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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. Glad you got your books, getting your books does change your PL nomination though. From memory I think 1cool, paperheart, joey, srevan and maybe a couple others had PL business pending. FWIW, the HOS polls being done at the same time as a PL process complicate the voting, I don't think there's any hard and fast rule but in my mind the HOS vote should be made presuming Chip was going to come through & clear up all of his pending PL business. If I recall correctly, Red Rocks went straight to the Hall of Shame. There might be another.
  2. The saddest part of those stories is that because of that person_without_empathy someone who actually is homeless and actually needs help won't get it because people will think that they are scamming. I pass by a guy by my office everyday who is quite similar (set up with his dog to scam tourists, but only from 10-6, goes home after that) He is putting in his eight hours a day... There is something to be said for that.
  3. Just because a majority disagrees does not mean that a majority doesn't understand. I have weighed Chips claims of mental health obstacles and depression and still do not believe that it excuses a twenty plus year span of deplorable behavior. And on the off chance that it does, it does not mean that we should subject ourselves to it.
  4. Chip has been the one to repeatedly cite his self claimed mental health issues as the obstacles that prevent him from fulfilling deals. No one has thrust this upon him. If Chip wants to use it as an excuse that excuse is going to be examined. I could tell everyone here that I have had a poor upbringing (not true btw) and use it as an excuse not to ship items that are sold or give people the run around when I owe money. However, I SHOULD expect that to be analyzed and discussed in reference to my trading behavior when called out on it. Chip brought it up. It can be discussed. He says he cannot do certain things because of XYZ so it is open to discussion. That's his excuse. So let's discuss his excuse. If I was in a coma and said, "Hey, I could not ship your item because I was in fricken coma." Then I should expect that to be weighed in reference to my ability to get items out. Again, Chip has had trading problems dating back to 1994 across multiple platforms and forums with MANY documented complainants. This is not a long con on anyone's part where we planted complaints since 1994 to one day eventually sting Chip. This is what he has done before. This is what he continues to do. This is what he will do in the future. He wants to use mental health issues as an excuse then I would like to know how many years are excused by those mental health issues. To me, no matter the outcome of this poll, Chip is no better than the con men on the street lying to hustle a dollar from the tourists in NYC.
  5. I'm not a huge fan of that either but it did clearly show that he's constantly online constantly watching for deals, and he can find funds when required. A far cry from ignoring boardies and not having enough money to ship what was paid for. No excuse for it really and I think it was pretty telling he didn't even try to give one. Total hand in the cookie jar moment and the final straw for a lot of people. For me, the only significance of the craigslist incident is that it shows he is spending his time on Craigslist when he should be spending his time doing something else: mainly shipping books, looking for a job, etc. The posting itself was clearly for over $1000 worth of easily sellable figures. (And I know almost nothing about star wars except that you can barely give away the power of the force figures). He should not have been searching craigslist, but once he was I don't fault him for trying to buy a quick flip of 10x in value. The trap would have been more damning for me if the asking price had been a more substantial, and therefore difficult to acquire, amount of say $500 or $1000. There were no POTF figures advertised in that lot. POTF are on 92 backs... 65 Backers are the run of the mill ROTJ cards. Chip would have known that because he is a well versed SW collector who no longer posts on Rebelscum for a reason I might add. They were advertised as "not to beat up" (sic) There was nothing in there that would have been worth near $1000 from that advert.
  6. That is why when Brock came to me and asked, I not only agreed with it, I encouraged it. I even fine tuned part of the Craigslist listing. Brock's hesitation was not in the action of 'seeing what would happen and who would respond to that Craigslist ad' it was along the lines of 'if I do this, it will be looked down upon because it is coming from me.' That is why I publicly stated that I knew what was going on beforehand, what the results were, and that I supported it. It is also why the HOS nomination came from me. This really has nothing to do with Brock (and I know you see that Casey - this is a message for others who are reading). If you take Brock's name out of it, and just put my name, or any other boardie's name, the results are the same. Chip is still actively looking online for buying opportunities with other people's money or money he claims he does not have.
  7. My bold above. The problem is not people trying to "defend what he has done". No single person has posted defending any of his actions. For me, the problem with the discussion of mental illness is that the only source we have for the existence of his alleged mental illness is Chip. Ok. Not "defend what he has done", but make excuses for and try to mitigate what he has done and rebuke and turn down the level of criticism thrown his way. Nobody tried to 'turn down' anything. All I (or anyone else who was willing to be patient and reasonable) wanted was to make sure that we were proceeding on the straight and narrow and acting on facts and not emotions. I shudder at the thought of having a jury decide my future based on the way this thread has taken it's turns. And judging by the PMs I'm getting I'm not the only one. Yes, Chip looks very guilty. Yes some of you were right. No, the way we got there was not very cool. Years of nonsense that has bled its way into the forums here. These are repeated actions across multiple decades. Roy I do see your point of view on this one and usually I would say that we should give people the benefit of the doubt. However, the more evidence that we have uncovered of similar actions that Chip has engaged in since 1994 (if not earlier) indicate that this is not an individual that should enjoy the privilege of engaging in any type of business transaction here. I do not invite a fox into the hen house to see if they will play nicely. I know that the fox cannot help himself, will take advantage of the situation and eat one of the hens. Chip for whatever reason is a fox. We are the hens. This is a repeated, systemic, practice of actions across multiple boards, forums, groups and what have you. Chip has engaged in questionable activities documented as far back as 1994. The trend seems to be that he takes a bunch of money for things, doesn't fulfill his obligations, he gets bashed by a board and heads somewhere else to set up shop all the while portraying a whoa is me act. I read a lot of messages from a lot of unconnected individuals and they all seem to echo the same experience. Why should this go unscathed? Because he claims that he suffers from certain obstacles? I take the subway every morning out of Penn Station to head downtown and then across into Brooklyn. Sometimes I am there as early as 6:15 before the police have had the opportunity to secure the area. There are a couple of homeless individuals who scream and shout and yell and carry on. Now, "there but go I before the grace of God" as my mom says. Basically, speaking, you never know had things worked out differently, that could be me. I am concerned for these people and I honestly feel humble and remorseful for their condition in life. However, there is no frigging way I am standing near the edge of the platform when they are around as I never want to be in the news as another statistic. It is time for Chip to go. It is time for him to move on.
  8. Geek Trivia time / nerd alert time The guy holding Carrie Fisher is Jeremy Bulloch, the actor who played Boba Fett.
  9. Sent: Here it is for others as well: Should Chip Cataldo be in the Hall of Shame?
  10. Some people are in construction and others are union delegates.
  11. 2152 items regarding chip catalpo? And they all point to a continuous pattern of behavior dating as far back as 1994. This has been going on for the past 22 years. At this point I am hoping that he is shipped off to become someone else's problem on another message board. We all know that this will never end. It will simply find a new home.
  12. Let's not make this about Joe or Roy. I don't think that Joe and Roy were aware of how deep the rabbit hole goes. I know I for one was not. I think we have all been wrong about someone before. Let's deal with the current situation at hand.
  13. Nomination updated as new information has come to light. Chip has run this same routine dating back to his mid twenties. In the Google Groups archives there are a few complaints of Chip Cataldo taking people's money and failing to send the promised items. This in 1998 when Chip was 26. More information was sent. I have to sort through some of it. The search yielded over 100 threads / pages of Chip Cataldo failing to pay for items that he ordered or failing to send out items he sold. There are issues involving mostly Star Wars toys and Warhammer toys as well as ... more. His nonsense spans three decades from the 1990's to the 2010's. Simply look at the titles of topics in these google groups. I feel this demonstrates a pattern of behavior across the internet and the CGC boards have simply been a resting stop for the past few years until another site becomes his new home. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!search/chip$20cataldo
  14. 1 Bump and then I am going to start moving things to another board and eBay.
  15. Just so you know.... Chip Cataldo was nominated to the Hall of Shame Voting closes at this time next Sunday.
  16. Poll at the bottom Chip Cataldo is hereby nominated for the Hall of Shame From his time here, as well as on other forums, Chip has shown a long history of preying on the sympathies of good-hearted people to either obtain something he wants or to avoid being called out and criticized for not fulfilling his obligations. He repeatedly posts statements of despair and all hope being lost to garner support and encouragement from people, while his actions show that in actuality his motive is purely for personal gain. The following list are several examples that each go to basic honesty or trust issues and that, although some may seem irrelevant on their own, each is a layer to the tapestry of shame that is Chip Cataldo. Chip has had almost identical issues in the past on other forums. http://megomuseum.com/community/archive/index.php/t-2791.html http://forum.rebelscum.com/showthread.php?t=1040006 http://archive.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=60460 In this specific discussion specific discussion on the Mego Forum, it is discussed that this similar behavior has occurred over the past decade in Google Groups Google Groups Discussion revealing that Chip has had issues in online transactions dating as far back as 1998. Chip claimed an offering in the Giving Tree thread. He offered up a follow up offer which wasn't up to par. Several members objected and Chip defiantly changed up the offer and claimed "I'm not changing it up again. This is good enough." It was brought up that in another thread he was boasting about a 2,300 book collection he had just acquired. Chip explained that those books were for financial gain and what he was offering was for the Boards. Chip was clearly looking out for his own personal gain while declaring he didn't have much to offer. Secretly, he had a lot more to offer than he let on. This is one small example of Chip's pattern of dishonesty and deception. Chip then started a GoFundMe page eliciting donations for $15,000 originally claiming that this amount was needed to keep from being evicted. Additionally, he was able to get a Board Charity Thread created based on the sympathy he created. In reality, it was revealed that only approximately $3,000 was being used to pay off debts and the other $12,000 was going to be used to support him for several months and pay off a PayPal loan which he accrued by purchasing comics. Recently, Chip was nominated for the Probation List after running a sales thread, obtaining the funds from several Board members, and then either declaring items would be shipped soon or ignoring request from buyers altogether. There were at least six individuals who paid and hadn't received anything. Upon his nomination, only then did Chip respond to buyers and attempt to avoid being added to the Probation List while ignoring the public nomination. In that response he offered to be placed on the PL and / or HOS list. claiming he understood why. Finally, when Chip publicly responded, he declared that he lost his job, suggesting that he had neither the money nor the time to ship items. However, he was simultaneously responding to a fake Craigslist ad attempting to purchase a Star Wars toy collection. Chip has proven the adage "actions speak louder than words". While he declares one thing publicly to garner sympathy from kind-hearted people, his actual ulterior motive is solely for personal gain. At this time, Chip is being nominated to the Hall of Shame.
  17. My buying will be severely limited for the next thirty years. I'm not taking the bait. Just trying to get out of paying for dinner next time?? - Absolutely not.
  18. I am absolutely sure that is what he would say.
  19. I don't fear moderation retribution on this and if there is a problem mods feel free to PM me. Boardie posted a Craigslist ad for vintage Star Wars figures in the Myrtle Beach, South Carolina area see who would respond. Lo and behold, Chip inquired about buying the collection. How is it that a guy who lost his job, has no time, nor resources to ship out his sales, has the time and resources to buy vintage Star Wars collections ? Chip needs to go.
  20. My buying will be severely limited for the next thirty years. I'm not taking the bait.