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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. If you read the other thread or simply go on his facebook page..he indicates he sold his collection 12 years ago....this is the buyer of that collection and there could be upgrades or downgrades since that time.
  2. hate to derail this thread...the collector on Facebook claims to have sold that collection 12 years ago.....it is the buyer of that collection whom Is selling.
  3. As I recall Gary Carter and his brother was trying to get, got or almost got a complete DC collection and I as I recall it very high grade and it sold to somebody in Japan...now that was a very long time ago. There could be at least 3 complete collections out there or more. The current owner could also have been a bidder on those Action 1 high grades...possibly an underbidder or the new owner bought them on speculation and upgraded. More info should come, is anybody on friendly terms with the former owner, he has not been on the boards since 2011, this is the tip of the iceberg as to what is gonna hit the market....
  4. Also there is a possibility the new owner downgraded some them....the mystery continues
  5. I will second that no excuse for not having front and back scans for ALL books
  6. He says on twitter "12 years ago and get your facts straight" to the poster Does anybody know what is going on here, the collection states that its is complete thru 2016....and could the new owner possibly upgraded certain issues such as the D27?
  7. WOW...but if he sold it over 10 years ago..somebody must of keep buying all DC's..and they would NOT be all be his comics??? and if you look on the old thread he did say he might sell for 10 million and the price is 10 M? the Tashen book might have clue to ownership? Something is not adding up here.
  8. I believe my first GA comic book was Superman #76 for 5 dollars which was lot of money back then, in 1966 or 1965.. Certainly you qualify as a long term collector from 1985, probably anyone who has lasted more than a decade should be in the club. Ranking of would be 60's,70's,80'90's etc. Our timeline reading between the lines in Calif is 5/30/20 best guess so everybody hang in there.
  9. It just takes one buyer...possible one sucker, who does not care about restoration and just write the check...my guess it is going to CC or most likely HA after no takers.
  10. As you and I know, this is just the beginning of the "wave" of collections which are gonna hit, our fragile GA/SA market and especially GPA is gonna take big hit, when the unslabbed collections like this are dumped on the market. There are a lot more unslabbed collections that exist, than people want to recognize. Again, I would grade them before selling, I use CGC rather than the other guy...the wave is coming and I would sell sooner rather than later.
  11. If they do not find a buyer for the single lot or their price is unreasonable then look for this collection to end up on Ha.com they have the best platform for that collections liquidation.
  12. The key here is : "Comprehensiveness rather than condition"..."the majority of the restoration are from the early years"..hello...this is going to HA.com and most of it on their weekly auction. my estimate 1.5 M depending on how much restoration on Key GA's
  13. Let address your comments one at a time. 1-If you had read the entire thread, you will note that my opinion differs from this highly respected lifetime comic book collector/dealer and this his perspective is important based upon his vast experience in the business and his age on this planet in which he is older than me. It is about respect to elders. I don't know if I would call him a buddy more every time I talk to him I learn something about comic books, original art that I never new and my respect grows. 2-I do not think anybody is gonna be 100% correct, not even my hedge fund friend who is 90% right all of the time. I agree, but it is not "WILD SPECULATION" either. Tell that to upcoming 25% of the American people who going to be unemployed. Joshua33...this is IT...this is the real deal, the Spanish virus was so powerful that it help end WW1. We have deal with real possibilities and their outcome ahead of time to reduce the shock wave of their effect on the GA/SA market. Let's deal with, be prepared for it, and get thought it. 3-My post's intention is to take FEAR head on. I am just posting and thinking what every board member is concerned and if we keep it in, it will manifest to be something greater than it really is in reality. 4-How dare you call me "Comicstradamus"....that dude was nuts. And besides he was only right about 50% of the time...I think my odds are better...LOL 5- On the other hand I hope you are 100% right about your take....I just want to go back to the to the good old days, of buying stuff nobody else thinks is valuable and underpriced. 6-I also accept and respect your opinion and post...thank you.
  14. That is a good point so buying GA in these unusual and tough times we need to be flexible with our buying program to always look for the exception. On buying however a word of caution about buying too early. On another thread, the Ira Levine complete collection of DC comic books is just the tip of the iceberg as to what is coming. I have talked to 2 non board whale collectors who are off the radar who are contemplating selling their entire collections this year . Now its not that they were planing on keeping their collection forever but that this crisis has sped up their plans to liquidate. It is not just quantity that is coming , it is gonna be quantity.
  15. He just said the number and I just wrote it down...7.7 million would be too much...77 million would a disaster and eclipse the 50 million deaths of the Spanish flu when that population was only 1.7 billion at the time.
  16. I got call a call tonight from a 54 year plus comic book collector/Dealer and we had a conversation about the state of the art of the comic book market in this crisis period. He has done it all like me, sold at comic book conventions, owned a store, and is a life long collector. Here is a few points that he touched on that I would consider important. 1-He believes that Original comic art has better chance of retaining value due to it's unique one of kind of nature as opposed to comic books which can have multiple graded and ungraded copies of the same issue. 2-The comic book store system will be changed forever and it changes every 30 years or distribution of it anyway. He believes 50% of these stores will close forever by the end of the year. A number of the comic book dealers income will be decreased by the lack comic books shows, especially the smaller local shows which some local dealers rely upon. If the crisis continues over one year it would be 2/3 of the stores will be closed forever. 3-His real concern is that the virus will come roaring back next winter and he said historically that more people died in 1919 then 1918 on the second wave. The third time or wave in 1920 came back stronger than the 1918 because people let their guard down.That is his biggest concern.Who every dies or lives out of this crisis it is pretty much random. 5/10 recidivism rate will prolong full recovery from the economic fallout. 4-Comic book value is a collective "Zeit-Geist" -which is a common belief system that a group will believe that a comic book "X" is worth "Y". Whatever the size of that group is, and the group maintains its belief of a minimum wholesale value to a comic book...that will will determine the floor of GA/SA retained market value. 5-This virus could be worse than the 1918 virus due to the ability to travel internationally easier and our population is much greater. Just 1% of a population would mean 7.7 million dead. 6-A comic book price implosion in term of groups is gonna be the lack pure comic book investor, a widget buyer...they will slow down or disappear completely. That will eliminate speculative price bubbles in our current GA/SA comic book market. True collector values should retake the GA/SA comic book market market with the flipper speculation bubble bursting. 7-The lower mid grade comic books which are not scarce in any grade, as well as the very high grade books that not scarce will decease in price significantly in this crisis, . Cap 1 A1...maybe 100 books those rules don't apply... 8- The price decline of Ga/SA will occur gradually over the next few years. 9-There is gonna be a lot stuff offered for sale because there are gonna be a lot of unemployed people who need cash to SURVIVE. Not just comic books but cars, coins etc and the other items will compete with GA/SA for those dollars.
  17. German Fan: Wow looking forward from a world economic basis...deep and heavy post. I will say one thing to you and all board members, it is a few quotes that caught my attention today ...FDR-The" man" in my opinion "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear" "Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds" and Stan the Man must of been a FDR fan..... " great power involves great responsibility" Stan you devil you...LOL and German fan to your point...this FDR who died in 1945.. "the real truth of the the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson" and finally the FULL quote on this "First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameles,unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance". My purpose of this thread is to get it out in the open, talk about the good, bad, and ugly. Keeping this in, creates that fear magnified ten times. If we talk it, if we agree to disagree at least we will not be surprised and shocked by its outcome. We really need a FDR right now..today, politics aside I think the governor of NY is doing a kick asss- job...he knows how to speak to people...like the above. I wish everybody, not just our fellow brother and sister GA/SA collectors to advance not retreat...we will win...it will take time to pick the pieces and hopefully go back from where we came from. If different, so be it....but it is time to do the right things which is clearly more important than fear. So again, if you have unwanted food, clothes, cleaning supplies DONATE them TODAY...just drop them off, If you live near a older person who lives alone at least try to contact them once day..by phone. Remember it the older alone person who has the most fear...Be positive to them...I just don't talk...yesterday we made second run and donated more clothes, cleaning supplies, and some extra medicine we would never use. Do something today to help in the fight that we are all in together.
  18. If we go into a depression...this will the greatest buying period for high grade/super rare GA in our lifetimes. Cash is King....that saying was from the previous recessions and depressions. If we go into a sustained deep recession which I feel is very likely for the next 2/3 years again we will see material coming to the market which would not be available in a hot or normal GA market. the Great Depression of the 1920's lasted for TEN YEARS starting October 24,1929 till 1939 with 25% unemployment in 1933 at its height. We will hit this number during the heart of this crisis. I am hopeful we will recover much faster, during that period we see GA buying opportunity from all the speculators, semi-collectors , and the most recent buyers of GA/SA who have invested the most into their collection. Some will sell because they need the money, some will sell to recover something for their investment, some will sell because they are scared. Lou,collector's like you and me will be the last to sell, since we paid pennies on the dollar and have not paid a kings ransom for their collection. We Lou, are in the minority of the make up of GA comic book ownership. However if it comes down to paying you mortgage or car payment and keeping your GA...well it is up to you if you want to give up your place to live or car to drive. I have talked to my late grandparents who lived thru the depression. The safest investment is gonna be real estate that you can sustain by renting or having the cash to keep it, as they said that people have to have a place to live, a farm is also a good thing to own since you can eat off the land. They all agreed that cash is king.They told me the that people were feeling there was no way out and that it was just never gonna end. It was a total mental as well financial meltdown. Everyone was scared. That is why for many many years after total recovery they were hesitant to buy anything on credit and hated debt of any kind. Since it was so long ago, we have forgotten about this and our economy is pumped up on credit cards and home equity loans above out heads. My grandparents learned something...and FDR said it best..."the only thing we have to fear is fear it self '. What we have forgotten about is WHY he said that during that particular time. Fear had consumed all the American people....My grandpa told me he hoped that I would never have to LIVE thru what he went through and their was had a still a feeling 35 years later within him of distrust and maybe fear. I think FDR nailed it , and whether real or unreal this event is gonna change the way we think for the next 20/30 years about how will live, what we need to save in case of an emergency , and how what we are buying. A $20 martini in NY is gonna take a long time to come back. It is not just GA or SA that is gonna take a value hit...it's everything, even real estate. We are in uncharged waters today and the foreseeable future, but it is safe to say that today...25% unemployment rate is going to be a reality with all business shut but essential. Now our comeback will be swifter as I am confident we are smarter than we were back between 1929-1939." But 2/3 years seem quite reasonable especially in the entertainment/restraurant industry etc. Question: "What makes you think that these types of GA books would all of sudden show up for sale or auction in what many think will be a cooling or downtime for the marketplace ' Answer: Because collectors are people Lou....people
  19. coming up on Tuesday...any idea if someone will bite?
  20. WEEK IN REVIEW General Comic Book Market: The most significant event is Diamond and all new comic book publishing stopped being distributed . Just like about everything else. The New comic book market has been accused of a lot flooding lately with Marvel and DC leading the pack. This could stem the 5 different covers per issue collectors over to the "the real action and true comic book collectable the GA/SA comic book market. With nothing new, cheap back issues sales might make a comeback on E-bay etc. Overall it hurts the new comic book market in the long run with lot of major damage and increase the time that Digital Comic books will take over. If 1/3 of the remaining comic book stores never reopen , look for even lower new comic book sales and conversion of the format to Graphic Novel only, except digital. GA/SA comic book market: The sky did not fall. There are beginning signs of market decline and increased supply on E-Bay etc. We are way behind the stock market and will take time to fully feel the effects of this recession/depression on the market. However, the stock market will recover first and we will follow behind. Virus GA/SA impact timeline. The most interesting article I read all week was in the Hollywood reporter. It was the information reading between the lines that troubled me.China has given the OK to reopen hundreds of movie theaters in the country. They shut them down on the threat of the second wave of coronavirus infections. " over 600 movie theaters across china were given the green light to reopen their doors over the past week..until there were all shut down again by government order. It was the beginning of a phased reopening of 70,000 movie theaters. They are way ahead of us, the other interesting fact or alleged fact that I read about China was a 5/10% reinfection rate of people getting the virus again Everything you here from that country is to be taken with a grain of salt. They are 2/3 months ahead of us, so I think our shutdown will be greater than I first estimated. Comic book conventions might be finished for the year. Overall for this week GA/SA prices held up very well given the conditions that exist right now. No panic, no mass dumping, and good sales. I believe that certain areas of the county are going get hit a lot harder than others similar to china. Those comic book shops, collectors are going to be the most likely to sell or close up. Other areas should be very stable and the need to sell/close decreased depending upon length of time of shutdown. One day at a time......
  21. Sometimes paying a bit more to make sure your comic book shop stays open is worth it in the long run both for the store owner and yourself. I hope you pull the trigger on that purchase. If this is a big book, sometime the store could be flexible and give you a payment plan without interest charges. I think a other way to obtain GA/SA material is think outside of the box. You could place local ads in newspapers/craig's list etc saying you are "paying cash for comics" as the times get more difficult. I know that approach is a "shot in the dark" but it could pay off big time for a lucky board member if somebody has held on to the material and remembers they have in in the garage in storage. There still is a lot of undiscovered collections especially SA...waiting to be found.