Yea, that is outrageous. I think this seller should be named and placed on the PL list just for the fact of telling you to use personal on such a large sum of money. And then to go 3 weeks after you paid him 1200 without replying to any of your messages is PL worthy in my opinion also. I understand the rules and "technically" he's not breaking rules yet, but when they go to this extreme to act so nonchalantly about a transaction that contains a 1200 price tag, I think there should be exceptions. the whole b.s. About this being a laid back sales forum where sales usually take 20-30 days is absolutely ridiculous. I am just dumbfounded that this seller is obviously trying to use this guys "noob" status to try to cover his . It's also pretty ironic that he didn't respond until after the situation was brought up here. It was a mistake paying personal, but you live and learn. Like others have stated before, save the personal for people you've bought off of before and know that they are legitimate sellers. This seller is obviously trying to take advantage of someone here, he obviously doesn't have any respect for the person that just paid him $1200 via personal paypal which is clearly stated being against the rules here, and he clearly doesn't have any care or concern about the customers merchandise by not mailing it out in a timely manner, especially after the price that was paid for it. This scumbag needs to be named so noone else has to go through what you unfortunately had to put up with.
Concerning Jeremy (50s horror buff) I bought a stack of books off of him a few months back and received my books from him in a quickly matter of time. He also hooked me up with a free EC. He was good at communicating with me and I know he's not out to rip anybody off. It's a very uncharacteristic thing for him to do so this situation is a little alarming. Hopefully he is ok.