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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. I come from New York and have seen many scams. Recently there was someone who hijacked someone else's Amazon account and was having packages delivered to an alternate address. Using the app he knew when to pull up and wait for the truck as he was alerted that his delivery was X stops away. Thanks to the nutjobs that live in my town he was eventually caught... Anyway, you know what else is a great scam? Here is an example of a great scam... Imagine if I had one of you take my AF15 6.0. no marvel chipping... that's like a $60k book right? So... I get one of you guys to take it and sell it someplace else for say... $40k... We split the money ... I get $20k and you get $20k. Then I say it is stolen and file an insurance claim for the full $60k. You know what? Now I have $80k for my copy of AF15 in a 6.0. Cool scam right?
  2. I think that on these boards we judge transactions that have slight issues by 'intent'. There was no intent on your part to defraud, take advantage of, or be sneaky in regards to a member no matter how new they are. I think you are fine with what you did and how you handled it.
  3. Doesn't matter, around 10-15 years ago after the case they changed the wording of the law to include all toys. We pay more for Transformers and Legos because of this...
  4. I believe it is to the whole thing... Spider-Man and associated characters... at the very worst scenario Disney/Marvel will still have some form of Spider-Man under their control... but like I said at worst case scenario there may be two iterations of Miles Morales on TV like there were two quicksilvers.
  5. Nah... I have other things to do... like redesign and rebuild a new retaining wall from here I had to remove the underground wasp nest.
  6. @Bosco685 correct me if I am wrong... Sony currently has the film rights for live action and animation. Disney retains the rights for any and all Spider-man TV shows (at least animated) wed to produce its own animated Spider-man series, as evidenced through Ultimate Spider-man 2012-2017 and Spiderman / Spiderman: Maximum Venom 2017-2020 -> ?. The current show features Peter Parker and everyone else in the Spider-man Universe including Miles Morales. This has been broadcast on Disney XD. I do not think that Sony has any rights to create TV shows based on Spider-man, live action OR animated. In fact, that is the reason that the Sony Spectacular Spider-man series abruptly ended in 2009. The rights were returned to Marvel and then Disney bought Marvel effectively retaining those rights and deciding not to lease those out to Sony. This is also why I believe that there is a chance that should the Sony and Marvel deal fall through... there is a slight chance that after his current contract, that Tom Holland is done as Spider-man. Marvel might have a shared stake in this iteration of Spider-man so they may block the use of Tom Holland in a Sony picture. As evidenced with Spectacular Spider-man... these things happen which is why Marvel was not allowed to continue the Sony series. Disney owned the animation rights to the character but Sony owned that version of the character. Ask Greg Weisman - November 7th 2011
  7. Yes. Doesn't matter who is actually responsible. It all falls under the banner of the mouse. As much as Kennedy may be her own person running the Star Wars side of Disney things, she still makes decisions and reports to Disney. Parting ways with the director of what was supposed to be a tentpole film when it is 3/4 complete is not something that is arbitrarily done.
  8. After parting ways with Disney over Solo: A Star Wars Story, I don't think that Disney and Lord and Miller would be able to put things aside and come to terms in order to work together again regardless of their Sony contract. Sure James Gunn was fired and rehired, but there was a lovefest between Gunn and the Mouse. Gunn wanted to get back with Disney and Disney wanted him back because Gunn kept making them money with two Guardians movies and producing credits in the last two Avengers movies... Lord & Miller and Disney though is a different story... BTW... I am curious to see if the Disney Streaming service fills some of its need for content by showing off some of the vaulted Lord & MIller footage from Solo.
  9. That's a skewed version. To put it in context in simple terms... When Marvel owned ToyBiz they were paying a tax on all action figures under an old 'doll tax'. Marvel petitioned the US Gov't stating that action figures were not dolls because dolls are based on real humans and action figures are based more on unrealistic characters. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toy_Biz,_Inc._v._United_States
  10. Correct. Which is why, if even Sony Spider-man does not make as much as Disney-Sony Spider-man, Sony comes out ahead by taking the Holland iteration and going out on their own. You posted the numbers awhile ago where each film including advertising cost around $350 million and $450 million in production, advertising, and promotion. If profit off the last one is $600 million on Far From Home then Sony has a big decision to make. They assume the next one will make around $500-$600 million in profit to which they could split that profit off of a new deal with Disney at $250-$300 million to each studio... OR... they walk away from Disney and the film "at worst" only makes $400 million in profit of which they keep all of it. As much as I would like to see Spider-man in the MCU, it does not matter anymore if he is in the MCU. Most movie goers do not follow up on the contractual side of things. Sony is probably banking on that fact and rightly figures that audience members will remember that Spider-man got his start with Tony Stark so it's still in some way connected.
  11. Looking better... Kind of cool that this was buried in the ground for at least 35+ years... most likely 40-45 years...
  12. Looks better... Kind of cool that this was buried in the ground for at least 35+ years... most likely 40-45 years...
  13. This is on my bucket list of things to own and carry with me till I am dead. If you are looking to restring it there are some excellent youtube tutorials. After viewing a few it is not too tough. If you want to send it out you can go to Doll Doctor Association to locate a place that does it professionally.
  14. It will still make money regardless of any Disney - Spider-man deal. So long as Sony retains Tom Holland the majority of movie goers will assume that this incarnation of Spider-man is still part of the MCU.
  15. Not really... as much as I want to see Spider-man play in the MCU it is a brilliant move on Sony's part to walk away. So long as they retain Tom Holland, audiences will always associate that incarnation of the actor as part of the MCU. If Tom Holland's Spider-man goes up against Venom then Venom is now 'part of the Marvel Universe' as far as the majority of movie goers will believe. Sony had a buy in and if the deal does not go through, I predict that the next Spider-man is still a success regardless of whether or not a MCU cameo or guest appearance is scripted. If Sony retains Holland and walks away from Disney I think that Sony outthought Disney.
  16. I have a hoard of 11-13 copies and bought them when no one wanted them... I actually fell in love with the character and saw what he could bring to the table.
  17. I am of the understanding that they would NOT be allowed to reference things that unfold in the MCU unless it is in a roundabout indirect way like Deadpool did in the first Deadpool movie. We all knew that Deadpool's end battle took place in an area that they were dismantling a SHIELD Helicarrier... except it wasn't a SHIELD Helicarrier. Even the production notes were to throw a nod that it takes place after Winter Soldier. In my opinion, as much as I am personally disheartened by this, I think this is a BRILLIANT business move on Sony's part. They could tear Peter Parker away from the MCU and lock down Holland to another multipicture deal. They could NEVER make mention of the MCU again except in very vague terminology... like Aunt May asking Peter if he is going to be joining back up with 'them' and Peter simply replying that he wants to stay a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man. The audience is already invested in the Holland characterization of Spider-man and so long as Holland is in the tights the audience will think that it is still related to the MCU therefore Disney always gives Sony the rub. Now, if Disney wants to go all out gangster... all they have to do is wait until Doctor Strange or War Machine starts to put together a new team of Avengers and simply say, "What about the kid from Queens?" and the spomeone says to him, "He's not with us anymore." It also would not surprise me if this was not the Sony plan from the beginning. Think of how Far From Home ended. That is the excuse within the context of the character development to explain why the rest of the MCU does not want anything to do with Spider-man anymore.
  18. I had forgotten about this thread. But even if I had remembered this debacle I would not have realized that these two clowns are one in the same. Thanks...
  19. He works for pedigree? So certain types of people employ like type people... Makes sense... not shocked... not a stretch.
  20. Duplicate post... So I've alluded to the ongoing war against the wasps... and I believe the war is over. I did many a shovel strike into the earth pouring chemicals and bleach into it. Today I yanked out the rotted stump and roots of something long buried and the remains of a now gelatinous mass around it. There were two strays that flew at me and I hit one with the broom (reflex - trust me, no skill) and as it was stunned to the ground I stomped it and slid my foot. As that happened his wingman stung my ankle and I smacked it dead. I think that is about 6-7 stings over the course of the week. War over and the flies are feasting on the remains of the hive on the lawn. So because I yanked out part of the cement rockwall... I had to start digging to replace it with a new wall I will build. Then I found this... It's cool. It's a spoil of war. I want to keep it. So how do I clean it up? I can make out a 1966 Matchbox stamp on it and miraculously the stickers are in tact. According to the online guide and based on the wheel type, it was produced from 1966-1969.