Joy for instance. She even dominated nothing roles in House at the End of the Street, The Beaver and Serena. Even after Room, you can't say that for Brie Larson in 22 Jump Street. If anything these franchise paycheck roles are dimming her star as she shows more range than some of these productions actually deserve. Her performance in Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle were FAR above "adequate." Both movies had huge names in them, yet she outshined everyone else in both movies.
  19. What's your issue with Jennifer Lawrence? She's annoying. I prefer Rebecca Romijn Mystique.
  20. Good lord, it's a NWO trashing that's in response to another NWO trashing. I was skeptical of this movie, but if you feel THIS motivated to trash it, if history is any indication of anything I'm now thinking it might be good.
  21. Here's a clearer pic. The reptilian eyes in particular look like Killer Croc, and that'd make the most sense anyway since he's a Batman villain.
  22. Since they've recast Flash in the JLA movie from the actor on the Flash television show, it looks to me as if they're considering the television series and movies to be in separate universes. But I don't get the feeling that anybody's got control of this in the Warner Brothers world to have this very well planned out like Marvel has their universes planned out. As far as I know, every screenwriter or director of every movie or television show is just doing their own thing as if there are no other parts of the world shown in other works to integrate with.