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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. a few more days left for this bad boy... right now its a steal!
  2. ....unless they have stuff that I want, then they can post sales with their first post....
  3. I think he rescinded his close for a bit longer, year I think the thread opened at 11:30 and was closed by 1:30
  4. So Brian, what is your proposed path to resolution now that he is paying attention to the matter? Is his declaration of "no interest" sufficient, or was there any impact (monetary or otherwise) to you holding the books for 2 months for him? "He said he definitely wanted the hero For Hire #1". 'Nuff said. An I'll take it is an I'll take it....period (whether you post the icon or not). It can't be any more clear than that. Oh I agree its clear that Mkk was clear in his intent to buy, and he should be held to it, I just thought the point of the PL was that there needed to be a way to come to resolution. I dont remember if LoneTree said he was looking for.... deal consummation a back-out monetary penalty for tying up his books for months. or just any sort of answer from the seller since MKK (up until this morning) has never said "Never mind I cant buy the books", but rather kept stringing LT along.. I assume the desire by LT was for the deal to be consummated, but since that doesnt look like it will happen is there any other way for MKK to "make things right" to get off the PL?
  5. So Brian, what is your proposed path to resolution now that he is paying attention to the matter? Is his declaration of "no interest" sufficient, or was there any impact (monetary or otherwise) to you holding the books for 2 months for him?
  6. Vader, Im starting to think you dont read my excessively long posts... See? I like them, so its not that I dislike them, but that I think there is a greater chance for tomfoolery vs the straight forward book sale. In your scenario if you thought a book was not as advertised you could: a) contact the seller and discuss returns/refunds, partial refunds, etc to "make things right". b) nominate the seller for the probation list (which would likely lead back to option a for the sake of resolution). in the mystery box scenario I posed part of what you are buying (along with a box of books) is a "chance" at a high dollar book, and how does a buyer prove that everyone got a "chance" and how does a seller prove that they didn't? I think the suggestion that at the end of the sale mystery boxes are disclosed, especially in the case of the "big prize" type mystery box sale.
  7. But what difference does it make if its a mystery box or a single issue? the difference is a mystery box is tougher to validate. Scenario 1: User A buys Action 1 from User B User A ends up with the stated book, User B ends up with correct ammount of $$$. Pretty straight forward. Issues might be around non-disclosed restoration, or grading disagreements, which can be raised, and dealt with. Scenario 2: User A buys one of 20 mystery boxes from User B who stated that one box would contain a Saga #1 RRP, the rest would be Image books worth $50 or so. User B keeps the RRP and doesnt put it in any of the 20 boxes. User A gets his books(no RRP) and assumes he didn't "win" the RRP, but the other 19 buyers also make the same assumption. How does this get checked? All it takes is 1 buyer to not reveal his mystery box contents for the Exactly. In scenario 2 what if theres a post by the seller that "Mystery Box 8 sold per PM" since some people dont like to do their buys in public, and we dont require buyer info to be disclosed couldnt the Seller just say "oh year I guess box 8 has the Action Comics #1"... So we could cover some sketchiness by saying All mystery box sales must be in-thread/public purchases?
  8. This is the same guy who I responded to with a big long list (30-35) of books he was looking for, gave me no response whatsoever (not even a no) and proceeded to "remove himself from this topic" without so much as a word. He's already shown that he does what he wants when he wants and could care less about anybody but himself. To bad you cant just ban people from posting in the WTB thread... seems that people get ahead of themselves posting in that thread (their own fault).
  9. But what difference does it make if its a mystery box or a single issue? the difference is a mystery box is tougher to validate. Scenario 1: User A buys Action 1 from User B User A ends up with the stated book, User B ends up with correct ammount of $$$. Pretty straight forward. Issues might be around non-disclosed restoration, or grading disagreements, which can be raised, and dealt with. Scenario 2: User A buys one of 20 mystery boxes from User B who stated that one box would contain a Saga #1 RRP, the rest would be Image books worth $50 or so. User B keeps the RRP and doesnt put it in any of the 20 boxes. User A gets his books(no RRP) and assumes he didn't "win" the RRP, but the other 19 buyers also make the same assumption. How does this get checked? All it takes is 1 buyer to not reveal his mystery box contents for the Seller to say "and thats the one that got the RRP!" As others have said, buy from long standing users you trust and they arent going to sacrifice their board reputation for a few scammed bucks. Buy from a new seller with under 100 posts? Avoid.... Right, I understand that you don't know what you are getting, but you can still loose your $$ the same way you can if you buy a single comic. Banning them just because of the unknown is like buying a raw off of ebay you just don't know. Its not even close to the same. You get a book with a grade and price. A scan is usually provided as well. You can inquire ask questions and pretty well know what you are getting. You can do the same on ebay with a raw book. What you cant do is any of the above usually with a mystery box auction unless its done in an almost transparent fashion which makes it more like selling a lot. Alot of very picky buyers on here. You can lose your $$ on either, but you can't dictate how people want to spend their $$. It's simple if you don't like mystery boxes don't buy and if you do go ahead. But please I don't want YOU telling me on what I can and can't buy. I dont think the point is being made around dictating how people want to spend their money. I think the point is being made around the potential difficulty in determining if a fair sale was made (when doing a mystery box trade). [caveat to all of this, I'm still in favor of allowing them and letting it be a buyer beware, everyone make their own decision about whether to send $$ to a low post newbie making promises] A newbie can come on, sell a book that someone buys and pays for. It is easy enough to determine if both parties held up their ends of the transaction. Lots of people here buy from new users, we take the risk. When we get burned it can be probation worthy until things are made right. Maybe the books are overgraded, mabe they didnt even send the books, maybe they intentionally sent the wrong one and packed up and left with the $$$. In those cases we can know if both parties met their obligation. With a mystery box sale it is tougher to determine if the seller met their obligation. Yes as long as they send you a mystery box as described, they met PART of their obligation. But in smashdash's sale part of what the buyer were buying was a chance at some bigger ticket books (why this mystery box sale was different than others), how do you (as a buyer) prove that you didn't actually get a chance at the Big Ticket book? (This is part of why states have Lottery commissions, and regulate casinos) Again, Im in favor of keeping mystery boxes around, but would STRONGLY encourage the community to push for those listing these types of sales to be transparent, and to document the process of the distribution. (Still could totally be a con even then, but thats when you allow people to decide whether they want to give $50 to someone they've never dealt with before).
  10. I know she's technically a superhero, but WW#199 and #200 have always been Gothic Horror to me... My new 9.0 from January CLink auction, replacing my 9.0 (apparent) Well centered, and presenting... sooo happy to get rid of my one PLOD in my set.
  11. Clink Janauary winning came in. Super Psyched for this well centered copy of Wonder Woman #200 even if its only a 9.0
  12. But what difference does it make if its a mystery box or a single issue? the difference is a mystery box is tougher to validate. Scenario 1: User A buys Action 1 from User B User A ends up with the stated book, User B ends up with correct ammount of $$$. Pretty straight forward. Issues might be around non-disclosed restoration, or grading disagreements, which can be raised, and dealt with. Scenario 2: User A buys one of 20 mystery boxes from User B who stated that one box would contain a Saga #1 RRP, the rest would be Image books worth $50 or so. User B keeps the RRP and doesnt put it in any of the 20 boxes. User A gets his books(no RRP) and assumes he didn't "win" the RRP, but the other 19 buyers also make the same assumption. How does this get checked? All it takes is 1 buyer to not reveal his mystery box contents for the Seller to say "and thats the one that got the RRP!" As others have said, buy from long standing users you trust and they arent going to sacrifice their board reputation for a few scammed bucks. Buy from a new seller with under 100 posts? Avoid....
  13. What do you wanna know? BEST First Post ever... While some think that comic book creators are just interested in creating a property to turn into a TV/Movie deal, it is great to see so many creators maintain their close (but respectful) relationship with the comic book fan base that helps support them regardless of a books buzz for a Hollywood pickup. Twitter, and other social platforms (including message boards) create a great way to maintain that tie that, in the early goings of a book, may be one of the deciding factors of a book continuing on or getting back burnered. Nick thanks for dropping in, and the same thanks goes out to your compatriots who arevisiting this board, tweeting to fans and in general continuing to foster the comic book community that we share in. I really liked your Secret Avengers arc, one of the better tie-ins for Fear Itself. And Morning Glories has been a favorite from day one (reminds me of some classic Manga stories)
  14. I agree its buyer beware, but if someone was pulling shenanagins with say selling restored books (non-disclosed) as unrestored, or showing a photo of one book and sending a lower grade one and not allowing returns then we'd be rallying around to run the seller out of town (or at least onto the Probie list)... it's like that. I dont think anyone is questioning Kev or Venom, but the other "mystery box" seller (whose name eludes me for the moment) was potentially pulling a fast one (saying book X would be in one of the boxes when it might not, and maybe even having a shill buyer take one of the boxes so they could collude that the book did actually change hands). 1 to 1 transactions are easier to ensure all parties are satisfied. Mystery boxes (especially when being sold in 20+ batches) are difficult to determine if the seller legitimately met his offer obligations or not since the buyers are spread around. When mystery boxes are all of equal value, there's far less worry of this. When there is a "big winner" type box, things start to get murkier (ie how do you verify that you actually had a 1 in however many chance for the book?)
  15. and yeah I agree buying a mystery box from someone with no history, or little history, especially in a mystery box listing that is more lottery than mystery is a dumb decision on the buyers part too...
  16. "Jackpot" style mystery boxes are ripe for shenanagins. (i.e. one box will include an Action Comics #1) because it ups the amount people are willing to pay for a "chance" at an outlier high price book. You get 30 people paying $100 a box, and then everyone who checks back in says "nope didnt get the Action" and the one guy who seems shilly says "oh yeah I got it, but I dont have a camera" or posts a stock picture? Shenanagins. More evenly distributed mystery boxes (value wise) are less apt to have that type of stuff pulled. Because every box has value to make it worth the price of playing. But trying to manage that is tough, and considering CGC didnt want to get into determining valid digital code sales vs invalid, I'd imagine they're going to err on the side of sweeping rule in one way or the other (all good, or all banned). Also if someone was pulling a fast one with mystery boxes how could they get PL nominated? How do the "make it right"? I could see it getting pretty "pitchfork"-y pretty fast if people think they've been had. Basic rules for Mystery Box listings: 1. Include picture of all items that will be distributed among boxes with your username & date. 2. Take pictures in your process of dividing up boxes/lots. What books ended up in what lots? 3. Be ready to reveal who got what if requested. 4. This is a mystery, not a raffle, not a lottery. No one should be expecting to "win big", just get items as described. Granted #4 is the most up for interpretation... but 1-3 should be pretty easy to make the stadard for mystery boxes, and still allow them to occur.
  17. Would it be easier just to have the people who arent selling their Saga/ NoWhereMen/ PeterPanzerfaust books start threads, and we'll just assume everyone else has them for sale?
  18. Selling my Infinity Gauntlet #1 CGC 9.6 SS Starlin Perez over in the marketplace> http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6357041#Post6357041
  19. Listing this tonight: Infinity Gauntlet #1 7/91 Marvel Comics Signature 9.6 WHITE SIGNED BY JIM STARLIN & GEORGE PEREZ ON 9/2/12
  20. I remember that day. I was off by 24 seconds. but then someone PIFed a great Green Lantern Sig book...
  21. for about 2 seconds I thought "is there some sort of iPhone variant cover of this?"
  22. Guy hasnt been online in a month (at least not here...) that does not bode well
  23. Are they not consummating the deal? I dont think its a problem as long as the seller is up front about deal being offered and entered into.
  24. I couldn't figure out if the 4% was worked in, or whether it was an add on. "I am asking for 4% for paypal payments." yeah its not 100% clear, but it sounds like the intent is 4% EXTRA. So 3% for paypal and an extra 1% for the seller? It is 4% for international I believe. Not that I'm defending this seller since i don't even know who or what this is about. that would explain it... if he wasn't located in Tuscon.. . but it is good to know!
  25. maybe I'll list books super cheap but charge a 10% handling fee to got with a 8% paypal fee and a 12% Ticketmaster Service charge... oh and a $5 invoice fee.