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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. Yeah, because I was going to say... after time it is none of his business what I do with my "stuff". Take Derek Jeter for example. Jeter did NOT sign stuff if he thought it was going up on eBay. There are videos of him refusing to sign for kids on the street. 20-22 years ago... it wasn't like that. I had this ball signed by Jeter. Now... here I am 20 years later. I have thought about bringing it to a Steiner event just to get the authentication events just so I can have a third party say it is real... (I know it is real and it isn't going anywhere so I don't see the need to spend the money.) However, if an artist said he didn't want his signature in a slab. I have to say... sorry John, but if I had him sign a book and then a year later wanted it authenticated, I don't think I would have any ethical problem with that, especially if I paid money for the signature. Now like I said, I completely agree that some of the artists have a rule where the signature is conditional upon an understood agreement not to have a witness there to have it signed. However, I agree with you that what I do with my stuff after the fact is up to me. These artists are really biting themselves in the foot. Take Skottie Young for example. At NYCC I would have paid a fee to have a sketch done so long as it would eventually be kept in a yellow label. He wanted to charge $500(?) if it was going to CGC and about half of that if it wasn't. Know what? I gave someone else my money. Young loses out. I am sure he made some money, but he lost out on my money. There are a lot of artists that are doing that, and just as they are principled with their decision making in regards to signatures and sketches, I am principled with my wallet. Guys like Neal Adams? I have an Adams signature on a midgrade Batman 227. Now after seeing what he charges at shows, I don't even stop at his table to see what he is doing. Neither do my friends. What a shame... things like this are actually turning away fans. Whereas a few years ago Jeremy Haun did an incredible sketch for me that I still have on a Batman blank. To this day he is one of the first guy I see at the shows and this year I wound up buying a couple of his indie books just to check his stuff out so he knows his stuff is appreciated. I am rambling now... I will take a break. (Pic related - I had posted this on FB when the Yankees retired Jeter's number)
  2. I would like that thread reinstated... There is something in the current run that if I win it would be an interesting story. I was looking forward to winning it, JUST TO TELL THE DAMN STORY !!!
  3. The only reason I looked this up was because I know a lot of Rickles stories and had never heard this one before. Seems that according to James Garner, Gary Cooper did this. Here is the page from James Garner's book... https://books.google.com/books?id=W6jiYnyLRgoC&pg=PA182&lpg=PA182&dq=gary+cooper+wrote+checks+for&source=bl&ots=FtSsG6IRJF&sig=0WlhkWQFCZoHnMYdnXw-edbu_to&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_mOypt93XAhXM1IMKHaHpAVoQ6AEIUDAH#v=onepage&q=gary cooper wrote checks for&f=false Pablo Picasso did the same.
  4. Interesting concept... I agree with you that a witness, "witnessing" his own signature is kind of shady upon itself. Sneaking a witness onto the line to witness it for CGC's or Voldemort's witness program is definitely wrong on a few levels. However, if Voldemort (or anyone for that matter) assess John Byrne's signature as 'authenticated' in that the signature on the book is consistent with other documented signatures from John Byrne yadda yadda yadda... is that really an ethical violate of John Byrne's wishes or is it a case of the buyer can do what he wants with his purchase?
  5. I just refuse to give into the temptation and cancel the sale if I see that it is a recently created account with little to no transactions. I cannot believe that you formed an eBay account from overseas to simply buy my $500 item. Most of the time I am right but I know in one instance it turned out the buyer legitimately created an eBay account to purchase the item. Last month I saw it too frequently with international sales.
  6. I look for Golden Age, ASM Upgrades, and Key Books. I find that I do better at auction and negotiating directly with other collectors through the boards, CLink, Comic Connect and things like that. Occasionally I will look for something that at a show and feel out prices because no one else has it. However, I keep noticing that EVERYTHING is basically available. The patience is finding it at the condition and price a person is comfortable paying. So... why still go to Comic Con? I like to walk around and I still look for odds and ends that I would not normally get as well as signature opportunities and buying artwork. Occasionally I will find a book purchase that makes it worth my trip. This year it was another GA Action.
  7. Horrendous... I just shipped out 5 Funkos in a box within a box to Australia for around $400. Let's see what they do. Pics are how I wrapped them. I had five in an original funko box. Bubble to make up the sixth slot and then another box with packing peanuts around it. Either way... after the last two drama experiences with international sales, if this does not work then I am cutting off international sales altogether.
  8. And this is why I am now enrolled in Global Shipping Program. If I send it to Kentucky for eBay to send it overseas... once eBay has possession of it, it is on them. From what I recall, Brazil has always been sketchy.
  9. Ending an item as "no longer for sale" is a flag in my opinion especially if you received questions on it. Case in point. I had a book listed on Craigslist and on eBay earlier this year. Someone asked me if I would be willing to go straight through paypal. I said no. Another buyer who was local decided to buy the same book from me on Craigslist and then when he decided to compare prices on eBay noticed that I had things listed there that I do not have on Craigslist. He bought a few things. I felt it was best to simply edit away the listing fr the original book since someone else had asked me a question on it. The other items I simply said "item no longer for sale" and ended it. That's what MCS does. I once time bought a book on MCS and timed how long it would take them to cancel the corresponding eBay listing. They did that pretty quickly.
  10. I am not going to touch upon the subject of using eBay as an advertising forum and selling around it's system to avoid fees. However... what do you do with that eBay item when it sells someplace else? You do not have to actually end the listing. Here is something else to do. eBay does NOT have an exclusivity clause. If it is listed on eBay that does not mean that it cannot be listed elsewhere. This message board and certain facebook groups have such exclusivity. I have had instances where I have listed items on several message boards and eBay at the same time. For example, Let's say I have a Snake Eyes listed on Hisstank.com for sale and on eBay or a comic listed on Craigslist that I also have on eBay. If the item sells elsewhere, I STILL have the item left on eBay so what do I do with it? The best thing to do is to swap it out with something else. Go and edit the pictures, the listing, the topic, and the price. eBay always lets you edit your listings. Now the item has changed. This is perfectly fine. What I am curious about though is the double standard that is often applied. The following online stores or brick and mortar stores also sell their items on eBay using their brick and mortar store name: Toys R Us MyComicShop HasbroToyShop Target Metropolis Comics Many more As soon as I see these stores, I know enough to take a look on the retailers actual site and in MANY cases I can get the item much cheaper as the eBay tax does not have to be added on.
  11. FoxSportsGo might be the best app / tv channel in the apple store...
  12. If they do have various streaming services there will be those that do what my family and I do and we trade the services back and forth between family members. I don't really watch as much TV so I gave my Netflix account password and Amazon Prime to my parents. They in turn gave me their Optimum Online Cable package password to me. Quite interesting. Even though I use Verizon FiOs as my internet provide, I bought an Apple TV, downloaded all the Apps and have access to everything from HBO, Showtime, ESPN, Fox Sports and Live TV each saving each other money in the long run. And.... as I mention this... my TV has not been turned on in the last two days. Then there are streaming services that may prove to be a detriment to a network like CBS. I like Star Trek but not enough to purchase a streaming service to see it. Instead I will sit on the sidelines. I would have watched it had it been available elsewhere but I am not going to pay to see it.
  13. Reminds me of something that is currently going on. I bought something from Steiner sports. I receive the notification that it shipped from their warehouse. About two weeks go by and I receive a call from one of their reps hoping that I am enjoying my recent acquisition and that if I ever need anything else then I should contact him directly. I contacted the rep to let him know that my item has not arrived and if you look at the tracking it has not left the warehouse. They are looking into it. Life happens. It is honestly no big deal. At worst I will get my money back. At best it shows up eventually.
  14. Businesses in competition always make veiled digs at their competitors. Burger King, Subway, McDonalds and the other fast food places all throw shade at one another. Coke and Pepsi do it all the time. Dave used to do it to Jay. In fact everyone used to do it to Jay Leno. MyComicShop's direct competition is not the high end auctions run by Heritage, ComicConnect or ComicLink. They venture into that territory but are not really at that same part of the lunch table. However, Mile High is MCS direct competition as the end all, one stop, comic shop. If they want to point out a thing that they do that the competition doesn't they can have at it. I don't lose any sleep over it either way.
  15. It will be "rock me like the wind and the rain." It will be "rock me like a southbound train."
  16. Situation Resolved... It was realized that the postal code for Ecuador is 070203. The zip code for Edgewater, New Jersey is 07020. I want to emphasize that even though I printed the shipping label directly though eBay that for some reason the package was rejected at JFK International in Jamaica and rerouted to Edgewater, NJ because of the similarity of the numbers. Once I put a tracking request on the parcel it might have sparked some action and it is on it's way to Ecuador. My message was translated by one of my coworkers as I mentioned it to her and by the time we went to send it to the eBay buyer, he had already noticed the package was in the Ecuador postal system. (It does not show that on my end but whatever.) The buyer cancelled the claim but the negative feedback had already been left. I called eBay and they took a look at it and removed the negative feedback as they said, I fulfilled all my obligations as a seller and the complaint was over an issue that had nothing to do with my performance as a seller. I found that interesting to note and thought I would repeat that here.
  17. You can change your settings to not accept messages from blocked members.
  18. I did not receive it or might have deleted it. You do not have to post the insinuated name but I would like to read it. I can only imagine who it refers to. I am guessing something to do with a "Kilometer Tall" type of comic shop.
  19. This is the most gangster move that Disney could make. Basically they are saying, if you won't give us back the X-Men we will buy your company and mess on your front door and simply take our characters back and your sad jobs.
  20. First... this weekend something happened with an international sale that made me switch all my listings over to the Global Shipping Program. What just happened now reaffirms my position. Second... I do not blame the buyer or think that the buyer is out to scam me. However the buyer speaks Spanish and while I do speak some Spanish it is not enough to convey a message properly. Third... Hoping that this does not turn into a drama llama thread but if it does... why should Cal have all the fun? Facts: Sold Lego Star Wars Set on September 29th to a buyer in Ecuador. I shipped it on the same day on September 29th. (Yes I have tracking). I took a screen shot of the tracking. Item went through NY Processing by 9/29 Evening then on to Jamaica presumably to be shipped to Ecuador Not so fast Lego Star Wars set. You are going to Edgewater New Jersey where you will stay from October 1-3 I find out today on November 6th that the buyer never received their package because they left me negative feedback. The buyer does not speak Spanish and Google Translate will not be able to help with the nuances and proper articulation of what is going on. I have had to use Google Translate before in regards to work related instances and it is not completely reliable in conveying the right tone and message. I contacted eBay and they were as much help as you can imagine. I put a missing package request in with USPS and await their reply. I know this is asking a lot. Could someone write me a message that I can send this buyer to let them know what is going on? And for the all the international buyers that are against the Global Shipping Program. Had I shipped it to Kentucky it would be in eBay's hands at this point. The buyer and myself would be made whole. In the end I know that most likely the buyer will be made whole and I will be out the money spent on the item and shipping... $45. However, I would like that neg taken away but would REALLY like the buyer to understand that this is not my direct fault and I am not some scummy seller trying to take advantage. The buyer is pretty new on eBay. Thanks in advance, Andrew (Image was only edited / cropped to omit my personal information)
  21. Mystery Tales 40 I mean c'mon... LOST ended 7 years ago... cannot believe that the book still commands the price it does because Richard offered it to John Locke