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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. I had my finger on the 'take it' trigger on that book well before the conditional taker's post. I likewise held off because of several issues in the initial thread specification, including the fact that no rules were specified (not to mention the OP's clearly revealed state of being at the time)...don't need the drama Exactly...
  2. +1 Just plain lazy...not to mention that such threads don't technically meet marketplace guidelines. In my idealistic fantasy world that does not exist, all of us buyers would abstain from buying books from those threads. edit: I wonder how it would play out if I bought a book from a "regular rules" thread like this: " , and I'll pay via check at a 3% discount off your asking price, with free USPS Priority Shipping " I mean, that's as "regular" as anything else...interesting experiment to consider I posted an unconditional takeit in a thread early this morning after someone posted a pending pics reply. This is pretty easy to figure out what thread I am talking about. I then thought about it and edited it out because I did not feel like dealing with the likely drama to ensue. We all saw what happened the last time something like that had arisen. And if anyone saw it and wants to hold me to the sale by all means please do. Who wouldn't want a higher grade book at 70% of GPA saving about $500 off the last recorded sale and the average price?
  3. This "regular rules" nonsense needs to stop since they seem to vary becoming quite irregular from thread to thread. Annoyance over.
  4. What I personally cannot stand is when someone takes a week and a half to pay and demands that their item is sent within the advertised one day after payment. Here is an example: 1/1 - I list the item at auction 1/8 - Item sells 1/22 - buyer finally pays two weeks later ("Umm sorry Buzz, I forgot.") Make believe I had not listed any new items past January 1st. All listings have been closed off because I am going away. When the buyer finally pays two weeks later, I may either be on vacation, simply too busy as I know when my work load gets heavy at certain times during the year or other things come up like this past March when I had to get surgery. A real example occurred in March. I had a guy that bought a Star Wars ship MIB from me. He claimed he was having trouble with his paypal for two weeks. All of a sudden I shatter my elbow, and he THINKS he has figured it out two weeks later and wants to know if he can still buy it, BUT HE NEEDS ME TO SHIP IT ASAP?!?!?! I cancelled the transaction while loaded on painkillers.
  5. I pay ASAP but I do not expect for the item to be mailed immediately. It is easy for the buyer to pay these days as nothing more than a few clicks of the button need to be done. However, there is a lot more to packaging up an item and I do not want anyone rushing around on my account. It can wait, so long as I eventually get what I paid for. In the old days, as was mentioned, you sent a check through the mail, waited for it to be cashed then hoped that the seller would send your item.
  6. I do not ask him many questions, but I try to make the questions I ask, good ones.
  7. Okay... I was going to post this in the CG thread on the Action 1 9.0 Thread... but this seemed like the best place to ask a question geared directly to obtain your perspective. You made mention that through a few of your sources, you learned that CGC graded the second Action 1 in a 9.0 sometime last year but held off adding it to the census until the new OSPG could be published. Given that GPA shows that since June of 2013, three copies, 5.0 (9/13), 3.0 (8/13) and a 1.5 (6/13) have exchanged hands, what might have been the impact, if any, on those sales if the second Action in a 9.0 had been known?
  8. Wanted to mention that I received it today and will start reading it tonight.
  9. Thought I should post this here as well: So a follow up... I had to call eBay for another matter and once done and as long as I had already called, I decided to make a complaint against Symbiotic since he was shilling, outbidding and canceling bids on two auctions that I initially participated in. Just got off the phone with eBay as the listings that I participated in were obviously shilled. As a participant in the listings and not someone who was watching, I was able to make a claim against him that is escalated by my customer service representative. Once she looked at the listing she saw what had been done. She then asked me to file a few more complaints. I filed one on item #281386199615 This in turn had her file her own report on all of his current listings and should results in a "Not a Registered User" classification in his near future.
  10. Captain America's battles against the Nazis in Cap #1 are not much more era-specific than Superman's battles against Great Depression-related struggles in Action #1. Simply not fighting villains tied to a specific year is not what makes characters or stories "timeless", and by the same token, fighting villains or wars that actually took place during specific years does not disqualify a book from being timeless either. Unlike Action #1, Tec #27 and AF #15, which included only one hero-story a piece, Cap #1 features four hero stories—including the hero's origin (absent from Tec #27) and the 1st app. of his arch-nemesis (absent from Action #1, Tec #27 and AF #15). I am also with Wayne-Tec on this one. As a guy in his 30's if the opportunity arises, I would select owning a Cap 1 over a Superman 1, Batman 1 or a Marvel 1. IN addition to the reasons that he states, there is also the added desirability of owning the first appearance of Captain America over an issue '1' of a character that had already been out for a bit.
  11. The figures are Kre-O (Hasbro Lego knock-off) and the pieces are a mix of both brands. Interestingly after handling both brands, I can tell you that the Hasbro Kre-O brand blocks have some elements that are cheap feeling and do not bond together in the way that Lego does. I picked up a couple of sets for the GI Joe figures but immediately noticed the inferiority of the overall product. The only redeeming aspect of these sets are the high quality figures.
  12. Ha - this was posted on Hisstank... thought I would share... This is a combination of both Lego and Kre-O elements...
  13. I am thoroughly impressed with Volume 1. I opened it up about an hour ago and flipped through it. The colors seem more vivid than what I remember, but I believe that is because of the paper being used. The storytelling is still a thrill ride in many cases and the best part about issues 1 through 12 is that with the exception of a few dated references, the dialogue holds up in many places as well as the premise and plots. What surprised me is that I did not see any noticeable edits. Scarlet still lands on a guy in a Hulk costume and still the Marvel booking agent still gets them a ticket back to the Pitt. That puts my ease that issues involving the Transformers will not be omitted. I know that the Transformers reprints had some legal problems with some of their characters as well as Spider-man facing Megatron. Good to see GI Joe will not suffer the same problems.
  14. I love it when we have a large turnout for a torch and pitchfork crowd.
  15. Not for anything, but Spider-man is not a global character in so far as the Avengers are defined as the protectors of our world. If Marvel has the television rights to Spider-man then why couldn't they offer a Spider-man show on Netflix? Spider-man is traditionally a NYC based superhero, as is Daredevil and the Punisher. Raise the middle finger to Sony and interject him on TV once in awhile. At the very LEAST, have him swing by Luke Cage in the distance and have Cage ask Murdock, "What's that?" with Murdock replying, "Nothing that important... for now." Fan boys go wild. I really believe I could plot this stuff.
  16. Please do not confuse my warning with counsel.
  17. The only time I saw the Universal Monsters in a movie that mattered happened to have Abbot and Costello in it. To tell the truth though, I thoroughly enjoyed the Mummy movies. While they were not by any means Oscar material, they were roller coaster fun.
  18. Congratulations. I placed a bid on this and then walked away and went out tonight fearing that I would be stupid and pick this up. I do want a pre-Robin tec and at least by my budget, a copy of this is probably the most obtainable. If anyone was going to get it. I actually am glad it was you. Congrats Peter. I am happy to see you continue to build this collection we see you assembling. It is pretty damn cool.
  19. Ha! Throw in Danny McBride playing his usual screen persona and I would see it as well.
  20. Agreed. While the character has diminished, the impact that the character had on the industry has not. There are too many things that "spawn money" created or influenced. I see Deadpool (at this time) a more popular and marketable character but has not had the overall impact that Spawn has. I also agree that Harley Quinn is probably the best bet out of all three, but that was never in the original question was it?
  21. I would say Spawn had more influence as it allowed McFarlane to branch out and redefine other markets like the toy industry. McFarlane wanted to see Spawn figures on the shelves but did not like what the companies were turning out. He decided to make his own toy company. That in turn led to everything for Horror Classics to Sports Figures. Spawn has had far more of an impact than Deadpool in my opinion. When I think of Image, I think of Spawn.
  22. I may have to start hunting them down then when Amazon throws them on sale. Considering though that they are only 1/3 of the way through the run, I would like to see a few more volumes published to have confidence that they will make it through the run. The last thing I want to see is for them to have two or three volumes to go and then all of a sudden Hasbro does not renew the license and gives it to someone else. However... I broke down and Vol 1 is on its way from Amazon.
  23. I Pm'd Symbiotic and we were thinking that in order to best rehabilitate his image, he would participate in this thread. What do you all think? He requested that you all offer your very best 'stuff' and then after he claims a few packages, he will reciprocate.