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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. I got the tales from the crypt and then this one and both were great...it seemed forever for vault of horror to come out, those were the good old days in which rows and rows of paperbacks were in drug stores etc..
  2. That is the difference between LA and Sacramento, back then while the state capital it had a small town feel to it, today is has grown substatially. To go the real bookstores before the comic shops hit Berkley you would have to go to SF.
  3. As a collector and dealer, I had sold a lot of Lower GA and especially SA books, I had proablay 10,000 amassed at the high point, I went to flea markets, book stores etc and bought everything and sold it for more, but I always wanted to trade up...that was the rule back then. I had admassed about 3K at the point I had spendt the $1800.
  4. You had to "be there"...early comic book conventions were like going into a gold mine. I think very early serious collectors had it right...GA even in 1966 was tough to find unless in a big city. My first GA comic book purchase was for 5 bucks in 1965-6 it was Superman #76 with the Batman cross-ever...just own that book, which at the time was equal to say 50 marvel comics or DC from the local book store called "Beers Bookstore" was a very high price ot pay at the time. I did not care...that was my favorite book, I did it took get it...
  5. We knew at the time, the best copy was the "Bigman" copy and they Bigman senior said they knew of less than 10 copies in existance very early 70's. Fandom was just getting started, but Auction 1 even at those early conventions was no-show on the west coast. But after the sale, more copies came to light.The Bigman copy sold to Theo Holdstien from Larry Bigman, that was traded to Bruce Hamilton for a stack of GA comics for the Carl Barks painting" Vacation Panel" which is a great painting. Bruce later sold the "Bigman" copy for a record $25,000 at the time. As more collectors became known, the CBG and Overstreet Guide was creating a stable comic book floor, many more copies came to light.
  6. I remember the ad, seems a long time ago in a comic galaxy far far away. Looking back from then to now, I do not think fandom could have gone any better for us true comic book collectors and I hope the future extends this winning streak. First, the Overstreet price guide and the first guide had tremendous effects on comic book collecting back in 1970, then the CGC came in and put the stamps of GA/SA comic book collecting as legitimate. Sure, the sale of Action 1 for $1800 helped along, there were so MANY persons who though I was mad, you have to remember I purchased for brand new Ford Mustang hatchback for $1600 back then. Many times over the years I heard stories of doom, the end of comics etc...we never wavered. I think with exceptional reprints that have been created GA/SA will last forever. Digital Restoration will the comic books look ever better than just printed. I just found an amazing web with early FF's..the colors are amazing. This is great news for the future and access of GA/SA comic book material. Sure, back then you were kind of alone, the few people you knew you stayed friends with. We were right in the 1960's as a very young collectors, I was right as a teenage boy who shocked the world spending "real money" for a comic book and the collecting world has never been the same. I am very proud to be part of GA/SA comic book world, its not just the material, but the friendships and things I learn on a day by day basis. The real hero's are US, who will never let fandom die.
  7. In my opinion Cap #1 is still underpriced. As the difference between 1938 and 1941 to collectors dissipates over time between collectors, this book will rise. In the early days of collecting the very early 1970's the major downplay on Cap #1 was the date 1941...there was and maybe to some slight extend the division of 1938/1939 GA books based on publication date. This age value disappeared somewhat and its the book itself, its content and significance which is coming to the forefront of current GA pricing. I know that ever since I have been on the boards I have touted Cap1 as best/unpriced GA key. In 2021, I still maintain that position so if any GA true comic book collector still has the juice to get one, do it. I think Cap#1 was revolutionary in terms of story, action depiction in comic books itself and timing.
  8. It would also be a great time to trade up, in terms of selling "hot" SA books and changing them to the "warm" GA books, in the long run you should get better material and overall value if you have the ability to hang on to your great GA. I agree with you, also great timing to trade UP
  9. Quite a year and we have light at the end of the tunnel but we are still not out of it. Long term somebody, probably me and you are going to have to pay for these 2/3 trillion dollar giveaways. What I did not anticipate was a group of wild speculators coming from outside of our community to flood our marketplace. It just did not happen in comic books, look at Bitcoin, Pokenman sealed box sets, Gamestop stock etc..... Here are my thoughts on this sudden increase in our marketplace. To begin with I think we have seen this effect on some KEY GA books, such the High Grade Batman #1...for the 80 years that copy was in the 900k-1 million price level and now more than double. What has not taken place is hyper inflation some mid-level GA which is good. Price stability and reasonable growth helps all of us..long term GA/SA collectors when these speculators run the hills on the first sign of price declines. I will say this to all board members. I WAS DEAD WRONG for now. When this whole thing plays out over then next few years, hopefully I am still wrong for all of us and our GA/SA collections value. I think the real issue here to discuss, is the price growth for real...is it sustainable and will it hold under price decrease pressure or collapse. I am interested in all of your opinions on this issue. It is a realty we have to deal with down the road. I say we all about one third of the way thru this thing, after the first year...I still maintain any significant purchase should be of cgc graded books, with good paper and stable quality a must. Please let me know where you think our future direction is going...prices upwards, downwards, or flat? Mitch
  10. Lou, as a long time collector like myself 30,40, and in my case 50+ I am shocked by your statement. Shocked because you and I both should look at GA comic book collecting in the long run. Just because we are in a giant BUBBLE which could never be sustained over 5 or 10 year period of on a cgc graded comic book with over 10,000 graded copies that price jumps from 40k to 67.9 K in a heartbeat(last month). You statement that rarity and limited supply is a negative factor for GA Books in todays market does not take into account WHO is buying these books and for What purpose. The wild speculators who are pumping up this book to $67,500 for a "weak" 9.8 copy with crushed staple are gonna run for the hills the minute there is a market correction. I know neither you or I would ever pay 67K for book, but in the world of Bitcoin, Gamestop stock, and Pokenman boxed card sets it does a disservice to say that GA comic book are not subject to such wild speculation and that it is a negative. I respond to you Lou with this thought...THANK GOD....our GA comic book market will be staple, sane and reward true comic book collectors who maintain a collection for a significant period of time. If you think I , you or any true comic book collector would take 14 3/4 9.8 Giant X-Men copies for one copy of action comics #1 in say 5.0 which is equal price of $1,000,000...thats right 15 copies is $1,018,500 at current speculation price levels, is is impossible to compare this. Your advice should only apply to fly-by-night speculator. The "huge drag" you refer to, is in the a protective shield to keep out GA market in reality. It is not a negative, in fact it is refreshing, both today and in the future for all of us True GA comic book collectors who want reality in the market. Price stability is the key to long term true and real price growth. This is a positive Lou.
  11. I like GA over SA due to the rarity factor. Just look at the population of some the SA keys in terms of number of copies. There is a reason it is is called "gold"...it is the rarest and highest comic book collection label. On that note, while the immediate return on you comic book investment, might grow at a smaller rate the safety factor is much higher due to limited supply. Overall my opinion is that GA is the correct venue, especially for a long term comic book collector, who can pick and chose when he will attempt to recover his purchase price plus inflation. If you are a pure speculator who is seeking only $$ on return on investment, then SA seems to be for investor friendly. At this point my advice would be for any purchase over $500 make sure its CGC graded, blue label, with good paper quality and staples...you should be pretty safe using those guidelines.
  12. I think Zach has redeemed himself and remember he gave us 300 and a cool dead film..so I look forward to his new dead film. Marvel could copy DC style but for the Walt Disney channel reputation.
  13. I agree...DC get some Marvel spirit....best comic book movie ever...of course I like the Dark Night also.....
  14. I like the fact that the full cover image is undamaged, yes better condition on the bottom, I would take the top everyday over however
  15. If Bill Blackbeard was alive...bingo instant answer...his collection was donated to a major university...that is where I would go to.....
  16. I would avoid missing pages, if I had to pick one, it would be coverless but complete...I think you shoud go for Blue Label CGC graded Cap and it will cost more...that is sure to protect your costs of getting the book, also, it is great to display and protect it at the same time. Cap's are a great first choice...good luck
  17. I would take restored over incomplete, I would be very careful before spending $$$ on this, probably pass