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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. Does Spock know he is holding a Flerken ?
  2. Spoiler Free Just got back... - the movie exceeded expectations. Those of us 35-45 howled with laughter at the Stan Lee cameo. The youngin's aren't going to 'get it' Stan Lee tribute in the beginning had everyone clapping. Movie plods along a bit slowly at first but there are enough twists to keep it interesting. I hope some characters return at some point. End credits scene directly leads into endgame as expected. It was not as good as Marvel's most recent outings of Black Panther, Infinity War and Homecoming. However, it IS a good movie. Don't forget that just because it is not better than the last installment of the franchise does not make it a bad movie. As I stated to someone on the almighty Facebook, it was quite enjoyable.
  3. I think there was a lot of nervousness when it came to this. This was the first haslab project. Aside from that every time something it comes at a high price tag and is eventually discounted. I remember tossing and turning between ordering it for $500 and running the risk not of being able to resell it if I wanted, but watching it pop up at TJ Maxx at a ridiculous discount or the speculators looking to cash out at a discount when they realized that the invested too heavily in a project no one wanted. I remember closing my eyes as I hit the submit key and hoping for the best. I am glad that I got it but after seeing pics of it arriving on people's doorsteps I really don't know if I want to devote the space to it. It will be kept in the box in the basement on the guest bed in the guest room for the time being.
  4. No matter what we tell you it is best to call and ask them. I believe it can be done but I would still call and ask.
  5. Fed Ex maintains holding centers at many of them... so I received the alert and when I click it the website recognizes the email that they sent it to... or ... to be honest I don’t know how it works but it allows me to redirect shipment to a FedEx holding center or new address.
  6. I was really hoping for an announcement regarding a new project to back.
  7. Received shipping notification yesterday... the barge is on it's way. I have the option to get it diverted to a walgreens or punishing my parents in having to lug it into their house until I can pick it up after work. I don't think I want them putting it in their sedan and driving it to my house. My understanding is that there is a little bit of weight and also it is awkward to move. Remember kids it has to be signed for. As of now... Mom and Pops are going to have a big barge in their living room.
  8. Andrew (from the FB Joe group) Also I just put two and two together. Howie was one of the first guys to get me interested in pursuing artwork. I had purchased my half splash from 155 from him back in 2015. As a guy that was just getting into collecting art I remember him as patient with a newbie and simply an all around nice guy to work with. I had heard so many scare stories of dealing with guys within buying pages that I did not know if I wanted to step into the pool. Howie sold me my first (what I considered then) 'big' page. It is one of the many reasons I feature that page in my gallery.
  9. Last I saw, I believe Albert Moy had the cover for GI Joe 37. I only have 9 pages from the main 1-155 series and 1 page from GI Joe vs Transformers. When a few pages became available last fall I wish I had picked a couple up in retrospect but other things were commanding my attention. The pages turn up from time to time. I believe that the pages are outside the normal collecting rules as the artwork is not as much artist driven but more character driven.
  10. Sigh... @kav PM me. You of all people need to see something.
  11. It will enjoy the Marvel bump but unfortunately I believe that despite an interesting cast and possibly well crafted storyline, that it will suffer from fatigue. Sony's Amazing Spider-man 2 did not perform up to expectations which is one of the reasons it led to the Marvel deal. Can you imagine how it would have performed if people had known that Marvel itself was rebooting the character before the movie was released. Now, I get it that most of these movies are not made for the comic fans that come to the boards so whether or not the Disney Fox deal will me a major impact on this movie will only be told upon its release. However, while I want to see this, I am not as interested as I think I would have been if I knew that a reboot was immediately imminent. It sort of makes the characters feel as if they do not matter as much.
  12. That is already done quite frequently with everything from real estate to automobiles.
  13. The problem with that is, as someone else pointed out, that some of the auction houses do not do their own proper research and take these guys at their word when they write up the description as to what something is. Even at auction some of the things they claim they have are not what they actually are.
  14. This is why I do not even bother or never have serious considerations of buying anything from the Donnelly brothers or Cool Lines Art whenever I see them at NYCC, Comic Art Con or anywhere else.
  15. Honestly... did you collect in the 90's? This is a sincere question.
  16. Fake artwork you say? You mean like Cool Lines Art / The Donnelly brothers? I don't buy from them anyway so whatevs I can deal with the possible private message if it is sent... This was discussed back in 2016 Andrew - Part Time Board Historian
  17. Ohhh the Sharc... It was renamed the Night Shade under the Nightforce moniker
  18. WD40 Use the red straw attachment so it drizzles into the area and pools over the sticker. Let it sit. Sticker comes right off. Let it air out or spray some Fabreeze in the same area and let it sit.
  19. I was going to include a song by the band 'Train' but felt... there was no need to do that.
  20. I think a comparable question is when did people start collecting 'stuff' ? Collecting artwork was around since brush was taken to canvas and hammer and chisel were taken to a block of marble. Someone commissioned them because they wanted them in their palace or at their church. So we know that the first 'collectors' were really European aristocracy. Collecting anything was a hobby reserved to the rich. When did 'collecting' trickle down to the common man though? It had to be once someone had disposable income which I believe is some time during the late 1800's early 1900's that people start to have the means to save things. Little Johnny needed not only the pulps but the space to keep them in to read at a later date. I would say your average collector has his beginnings around the early 1900's. However, with the Depression, and WWII paper drives I don't see real hardcore collecting until the post war boom era of the late 40's early 50's.
  21. Nah, I would share her reaction if I was going to live in a house overrun with clutter.