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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. Hasbro handles the GI Joe license the way Larry Dolan handles the Knicks... or how the Wilpons handle the Mets.
  2. I am just dumbfounded by this guy on a FB group. Maybe I’m not seeing what I did wrong here. As soon as he refunded me I took a different tone. I won one item in a claim auction and inquired about items that were not bid on and offered to take them. Later on he told me he was was doing me a favor by selling to me and that he is not a professional seller. There are additional screenshots after he refunded me but I would only post those by request as you get the idea with the first four. He claims I would not confirm. I told him to reread what he wrote “or if you want I will use the one on your PayPal.” I said sure use the one on PayPal. Tells me I am getting refunded because I would not confirm. Seriously? Keep in mind that I am not on FB 24/7 and am not monitoring when he was responding if he did not respond immediately. He was paid within a few minutes of providing his PayPal address. Getting really tired of amateur hour
  3. That definitely came across as harsh on my end. It was more of a response to the competition in the normal sales threads and the lack of participation and especially to the comment of evolve or die. You are right though, there far better ways I could have represented myself if even necessary to begin with. I didn't have to say that and I probably shouldn't have. It was wrong of me to say that especially in the way I did.
  4. Hasbro isn't even making GI Joe figures. GI Joe is a dead line to them for the foreseeable future. On top of that they cancelled the club contract. The only way I see GI Joe figures produced is if they go back to their 2005-2007 model of Direct to Consumer which is a viable option since they did the thing with the Barge and rebranded their online store as Hasbro Pulse. BTW... that Snake Eyes film that was supposed to do to the line what Bumblebee did has hit a snag as the director is already off doing something else first.
  5. Very easy to drive up values on books and manipulate GPA All you have to do on lower end books is build in free shipping to the price. I have made mention of this before. Say GPA on a book is $50. A slab that is priced at $50 + shipping is basically the same price as a slab that is $62 including shipping. As soon as the $62 copy sells it has jumped up GPA by over 20%. Now that instance is meaningless on higher price items. However I noticed this when a seller had multiples of a con book around 5-6 years back and was pulling this trick. With each sale the price of his remaining stock went up.
  6. OMG... the trick is to do a search and as things come up do a "-1992" or whatever the year the reprint is listed. So for example if I am searching for a particular EC Book, I will post the name of the book "-reprint, -archives, -coverless" or anything else I want to weed out.
  7. I am very familiar with it. However I do not believe this to be true. I have zero interest in the event due solely to the exclusivity rule. The VCC forces it's attendees to hold off selling their items for the sake of a weekend sale or to remove them from someplace else. The regular forum could maintain it sense of exclusivity because postings there are centered at the author's convenience. They can post before they list things elsewhere or they can post it in between relistings on eBay or craigslist. Maybe it is just time to let something like the VCC die.
  8. This is the guy to talk to if it catches his attention... @PeteFromPetesBasement He is going to punch me in the stomach for outing him from his lurker status.
  9. I have things like before MANY times. Say I upgrade a book, this is the FIRST place I go to list the undercopy. If it does not sell at the price I want for it after a few days, I close the thread here and then I list it on eBay for much more. If I could keep it advertised in both places I would do so. MyComicShop does this already. A book on their site is cheaper than the price they offer the book for on eBay. I don't think that is a good idea for me to be the one to keep advocating this change because then it might be viewed by the mods as a contentious thread that is being discussed by a few as an argument. Meanwhile, I know I do not see it that way. I am pretty sure that Bird and you do not see it that way. It is a discussion. However given how sometimes things get a little trigger happy here, I do not feel like drawing attention to me. The attention should be on the discussion. I am pretty sure that I have said all I have to say and all I can say on the subject. If anything new arises that warrants a reply I will chime in.
  10. If I could have listed the book on eBay for $1200 and the book here for $1050 I would have. The board rules tell me that I cannot. I shrug. Therefore I will list it at the venue that offers the most exposure. Anyone that follows the drivel that comes out of my mouth knows that prior to the last couple of weeks I have never made mention of my dislike for this rule. At the end of the day this is not my sandbox so I will happily abide by the board rules. However, that does not give me reason or an incentive to participate in certain things.
  11. Dirty truth. I get more money for many items on eBay even though I am inflating the prices to astronomical levels compared to what I ask for them here. In fact go through my more recent sales threads and I have a full disclaimer that says if it does not sell here then I will list it elsewhere for much more. Batman 52 comes to mind. I listed that in a sales thread with other things awhile back. I listed a 2.5 Copy with slightly brittle pages for around $950. I had a few offers but nowhere close to my ask. I had it listed on CLink as well as eBay at the same time and the highest offer I had was $585 I believe. I listed it on eBay for $1200 and it sold there last month. Even with fees that is $1080 for that book. I did the same with one of my ASM 31 undercopies. So the fees? That doesn't bother me at all. I just raise the prices to compensate so I get what I want out of a book. The danger is giving me a compelling reason to do that. Because you know what just happened? I just raised the GPA value of that book. Another boardie actually sent me a text message to thank me for that sale as it further justified his own increased price. If anything VCC buyers are definitely not benefitting because if I have more leeway in selling a book elsewhere I will. I will just raise the price. That will just make it MORE expensive for the next person that wants to buy a copy because everyone else is going to point to my sold copy as the new benchmark.
  12. I doubt that is ever going to happen but your idea would DEFINITELY increase traffic at a VCC. That is another issue with something like VCC... items are given more prominence when they benefit from their own isolated thread. At VCC seller posts are buried amongst all others where you are looking for a Boardie's forum name and not an actual book. When I go to Amazon or even any department store I travel to the department I want to shop in. Imagine if I had to walk down a line and open 100 unmarked doors to the find the one that leads to the shoe department. That would be annoying after awhile. That is what VCC is at least to me due to the limitations of how it is in one thread. You are right though, if the other forums disappeared for that weekend it would drive some traffic over to VCC. However, I don't think that will ever happen. People would lose their minds.
  13. You would have to go back much further. I did it a few times before listing comics and toys but then I changed my mind about it a couple of years ago for the reasons I mentioned above. EDIT: Guess I am going back to Costco... Art con on the 14th... Having mini BBQ for something next Sunday... Dates mixed up...
  14. I appreciate that. This thread was inspired by a conversation in the Plastic Crack Toy Thread. The idea was proposed to bring in guys that would post toys and things for sale at the next VCC or to have a VCC just for comic and sci fi / fantasy toys. I voiced an explanation as to why I would not participate in such an event. I do not see the rule changing and that is fine. This is not my sandbox and all. However, when people say participation is down in the VCC I see the exclusivity rule for VCC as a major factor. I promise though that the next time a book or something interesting ends naturally on eBay that I will offer it here first for a few days before passing it on to someplace else.
  15. I know you are kidding but in case anyone did not want to read my wall of text... if I had not relisted CoCo and saved it for the fun of VCC then I would not have made that sale last night... if the other board had the exclusivity rule that sale would not have been made. You going to Comic Art Con next weekend? I might skip this one and see what the newer one is in the city in a month or two.
  16. There was a guy on the GI Joe Facebook boards who was also into some crazy stuff. We are talking about Alex Jones level - Sandy Hook was a hoax super conspiracy theory type things (I believe I can say that since Jones himself admitted that he says these things out of "a form of psychosis"). This guy was a completely distasteful person. In the facebook group he would throw digs at various ethnicities and religious groups... the usual. I don't block people on Facebook. It keeps me grounded in the fact that these types of people actually exist. When he went to claim an item, I flat out told him his money was not green with me. I disagree with him, his beliefs, his treatment of others and the way he conducts himself and that I would not be doing business with him. At the end of the day, I am not dependent on the things I sell. I have a decent job that pays bills and allows me to pay the mortgage all on my lonesome. I guess I can turn people away because I can afford to and that may be a luxury for me while it may not be for others. However, yes, there are people I will not do business with in this world.
  17. I will be brutally honest... I will speak for myself but there are others who I have spoken to who have the same mindset as I do when it comes to VCC. You have to be absolutely stupid to take things down from any other venue or platform to dedicate it to VCC. With that said, there is no way I would ever participate in a VCC if I had to take things off eBay or Craigslist. I will outline a few reasons why if anyone wants to stay with me here. 1 - The idea that people will be disappointed to claim something in VCC only to find that someone already bought it has no merit. Now it has some merit when there is a FS thread in the forums. However, in VCC there is no claiming in a thread. Every purchase, every claim, every negotiation is done through PM. Therefore there is no difference to PM someone to begin negotiations or to claim something during VCC and find that another person on the boards beat you to it then to find out that someone bought it on eBay. 2 - It's an archaic rule and should be easily lifted for a "comic con". People celebrate Metropolis, MyComicShop, and other top tier vendors. I have been at NYCC when books have sold online and the book was pulled from their wall. MyComicShop has a VERY strong presence on eBay yet has the same books listed on their website. Sometimes there is an eBay incentive that makes it worthwhile to buy a book from MCS on eBay. That books is STILL listed on MCS even after the eBay purchase for awhile until the software knows to take it down. Sometimes it happens in minutes and other times in a couple of hours. 3 - I hate to point this out because some of those that feel VERY strongly about this rule are going to get upset at this. This rule is being broken in the regular forum right now as we speak. Don't even bother PM'ing me because I am not doing anyone's dirty work for them and I am not going to rat anyone out. It already happens more frequently than people want to admit. So if two items sell in the same time period across the same venue let the seller decide how to handle their business. However, like I said, I am advocate for this to be lifted ONLY for VCC and not the regular forum sales. I look at it this way. This evening I sold a Cobra Commander figure for a eyebrow raising $75 on eBay. That is pretty high for the condition it was in. I have 80 individual watchers right now watching active items. I am not going to pull those down for VCC. Now, when the item naturally ends I may toss it up in a FS POST here for a few days. However I am not holding off to coordinate the rest of my life around VCC. It does not make financially make sense. I cannot and will not post in the VCC if this rule is in effect. EDIT: As I submitted this a piece of jewelry just sold for $225 on eBay. On another message board that item was advertised as also for sale. They do not care about exclusivity. I posted it there for $200. On that board, people merely were kicking tires and PMing me with offers to send me cash throughout the week. So now I go take it down over there. If I had to take something like that down for Virtual Jewelry Con that sale most like would have never been made. BTW: This was my original post on the matter...
  18. - I was debating it myself. At least if I did not get it you brought it to Long Island where it belongs ! Congrats on the pickup.
  19. Not 'this' Andrew. BTW... If I had a FB page there would be no FDQ exits... it might be fun and light hearted almost like if I were to see my parents walking around town and decided to roll down the windows and blast the Rocky theme song to see what they would do and film it. IF that happened I think my father would shake his head and my mom would start speed walking and then lightly jog while waving at the camera before I drove off... Just saying.
  20. There won't be an official release as this was made off the official molds for the Eagle Force figures... basically this guy hired a firm in China that never made action figures before. They sent out an email asking for recipients not to share it. However I will summarize. The factory in China has never done this before and does not know what they are doing. They gave excuse after excuse and now someone else is stepping in to oversee the project for Hama AND Eagle Force.
  21. I bought only one of them... Couldn't even tell you what is currently going on in Batman... but I liked the cover...
  22. Sinatra to Lego Spider-man to 10 Avatars that Swick chose for me as a charity thing and then to DeNiro from the Meet the Parents movies.