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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. Thank you (and @Randall Dowling) for the answer. It's a use of the term I had never encountered. Not that I've ever smoked, but my parents and some friends did (or do), and that's never been one that's really been in use around here. I think "butt" was the word normally used in the context you describe. Regional differences in language are just fascinating to me.
  2. I think the coupon was tied to my account; for having been a member for 20 (!) years.
  3. Not meant as a criticism, just honestly curious: I thought stogie was a term for a cigar, not a cigarette. Whenever you mention one I always do a double take and look to see if it's a Bonnie Parker lookalike on the cover.
  4. So, I wasn't really looking to get anything EC for a bit, due to budget constraints and a couple other opportunities. But then eBay offered a coupon for $25 off anything $25.01 or more, and this was one of the issues most in need of an upgrade I had. It's a Lone Star 1.8, otherwise known as a nicely presenting 2.5 or 3.0:
  5. I don't have any comic books that off register. Here's a pulp I have that's crazy off register, though:
  6. Despite everything, a lot of dealers STILL don't understand that reprints are not always dollar bin fodder anymore.
  7. I have three books that were sold to me as being from recognized pedigrees, and am strongly considering submitting all three for grading. I was wondering, though, what was required to prove that the books were actually from those pedigrees. One was a Gaines File Copy issue of Mad Magazine from the 80's, which I bought from Metropolis; the magazine bag has a printed label (the usual one from the seller) that states it's a Gaines File Copy. Another is a National Lampoon from the John G. Fantucchio collection from MyComicShop; all I have for that book is a screenshot of the original listing from the seller's website stating the pedigree. Finally, I have a issue of Panic from the Don & Maggie Thompson collection I purchased from another board member; that I have a certificate of authenticity for but the coa has no security features and I don't think it lists the specific book. Would any of those be enough for me to get the pedigree label on the books if I were to submit them?
  8. Well, it depends upon the giants. I was talking here about those St. John giants that were part of the regular series numbering. The story I mentioned, "Case of the Winking Buddha", can't be a remaindered book- the original was in the same format of "It Rhymes With Lust", and it was reformatted for the normal comic format. The last several issue of "Authentic Police Cases" are reprints with new covers of earlier issue, even though they're normal size books.
  9. So, this is the first time I've ever used this part of the forums, my apologies if I err in some fashion. I'm quite happy to provide more info or pictures if they will help.
  10. Even if they're partly reprints, I'm pretty sure they are not remaindered books, just normal reprints. Authentic Police Cases #25 reprints "Case of the Winking Buddha".
  11. I need to figure out how to display the one set of Lobby Cards I have. My dad worked in a theater when he was in college, and he got to keep some when he cleared out the storage, so I have a full set of eight cards from the original release of Bridge on the River Kwai. I keep thinking they would make a neat display.
  12. My only GFC... but at least I can say I have one!
  13. I'm guessing they wanted the first panel of the second Donald Duck strip for some reason, and wanted it cut very cleanly. So they cut it out with a little extra space on the edge, and then further trimmed it once it was out. My guess would be a scrapbook or some sort of art project. It's also possible the were more interested in whatever device Donald has (a primitive karaoke machine ) than Donald himself. That's as far out on a limb as I can go, and probably quite a bit further than is really safe.
  14. My copy is deep in storage, but I think I saw a copy at a local used bookstore a couple weeks ago. I'll look next time I'm there and see if I can get a photo. I would post my Dune paperback as well, but that's in storage too. So a couple different Dune images instead: (Don't be too impressed, the HC is a book club edition I lucked across a few years ago. I need to get a dust jacket protector for it ASAP, though.)
  15. I think Dune is only about 500 pages in paperback. The thickest vintage paperback I can ever recall owning (and it's not that old, late 60's or so) was Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I want to say it was around 1500 hundred pages? Just try finding a copy without a extremely rolled and cracked spine; I'm pretty sure there's no way to actually read it without causing some significant damage.
  16. That's one of the handful of issues from the series I have, and it's a great one. The flip side is just as awesome in terms of creative teams, only with a Bronze Age flavor: Wolfman/ Colan and Wein/Wrightson. It's not my favorite issue, though. That would be #10, the Monsters of Rock issue. Stories by Gene Simmons, Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, and Pat Boone. Edit: Since it's the one issue of TFTC I have, I might as well drop in the cover that's being swiped for comparison:
  17. Just a link that people who enjoy this thread might also enjoy. (Not mine, just found online. The whole site is neat, though.) https://pulpcovers.com/tag/enochbolles/
  18. I don't necessarily find it terribly useful as a price guide any more. But as a single book reference it remains wonderful, even with all the online sources we now have. I don't pick it up every year, but every 5 years or so I wear out my old one and get a new copy for reference. I mentioned this to my LCS owner today and he gave me last year's free; so I'm set for a while.
  19. You're not alone; I know quite a few of us feel the 232 should be the top Bronze Batbook.
  20. I may be very wrong, but I'm not sure the Star Wars 16 was ever in a multi-pack other than the Star Wars 16-17-18. So these sound like fairly random books to me; and that suggests to me it's just a coincidence. But that's just an informed guess. Great pick-up on the SW 16, by the way- it's an amazing story by Goodwin & Simonson. It was the first story by them I ever saw, and they are one of the all time great teams.
  21. I can only speak for myself, but I think it's just a rather archetypal robot cover. It may not do any particular part of the robot/ damsel in distress/ 50's SF better than any other cover, but it puts them together in a way that makes this look what people think 50's SF looks like even if they haven't seen this particular cover. Then you have the attention the cover got because it looks like Bender from Futurama; however accurate the connection may be it definitely got a lot of eyes on the book. There's a bit of a snowball effect where some covers just grow and grow in demand because people see other people want them and decide they want a copy as well.
  22. The Post covers really are great; he's clearly heavily influenced by Walt Kelly but he's bringing his own sensibility to the books. It extends to the Jimminy stories inside as well.
  23. The #127 is sadly incomplete, the centerfold is missing. Glad to have it at all, maybe someday I'll fill in the middle. At least 4 of the 5 Jimminy stories are complete.