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Everything posted by Define999

  1. Yea, Dale left with a bang for sure..... I dont know, call me a softie but I liked the scene with Andrea and Glen reminiscing. I hope Adnrea starts stepping up and becomes the Andrea we love from the comic. And boy oh boy? Ok Glen... I realize you are having problems son.... but refusing to lay with fine- maggie in the house? Mistake brotha... you dont scorn a woman when she invites you into her bed! Getting laid would help calm the nerves and get ya back on your feet....
  2. +2 Book was soooo much better than this at least for this sequence. Overall liked the episode but think they dropped the ball with this one. T-Dogg got over his mime act too. With that horde coming next week, I'm thinking only a katana can save them... +3 Would've been way better if Carl did it. When Shane died I felt kinda sad for him. At least he gets a lead role with Darabont waiting for him. He has been awesome in this series. I will surely support him in LA Noire. Bravo Jon Bernthal Agree.... Bernthal did a hell of a job! I also agree that the book did things a little better but still... this was done with some poignancy! The far away shots of Shane and RIck and the big moon behind them were beautiful.....
  3. Awesome! Congrats Tupenny.... worthy of mat and frame treatment!
  4. Thats cool! Why can't stuff like that happen when I am at the movies?
  5. Just like the comic in that way, isn't it? Several issues/episodes of character development, making you understand and care about them, then a flurry of action, danger, death....and then we move to the next arch. Yes very similar.... I think its been said before but the translation of pacing from book to screen has been handled well by all parties involved. Now for those that have problems with the shows pacing... The difference is in the books you can read through the slow development parts relatively quickly where as with the show the pace is made more glacial because of the wait between episodes, commercials, and such... I read the trades so I burn through a couple of issues at a time. I know many people DVR a couple of episodes at a time and then watch together which might help with the pacing for some people. I just cannot wait long enough to build up a couple of episodes..... Did anyone notice how freakin close that bullet strike was to Hershal in the bar? I think it hit a post and must have missed his head by inches... I think the old man is growing on me! All the scenes in the bar have been great, Glens self doubt is a refreshing story arch for me as well. He has always been so confident in his dealing with walkers and missions.... Shooting living people isnt so easy Glen, a part of you has to die I think to do it. My father served in Vietnam and has talked to me about what it is like to fire weapons with the intent of killing. Its not an easy thing to do, and a part of your humanity dies when doing it. You have to come to terms with the action.... Glens blaming of his girl is just stupid, he should have kept it to himself. Dudes lucky to have a hottie in a post zombie apocalypse, the last thing I would be doing is making her question her love for me.
  6. Yea, now we are moving! The way Rick just said screw it and un-stuck homeboys leg was pretty money! I was surprised that Hershal was so quick to just ending the guys life.... I think he is onboard now for sure. Was it just me or was the sneak peak of Ricks bloodletting zombie kill in the next episode freakin awesome! All in all we are moving again and it feels oh so nice....
  7. I agree! I like the whole western flavor as well.... Thats what this world is similar too. The rugged craziness of the american west post CIvil War. In general no rules and you live or die by the gun!
  8. Did someone say Bronze Horror? I love Bronze Horror!
  9. They probably did not need to get aproval from the original editor once they paid the $$$. And if they did, it would be an almost impossible job to control, with all the diff countries + languages. That´s why these Brazilian versions have like 3 or 4 different stories many times from different Heroes. Its common practice to have on the Spider-man books, a Daredevil story, because there qas not a dedicated book series to Daredevil. Same applies for Captain America + FF or Hulk + X-men. Its just crazy to think about it like that... in todays day and age with intellectual copyrights and stuff.... Im sure today there is a ton of small print that gives the original publisher control over there licensed creations.... And your right it would take an army of people going over all the foriegn licenses to make sure they were in compliance.... Again! Great Find Barbarian!
  10. I love it! Just when ya think there are no more variants to be found.. a new one rears its funny head! I love the change.... it makes sense they adjusted the cover considering the story... it also makes you wonder if a DC person signed off on this? This type of artistic license is one of the reasons foriegn variants are sooo freakin cool! Changes were made for foriegn markets all the time. And it begs that other question? Once a foriegn puplisher bought the rights, did they then have free reign to change things however they wanted? You should see some of the older mexican Spidey stuff.... homeboy be pimpin on them covers! (thumbs u Did Marvel just say yea whatever.... do what you want! This would be a interesting thing to ask those who worked at Marvel in the late 70's?
  11. Yours def looks a littel nicer than mine Ches! I would love to see this book in like a 7.5 at least one day. There has gotta be one out there? As far as you know Hector, is there anyone else on the boards that has one?
  12. Holy SPOON! There is a reason your on the cutting edge of this Ches! THe purple dont even matter bro! Have you ever seen another one? First time I have ever seen this...... Very nice Hector! (thumbs u
  13. Thanks dude! Unfortuantly I wouldnt sell this for any amount? My wife will kill me but Its priceless to me.... There might be a couple more hiding in the US but as far as I know, I have only seen two. Chesperito's and mine.... Mine took 6 months to find in any grade! I was lucky even then..... Since that first aquistion I have had my contact in south america trying to source me a higher grade copy... that was about 8 months ago and nothing? And he has been sourcing and selling mexican comics for a long time so if he cant find it? These things are extremely hard to find and rarely come up for sale even in south america and mexico. Money talks of course... and I am sure if american money started looking for these, some might come out of the woodwork? But... lets be real guys.... these variants are not that cool, you dont really want to start hunting these and driving prices up for me do ya?
  14. Thanks.... I thought this had turned into more of a "club" type of thread.... cool! (thumbs u
  15. Awesome... great raw ya got there! I dont know how important my post is to this thread, but I am just soooo proud of my new 227 next to its super rare mexican variant cousin! I gotta share.....
  16. Not bad.... I liked the journalistic reports in helping to explain story elements but after a while they got me tired? Still some of the best artwork in a comic book ever in my opinion....
  17. Does anybody know the print run of Spawn #1? I wonder if demand could keep this book worthy, as the supply must be up there in the millions? Isnt definitive.... but wikipedia says... Upon release, Spawn #1 sold 1.7 million copies, still a record for an independent comic book. wikipedia article here.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_McFarlane
  18. I will keep an eye out for this issue! I think my sig fits nicely with this thread....