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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. Doesn't that make you a speculator then? He didn't say he was planning to sell. I assumed he was buying them for himself since he said he was trying to beat the speculators.
  2. Is there any reason to think X-23 isn't with Fox? The contract supposedly gives them rights to any future mutants created by Marvel after the contract was originally created, which supposedly is also why Marvel has held back on creating mutants the past few years. Miller also refers in your linked article to X-23 being "in the Fox family."
  3. This thread is pure S&M at this point...sadists who want to beat this film into submission and masochists who get off on being beaten.
  4. I don't really know...Huge Strange can bring the dead back to life?
  5. I LOVED the guy they had playing the Joker-like Jerome character earlier this season probably even more than Penguin or any of the other actors. Why'd they kill him off?
  6. It's looking like the kid playing Bruce may end up being rather small for the role...he's already 15 and is still only about 5' 4" and super-scrawny. Hopefully he's still got a growth spurt ahead of him.
  7. Optimus Prime vs. Shockwave from the movie. I don't care how bad the films are, I can watch them all just for this fantabulous robot on robot CGI.
  8. I still want to know why Feige didn't trade the X-Men television rights for the FF movie rights. That sounds like a win-win for Fox given that they've proven repeatedly they can't do anything with FF. So what DID Marvel get for those X-Men television rights? I haven't heard of anything at all yet. Pretty sure Feige was negotiating to get the rights for Galactus and the Silver Surfer only, not the entire FF. I was speaking hypothetically about the X-Men TV negotiations in 2015, not the negotiations in 2014 for Fox to keep Daredevil. Marvel should've gotten something for giving up those X-Men television rights; getting the FF rights back was just an example of something they could've asked for. Those two sets of rights have similar value from what I can see.
  9. But on a more serious note, I wonder if it was Spider-Man 3. Avi Arad seemed to meddle in the storytelling to the point it hurt the film. Kevin Feige was executive producer on that film - which doesn't mean he was contributing directly to the tactical details. But he probably heard and saw the calamity that came out of that - including Raimi leaving afterwards while developing Spider-Man 4. I was never clear whether or not that was Arad interfering or if it was Sony execs. I know Raimi hated being forced to use three villains in one film, and that he really hated Venom. And that both Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst also expressed disappointment in how the studio was mucking around with Raimi's creative control to the point where they said if Raimi goes, they go. And so they all went. But I never knew whether or not the injected creative ideas came from Arad or not. If so, I'm very glad he's gone. I can definitely see how Arad's meddling would irritate Feige given how little Arad knew about superheroes and how bad his past performance on guiding the creativity on movies like Elektra, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, and Ghost Rider had gone.
  10. I still want to know why Feige didn't trade the X-Men television rights for the FF movie rights. That sounds like a win-win for Fox given that they've proven repeatedly they can't do anything with FF. So what DID Marvel get for those X-Men television rights? I haven't heard of anything at all yet.
  11. I had no idea Feige and Avi Arad didn't like each other since it was Arad who liked Feige enough to make him producer on all of the films. Wonder what caused their feud?
  12. This guy's acting is what's keeping me watching the series the most. Second-most is the guy playing Riddler's acting. The guy playing Gordon is third.
  13. In mulling over the whole situation with Feige turning most movies that Marvel creates into gold and nobody in particularly guiding DC movies towards anything unless the film's director happens to be quite talented, I took a longer look at Geoff Johns. I'm not sure he's all that interested in doing what Feige does. He clearly wants to remain a creative type, not an executive. Maybe in a few years he'll be ready to permanently trade his pen for a blazer. He does seem like DC's only hope, though. And his background isn't all that dissimilar from Feige's other than he's done far more creative work and had far less management experience. We can only hope that Warner Brothers is smart enough to realize that someone like him needs to be in charge of their film quality. I listened to an interview with Feige where he attributed his success with the Marvel films of late to his respect for the source material, and the worst Marvel movies coming from producers and/or directors who didn't like the source material and felt the need to change it in ways that both pissed fans off and just didn't work. I generally agree with that.
  14. Michonne appears to have been placed into the role from the comic filled by Andrea. She never died in the comic and hooked up with Rick at around the same point in the story that they just had him hook up with Michonne in the show.
  15. Anyone know if the Glenn actor has commented on who got whacked or if he knows who it was?
  16. Is it then clear to you why Reedus appears to know who got killed when the rest of the cast is claiming that they don't know and the producer has described the lengths he went through to hide the identity of the dying character from the cast? Maybe because he and Nicotero are tight? He also says that he knows "what" happened but doesn't say he knows "who" it happened to. Which, full disclosure, I'm going on the transcribed portion of that post. I'm at work and cannot watch the video. I wondered that too, but I'm thinking he screwed up his wording. Don't we already know the "what" of that scene? Negan beats someone's brains out with Lucille. I can't think of anything we're missing from that scene with regards to "what" happened; we just don't know who it happened to.
  17. Is it then clear to you why Reedus appears to know who got killed when the rest of the cast is claiming that they don't know and the producer has described the lengths he went through to hide the identity of the dying character from the cast?
  18. They had him in skin-tight leather as the Comedian. The leather jacket they had him wearing as Negan was realistically fitted, but after seeing his 6' 8" and 250+ frame fitting it tightly in the comics, he looked comparatively small. They should've dyed his hair black, shaved the salt-and-pepper beard he was sporting for who-knows-what reason given that Negan never had a beard, and fitted the jacket to fit Morgan's frame more closely.
  19. It had the right amount of charm but not enough anger and intensity. He also looked rather scrawny in that leather jacket.
  20. Babies don't get teeth until they're over six months old, and early fetuses don't have enough strength to damage much of anything. The movement of a zombie fetus wouldn't look much different from the random squirming of a regular living fetus. Zombie fetus and regular fetus also share a lack of concern for the host mom or any understanding that they're even inside of another being. It's an interesting concept, but as soon as I gave it more than a few minutes' thought I realized that a fetus zombie is about the same as a living fetus and I couldn't figure out how a zombie fetus would be a threat. Zombie baby & mom share blood. In the past we've seen scratches, cuts, etc turn into bad news. I guess it's possible, but not sure how they'd do it. Yea, their connection could be bad.
  21. I'm up through episode 4. But I either forget or it hasn't happened yet and I don't mind getting spoiled on this...did Melvin make him a new mask design when he asked him to fix his broken one? If so, anyone seen a side-by-side comparison of the designs?
  22. Killer Croc looks ridiculous. What is up with DC trying to translate some of their goofier character designs to live action? Marvel has mostly skipped their more ludicrous characters. The most insane realistic translation to the screen I'm aware of is King Shark on Flash this year. I haven't seen this season yet...was he as dumb as he looks?
  23. Babies don't get teeth until they're over six months old, and early fetuses don't have enough strength to damage much of anything. The movement of a zombie fetus wouldn't look much different from the random squirming of a regular living fetus. Zombie fetus and regular fetus also share a lack of concern for the host mom or any understanding that they're even inside of another being. It's an interesting concept, but as soon as I gave it more than a few minutes' thought I realized that a fetus zombie is about the same as a living fetus and I couldn't figure out how a zombie fetus would be a threat.
  24. I'm still stuck in the past for two very specific reasons.